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Question - Questions about MQ2 (1 Viewer)

Sep 23, 2015
Hi new Member here.

I just came back to EQ from 2002-3 and omg what a massive change to the game. I used to alt tab 2 accounts and had a blast doing it before RL caught up to me. Anyways I have been doing some reading here and can't seem to come up with the answers I was looking for. Just to come clean, I started this new journey thinking to use ISB to box some new accounts, but I have found that ISB is a great tool, but man is it hard to configure. To the point that I frankly admit to almost giving up on it. So I started looking for something easier to use and setup, which led me here. Love the concept guys, and from just looking at the beginner's guides it looks much easier to setup. And having been a WoW player for years I grew attached to my addons, which you have (yeah). However I didn't see alot of info about a few things:

1. Does MQ2 setup your video config? I have 2 monitors and want my main on 1 screen and the other 5 on the other screen in boxes. What happens when you want to switch to another char?

2. Does MQ2 manage your PC's resources? Like controlling the threading process or memory usage?

3. Can you setup character sets to tell MQ2 to play? Or is it a character plug and play according to what you have logged in with? Will it initiate the eqgame.exe for each account you want to log into?

4. If no to the above, can MQ2 be used in conjunction with ISB, and does it play well with it? Can I use ISB to setup chars and sets with video configs and then have MQ2 control the chars?

5. And lastly, can you actually play some or all your chars with MQ2 running? Like can I play the puller and have MQ2 take care of the rest? Like healing and DPS functions?

As you can probably tell, I want to play EQ, not necessarily automate it. But even with a ISB setup, multi boxing has a pretty steep learning curve.

Thanks in advance for any and all answers to my questions.
1 & 2, not really. Although MQ2FPS helps on number 2, it's doesn't really do what you're asking. You need WinEQ 2.0 for these.

3, I'm not really catching the question unfortunately. You'll have to configure each character by scripts, MQ2 will run these scripts as defined by you. I think someone made a plugin that loads all the accounts you want, but I haven't tried this and it's not pre-packaged.

4, can't answer this as I don't use ISBoxer, but my gut feeling says it should be very possible.

5, yes. MQ2 itself doesn't do anything to your characters, it's a framework to run the scripts and plugins of your choosing.
Dretski thanks a bunch for replying, here is what I know about some of these things.

1 & 2 Since I have a Lavishsoft account I know that WinEQ is made by Lavishsoft, but have never used it or even looked into it. I will go read up on it and it's capabilities.

3. ISB sets up your chars into char sets (like BRD-CLR-WAR) and then when you select that char set it will start up all 3 accounts with a video configuration that you can choose or customize.

5. I have read some posts on these forums that mention this, it's done by turning off melee controls. How exact is it? Can you just go into melee section and turn it off and then later turn it back on to do some afk grinding?

Thanks guys.
As with ISB, MQ2 is a tool. It will "assist" you in running your toons. Some macros (elaborate scripts) can automate your toons, and these are usually set up, started and stopped on each char individually.

MQ2 is very customizable to your individual needs, but deals primarily to actual game play, not computer setup or control.

From what I have read , it seems ISB works with MQ2.
1. ISB works great with MQ2 - I use ISB for the video scaling and loading of character sets myself. Though some like Wineq2 for simplicity.
2. EQ itself does very well now with resource allocation (CPU threading, and you can use the EQclient to turn off most memory intensive settings). Though ISB has extra settings to tune if you want/need to use that.
3. If you join Red's you get KISS which is a simple to setup script/ini file for MQ2 for any kind of character you want to play - mage, warrior, bard, etc.
4. same as above.
5. You can manually run a character, but even better KISS has manual mode that allows you to control the character while only "auto" the boring stuff like recasting buffs when needed.
Question - Questions about MQ2

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