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Strategy - Quick and Dirty Verina Tomb Tracker (1 Viewer)


New member
Dec 16, 2005
This is something i had put together to track Verina Tomb when i was farming my Enchanter Epic. This will work on any mob that cast spells, or emotes anything that's trackable via your log file.

This is written in powershell, and the only think you'll need to modify is the From email address, Phone#@serviceprovider or email if you just want an email. I had it setup to TXT me the sec she spawned. You'll also want to modify the EQLog part to match the toon you have the logs enabled for.

Then just modify the email username and password at the bottom so it can use the SMTP for sending mail. This was written to be used where MQ2 can not. I just thought i would share it, i had a newer version but i can't find it right now where i encrypted the password part, and pointed it to an encrypted file so it's more secure.

$From = "EmailAddressHere"
$To = "Phone#Here"
$Subject = "Verina Tomb"
$Body = "Verina Spawned!"
$SMTPServer = "smtp.gmail.com"
$SMTPPort = "587"
$EQLog = "C:\EverQuest\Logs\eqlog_EQToon_EQServer.txt"


If (Get-Content $EQLog -wait -Tail 10 | where { $_ -match "Verina" }) 
{Send-MailMessage -From $From -to $To -Cc $Cc -Subject $Subject `
-Body $Body -SmtpServer $SMTPServer -port $SMTPPort -UseSsl `
-Credential "EmailAddressHere, EmailPasswordHere"}

- - - Updated - - -

You can also adjust the search text to match "Verina Tomb begins to cast a spell" to make it more strict.
So i have this running...currently testing it on another mob that is spawned and showing up in my logs..It says the script is running but nothing is happening.
Any idea?
I just poopsocked this spawn on Rizlona, here are my times:

[2020/11/10 10:17:56] MQ2SpawnMaster::*[10:17:56] Spawn Killed: Verina Tomb (28589) at 10:17:56

[2020/11/12 22:44:53] MQ2SpawnMaster::*[10:44:53] Spawn Killed: Verina Tomb (1633) at 10:44:53

60 hours 34 minutes between spawns. (the log timestamp is 24hr clock, while spawnmaster's timestamp is 12hr though it doesn't list AM/PM. Probably something we should fix)

Most sources online say this is a 48-56 hr spawn, so I believe 60 hours is noteworthy.

As for the fight it's no problem for a lvl 60 six box group, and I imagine fairly easy for lvl 50's as well. The first fight I lost to a dps race, the second fight I prepared by configuring mq2spawnmaster and won :)
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Strategy - Quick and Dirty Verina Tomb Tracker

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