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/Random number (1 Viewer)


New member
Jun 8, 2005
Hi i looked on the site and did not see a post about this so here goes. Is there away to make a macro or is there already, So that you will always roll high, Say When you are in a group rolling for loot or at a casino?
This has been discused before, /random is held serverside now, unfortunately, so no, it's not possible :(

PS: If it was possible, it would be a plugin, not a macro. Macros automate tasks you could already do while plugins modify the game client side

PSS: Why wasn't this in the Questions and Requests forum?
if there was something that could do that, you should only use it if you really want the item or if u need the plat, and if you dont want it or need it, you can just turn it off and do normal /ran..........btw, ppl today seem to like the /ran 3 333, why is that? i know its fair but still :p
/Random number

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