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Request - Recast! (Macro Request) (1 Viewer)

Jul 17, 2013
This is just a basic macro request if anyone would consider working on it...

Basically just uses an aa or a disc over and over.

ie, Berserker axes... :D
Maskoi has a thread with many wonderful holy and down "shits" to use. The number six will take you to melee characters where a Berserker summon axe downshit awaits your viewing pleasure.

I have no experience with holyshits and downshits and I got this one going on my killing, plundering, axe making, stunning so they won't run Zerk daddio...

I just thought of something.
......................................................Are you wanting a macro specifically?

I hope this helped....
As always,
If you are using KA, and are just wanting it to keep a certain axe in inventory for use during combat, can always use the KA buff section to keep them "stocked".

Summon Items
You can now summon items by listing the spell, item and quantity to summon in the Buff section.
syntax: Spell Name|Summon|Item Summoned|Quantity See examples below mage, warrior, berserker
Rich (BB code):
Buffs6=Wand of Arcane Transvergence|Summon|Rod of Arcane Transvergence|1
Buffs7=Huntsman's Ethereal Quiver|Summon|Ethereal Arrow|200
Buffs8=Axe of the Savage|Summon|Axe of the Savage|200 
Buffs9=Huntsman's Ethereal Quiver|Summon|Ethereal Arrow|300
Buffs10=Mysterious Belt of Daggers|Summon|Well Balanced Throwing Knife|300
Buffs11=Dusty Soriz Worker Pouch|Summon|Shissar Fangs|500
So basically it would be
Rich (BB code):
Buff#="AA used to summon"|Summon|"Item Summoned"|"# Quantity you want in inventory"
It will summon said item until the quantity is reached or exceeded. When you drop below said quantity it will again summon till that number is again reached or exceeded.

I use this on my pullers ALL the time.
What is the exact name of the disc and how many times do you want to cast it. A simple macro just to cast a disc 10, 20 or 100 times is fairly easy.
Rich (BB code):
sub main
/declare count int outer 0
/for count 1 to how many times to cast
/if (${Me.CombatAbilityReady[Disc Name]}) {
/disc Disc Name
/delay cast time of the disc
/delay refresh time of the disc
/next count

Just replace the text in red with name of disc and delay times should work good for you.
Note: /dealys are 1/10th of second - so a delay of 5=half second, 10=1second, 20=2second
Request - Recast! (Macro Request)

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