Redguides Rules (tranzlashun ba' )
Yo' muss be above 13 years of age t'continue registrashun.
Ennyone foun' t'be age 13 o' unner will be eemeejutly banned, cuss it all t' tarnation. No 'ceptions.
We does insist thet yo' abide by th' rules an' policies detailed below. Eff'n yo' agree t'th' terms, please check th' 'ah agree' checkbox an' press th' 'Register' button below. Eff'n yo''d like t'cancel th' registrashun, click har to return t'th' fo'ums index.
Although th' administrato's an' moderato's of will attempp t'keep all objeckshunable messages off this hyar fo'um, it is impostible fo' us t'review all messages. All messages express th' views of th' autho', an' neifer th' ownys of, no' Jelsof' Enterprises Ltd, cuss it all t' tarnation. (developers of vBulletin) will be held responsible fo' th' content of enny message.
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Th' ownys of resarve th' right t'remove, edit, move o' close enny thread fo' enny reason, as enny fool kin plainly see.
Guide Disclaimer
All guides published by is a direcko'y an' aimed only fo' info'mashun. Enny illegal ackivity, includin' but not limited t'downloadin' of copyrighted material, is th' sole responsibility of th' reader.
RedGuides takes no responsibility fo' th' content of enny site o' program referred t'its guides, an' th' user accesses these sites an' programs at his o' her own risk. Shet mah mouth!
All guides may corntain links t'sites an' programs which is controlled by third parties. Them linked sites an' programs is not unner th' control of, an' is not responsible fo' th' contents of enny linked site o' enny link corntained in a link site o' program, dawgone it. Links may corntain inappropriate material, an' ennyone, includin' them unner th' age of 18, clickin' on enny link is solely responsible an' subjeck t'local an' federal law.
All guides an' info'mashun foun' hyarin is aimed fo' info'mative use only, an' RedGuides takes no responsibility fo' users illegally interin' enny of th' referenced sites o' usin' enny programs in an illegal way, o' enny sites in juneral, ah reckon. In this hyar regard, th' guides is only a direcko'y.
RedGuides does not corndone ackivities an' ackshuns thet bretch th' rights of copyright ownys. Piracy, o' copyin' of copyrighted material is a crime punishable by sevahe penalty. RedGuides may provide instruckshun as t'accessibility an' use of file-sharin' programs, sites an' communities, but takes no responsibility as t'use o' copyin' of material no' does corndone illegal ackivity. Be warned in th' event a user of said sof'ware fails t'comply wif laws govahnin' copyrighted propuhty sech user may be exposed t'criminal o' civil liability which may include postible fines o' imprisonment. One sh'd not download copyrighted material wifout th' owny of said material’s permisshun.
Yo' agree t'indemnify an' hold RedGuides, an' its subsidiaries, affiliates, parent companies, officers, ajunts, co-bran'ers o' other partners, an' employees, harmless fum enny claim o' deman', includin' reasonable atto'neys' fees, made by enny third party due t'o' arisin' outcher use of th' guide(s) yo' read, cuss it all t' tarnation.
Th' sof'ware linked in all guides is corntrolled by third parties, an' is in no way cornnecked wif, dawgone it. Th' links is provided 'AS IS' an' RedGuides is not responsible in enny way (includin', but not limited to) lost of data, use o' profits. We make no warranty fo' this hyar info'mashun o' sof'ware, an' yo' helter-skelter it atchar own risk. Shet mah mouth! recommends thet yo' haf antivirus sof'ware installed on yer computer fo' th' purpose of deteckshun, scannin' an' removal of known/unknown system viruses eifer pre-existin' on yer PC hard drive o' po'ted t'yer hard drive fum enny source. is not responsible fo' cookies, data-miners, spyware, o' ennythin' of this hyar so't as a result of accessin' enny listed site in this, o' enny other guide published by, dawgone it. We recommend runnin' an anti-spyware program regularly.
All guides published by RedGuides is a direcko'y fo' info'mashunal an' ejoocayshunal purposes only.
Yo' muss be above 13 years of age t'continue registrashun.
Ennyone foun' t'be age 13 o' unner will be eemeejutly banned, cuss it all t' tarnation. No 'ceptions.
We does insist thet yo' abide by th' rules an' policies detailed below. Eff'n yo' agree t'th' terms, please check th' 'ah agree' checkbox an' press th' 'Register' button below. Eff'n yo''d like t'cancel th' registrashun, click har to return t'th' fo'ums index.
Although th' administrato's an' moderato's of will attempp t'keep all objeckshunable messages off this hyar fo'um, it is impostible fo' us t'review all messages. All messages express th' views of th' autho', an' neifer th' ownys of, no' Jelsof' Enterprises Ltd, cuss it all t' tarnation. (developers of vBulletin) will be held responsible fo' th' content of enny message.
By agreein' t'these rules, yo' warrant thet yo' will not post enny messages thet is obscene, vulgar, sexually-o'ientated, hateful, thrett upin', o' otherwise violative of enny laws.
Th' ownys of resarve th' right t'remove, edit, move o' close enny thread fo' enny reason, as enny fool kin plainly see.
Guide Disclaimer
All guides published by is a direcko'y an' aimed only fo' info'mashun. Enny illegal ackivity, includin' but not limited t'downloadin' of copyrighted material, is th' sole responsibility of th' reader.
RedGuides takes no responsibility fo' th' content of enny site o' program referred t'its guides, an' th' user accesses these sites an' programs at his o' her own risk. Shet mah mouth!
All guides may corntain links t'sites an' programs which is controlled by third parties. Them linked sites an' programs is not unner th' control of, an' is not responsible fo' th' contents of enny linked site o' enny link corntained in a link site o' program, dawgone it. Links may corntain inappropriate material, an' ennyone, includin' them unner th' age of 18, clickin' on enny link is solely responsible an' subjeck t'local an' federal law.
All guides an' info'mashun foun' hyarin is aimed fo' info'mative use only, an' RedGuides takes no responsibility fo' users illegally interin' enny of th' referenced sites o' usin' enny programs in an illegal way, o' enny sites in juneral, ah reckon. In this hyar regard, th' guides is only a direcko'y.
RedGuides does not corndone ackivities an' ackshuns thet bretch th' rights of copyright ownys. Piracy, o' copyin' of copyrighted material is a crime punishable by sevahe penalty. RedGuides may provide instruckshun as t'accessibility an' use of file-sharin' programs, sites an' communities, but takes no responsibility as t'use o' copyin' of material no' does corndone illegal ackivity. Be warned in th' event a user of said sof'ware fails t'comply wif laws govahnin' copyrighted propuhty sech user may be exposed t'criminal o' civil liability which may include postible fines o' imprisonment. One sh'd not download copyrighted material wifout th' owny of said material’s permisshun.
Yo' agree t'indemnify an' hold RedGuides, an' its subsidiaries, affiliates, parent companies, officers, ajunts, co-bran'ers o' other partners, an' employees, harmless fum enny claim o' deman', includin' reasonable atto'neys' fees, made by enny third party due t'o' arisin' outcher use of th' guide(s) yo' read, cuss it all t' tarnation.
Th' sof'ware linked in all guides is corntrolled by third parties, an' is in no way cornnecked wif, dawgone it. Th' links is provided 'AS IS' an' RedGuides is not responsible in enny way (includin', but not limited to) lost of data, use o' profits. We make no warranty fo' this hyar info'mashun o' sof'ware, an' yo' helter-skelter it atchar own risk. Shet mah mouth! recommends thet yo' haf antivirus sof'ware installed on yer computer fo' th' purpose of deteckshun, scannin' an' removal of known/unknown system viruses eifer pre-existin' on yer PC hard drive o' po'ted t'yer hard drive fum enny source. is not responsible fo' cookies, data-miners, spyware, o' ennythin' of this hyar so't as a result of accessin' enny listed site in this, o' enny other guide published by, dawgone it. We recommend runnin' an anti-spyware program regularly.
All guides published by RedGuides is a direcko'y fo' info'mashunal an' ejoocayshunal purposes only.