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Redguide's Rules...In Redneck! (1 Viewer)


New member
Jan 26, 2005
Redguides Rules (tranzlashun ba' http://rinkworks.com/dialect/ )

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I can read it just fine but then again I am a redneck :p
And btw some of us can read :p :p :p :p
<snaps photo> And here, ladies and gentlemen, we have a prime specimen of the extremely rare Redneck Geek! The Redneck Geek is the only mammal known to allow /real-life/ fishing and hunting to interfere with his gaming time. If you ever see an I-Pod at a tractor-pull, chances are it will be connected to a Redneck Geek. Please don't get too close, as the Redneck Geek is often armed and dangerous; over the centuries, he has developed an amaizng defense mechanism: blinding projectile tabaccy spit.

Oh yeah, and though I don't fit _all_ the stereotypes, I do let fishing eat away at my game time ;), so I guess I qualify.... hmm.. if I had to define myself, I guess I'd be:

37% Geek
28% Intellectual
22% Outdoorsman / Sportsman (of the non-redneck bent - hiking, climbing, soccer, etc.)
13% Redneck

yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeehaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaww! (and all that jazz)
when I find an original version of the rules

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(in cockney for yer all)

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Is cockney like the british form of redneck or something?...lol i never heard of it b4...

Redneck and lovin it. =P and if you dont like it then i think a lynching is in order.
Redguide's Rules...In Redneck!

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