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Discussion - Remnants of Tranquility Price (1 Viewer)


Active member
Dec 3, 2018
Hello Everyone!

My team (WAR,CLR,ENC,BST,MAG,MAG) will be getting to level 90 soon. All of them has TBM gear and soon I will need to buy a LOT of Remnants of Tranquility to upgrade the augs that give this gear power. When I check the bazaar, however, I see it from 24-100 pp each with the lower price ones not abundant enough to gear my group. Looking at other guides I thought these could be farmed by the thousands in around 10 minutes by higher level groups so I thought this seems expensive at the bazaar.

What are your thoughts? Should I wait until prime time in my server and see if there are people who can sell Remnants of Tranquility for a cheaper price? What price seems reasonable for you?

Thank you for your feedback!
Farmed by the thousands in a few minutes? :ohdear:For people who can crush the missions and task, your going to have to make it worth it. If your on FV, with plat inflation lately, 24PP each is a steal. "Hypothetically" I am not going to go waste my time for what I can earn 10x in TS mats in the same time. I normally give them tbh, lol no need to hang onto them.
Hello Everyone!

My team (WAR,CLR,ENC,BST,MAG,MAG) will be getting to level 90 soon. All of them has TBM gear and soon I will need to buy a LOT of Remnants of Tranquility to upgrade the augs that give this gear power. When I check the bazaar, however, I see it from 24-100 pp each with the lower price ones not abundant enough to gear my group. Looking at other guides I thought these could be farmed by the thousands in around 10 minutes by higher level groups so I thought this seems expensive at the bazaar.

What are your thoughts? Should I wait until prime time in my server and see if there are people who can sell Remnants of Tranquility for a cheaper price? What price seems reasonable for you?

Thank you for your feedback!
I would defenitely ask in channels, probably alot of people who have shit-loads just laying around
Farmed by the thousands in a few minutes? :ohdear:For people who can crush the missions and task, your going to have to make it worth it. If your on FV, with plat inflation lately, 24PP each is a steal. "Hypothetically" I am not going to go waste my time for what I can earn 10x in TS mats in the same time. I normally give them tbh, lol no need to hang onto them.
Thanks for responses I saw a post earlier about completing Into the Temple (B) in less than 10 minutes at higher levels or completing tasks and resetting it.
Remnants at most should be 8pp per. At most. Don't give in to the prices. People are predators trying to take advantage of others. The higher level you go, the less sensical it becomes. I have seen remnant costs so high, that 1 aug was 1mil pp. ONE AUG!

Depending on the server, there should be quite a few guilds that have players with leftover remnants that you can strike a deal with.
I cannot keep remnants in stock on my trader and I sell them at 20 plat. The only farming I do for them are only when they are offered as a bonus task by Teek. Then I get double remnants.

I used remnants for one character one time for the basic level. To me there is better armor out there and I dislike the pyramid scheme of having to upgrade every few levels.

Many players prefer that route hence my low stock of remnants lol


you can also buy remnants thru Overseer
FV KR went from 4.5 (ish) to 8.5 (ish) in the last 12 months. KR = 1 month sub. plat = electrons... so "back in the day i used to be able to fill my car up for $5.. yeah, you also made 1.25 a hour... plat-flation is real. I still give them away, as others pointed out, people might have some just hanging out, but its a pain to click them all over, and 6 char worth? yeah, not gonna do that.
FV KR went from 4.5 (ish) to 8.5 (ish) in the last 12 months. KR = 1 month sub. plat = electrons... so "back in the day i used to be able to fill my car up for $5.. yeah, you also made 1.25 a hour... plat-flation is real. I still give them away, as others pointed out, people might have some just hanging out, but its a pain to click them all over, and 6 char worth? yeah, not gonna do that.
I don't understand the FV market at all. I don't believe it is inflation costs, it's more greed than anything and the market has started to be dictated by a small group of sellers.
I don't understand the FV market at all. I don't believe it is inflation costs, it's more greed than anything and the market has started to be dictated by a small group of sellers.
It is because people can sell raid gear and people that can't raid are willing to pay high prices for that gear. This in turn causes inflation and all prices increase. There now you understand.
It is because people can sell raid gear and people that can't raid are willing to pay high prices for that gear. This in turn causes inflation and all prices increase. There now you understand.
Raid gear and average, run-of-the-mill gear are two different things though. Last week I saw flawed and ornate defiant pieces selling for 10k+. And you don't need to be a prick about it.
I cannot keep remnants in stock on my trader and I sell them at 20 plat. The only farming I do for them are only when they are offered as a bonus task by Teek. Then I get double remnants.

I used remnants for one character one time for the basic level. To me there is better armor out there and I dislike the pyramid scheme of having to upgrade every few levels.

Many players prefer that route hence my low stock of remnants lol


you can also buy remnants thru Overseer
I was wondering about better armor since I thought this was the best group gear until level 105 and then I work my way up from fighting named in Empires of Kunark expansion and keep progressing from there.
I don't understand the FV market at all. I don't believe it is inflation costs, it's more greed than anything and the market has started to be dictated by a small group of sellers.
agreed.. I've seen so many ridiculously priced items in the baz there, fueled ONLY by greed.. trying to trick people into buying.. There's a few buyers out there too, same thing.. very predatory.. sickens me..

Patience is any baz buyer's best tool.. just because there arent any there right now under 20 plat, doesnt mean there won't be reasonable prices posted by other people..

(Shadow that second statement wasnt directed at you, rather the OP)
Patience is any baz buyer's best tool.. just because there arent any there right now under 20 plat, doesnt mean there won't be reasonable prices posted by other people..
Same goes for selling. If you dont have a need for plat fast, you are setting price hight. There are a ridiculous amount of rich ass people buying all kind of shit for stupid money
Same goes for selling. If you dont have a need for plat fast, you are setting price hight. There are a ridiculous amount of rich ass people buying all kind of shit for stupid money

It sure would seem like it.. A hella lot of ppl richer than me! lol
This is basic economics... People offer stuff for what they want to get. Others offer to get rid of stuff they have for coins. If the buyer and the seller agree to a price... that's how much its worth to them. That's not greedy or anything else, that's a market price.

If an item isn't worth that much to you don't spend that much to buy it. Don't complain about it though because you weren't willing to spend the currency needed to buy it. Similarly on the other side of the equation if no one wants to pay you what you think an item is worth, then that item is not worth as much to them as you think it is to you. You can lower your price or just hold on to the item.
Prices go up and down based on total plat in the market (MMORG is always going up) and item rarity within that market.
I was wondering about better armor since I thought this was the best group gear until level 105 and then I work my way up from fighting named in Empires of Kunark expansion and keep progressing from there.
Around 90-96 I would suggest 2 zones.

I think you could be starting in Tainted West Karana HA's given by Marla or Brother Estle. At least I found those to be the easiest. Others like the "Gribbles" one zone over in The Dead Hills. Also get bonus exp if these are offered thru Teek each day.

Any of these will give you really good exp at the end (nothing during the mission so you think it stinks lol) and Marks Of Valor. Now with Marks of Valor you can buy some nice armor or create nice armor and there are some weapons, augs and gear for your merc too on NPC for levels starting with 75.

But I did a little write up here about how to get some nice level 100 armor just using the Marks and 1 time purchase of 10k for the container. You don't use the armor drops because that costs more for regents. This is called Manifested Etheric will have approx 3000 https://www.redguides.com/community/threads/level-100-armor.81139/

The other zone that armor just falls out of the sky it seems is Shard's Landing. Same kind of deal where you buy a box and do combines in it with dropped armor.

The ROF/Shards gear is Boreal Armor of _____ = 2090-2250 hp/mana range

Everyone goes for the Boreal cause its not prestige and anyone can wear
Ok I realized i wasn't totally clear.

OK we are going to use what I think is the standard player's play time to give you an idea. We will assume that a standard player plays 21 hours per week. (Yes there are some that play more and some less).
On a blue server (normal ruleset) the player may or may not be in a raiding guild, let's assume they are. The attend every raid this week and get lucky and win a drop. You pay the fee to create the item (unless it's a simple equip item) and you wear it proudly. 2-3 weeks go by and you win your next piece of loot and you repeat. Eventually you outgrow your current gear so what do you do with it? You have 3 choices. 1. Let it rot in your bank. 2. Tribute it. 3. destroy it. once you outgrow it the value is really next to 0 (tribute maxes out too fast).
Now we use that same player on FV. Once he outgrows his gear he has an additional 3 choices. 1. Pass it to an alt. 2. Give it away. 3. Sell it.

So now this player on FV has some choices to make he can spend weeks raiding for a chance at loot or he can do other stuff and farm money to buy better gear from other players. Assuming he can't afford to spend real money on krono's he will farm items that he thinks others will want, but don't want to farm, and he will sell said items. On FV since nearly everything is tradable the value of items there will be higher than any other sever. People are impatient and want everything like 10 mins ago rather than waiting to get it. Is it greedy for them to want to make a profit off of their gear? NOT A CHANCE. Just as Wild Beagle stated it is economics. I hear the same whining from people in the real world that have less than someone else. XYA needs to pay their fair share. Just because someone has more than you doesn't mean they need to ensure that you get their leftovers for free. If someone wants to give away items at a reduced rate or free then more power to them, but don't get mad if they want to make a profit on the work they put into the game. You could just go play on a blue server and that issue becomes moot. IMO be happy that you have the ability to purchase nearly anything on FV.
Thank you for the feedback. My group started from scratch and I've already sold 1 Krono to help buy spells and gave my WAR all-access for a year since I figured it would always need the best gear and access to AAs. Looking the path ahead it will cost me millions of plat to get all my characters geared up with the most current TBM augs if I were to do it at the bazaar. Since I started fresh with no higher level assistance I think the best approach is Mark of Valor gear for my WAR with HA's from CotF expansion then head to Shards Landing and gear up everyone else. I have received Remnants of Tranquility at no cost from 1 other high level player before and grateful for their generosity after I spent hundreds of thousands of plat already for it in the bazaar. This act was not expected but nice to have nonetheless.
Thank you for the feedback. My group started from scratch and I've already sold 1 Krono to help buy spells and gave my WAR all-access for a year since I figured it would always need the best gear and access to AAs. Looking the path ahead it will cost me millions of plat to get all my characters geared up with the most current TBM augs if I were to do it at the bazaar. Since I started fresh with no higher level assistance I think the best approach is Mark of Valor gear for my WAR with HA's from CotF expansion then head to Shards Landing and gear up everyone else. I have received Remnants of Tranquility at no cost from 1 other high level player before and grateful for their generosity after I spent hundreds of thousands of plat already for it in the bazaar. This act was not expected but nice to have nonetheless.
This sounds like a good plan and getting a year on the Warrior is a good move.

Keep in mind that there are many ways to reach a goal in this game. Personally I buy very little in the baz and search for other ways to get Augs, Armor etc.

Sometimes it takes a long time but I just don't have the plat to even keep up with spells. So I really dig into which spell is good for that level and even check out the next level to see if there is a better version coming up.

There are some long quests that give good augs.

If you get time take a look at what anniversary quests are something you might want to do next month. There is https://everquest.allakhazam.com/db/item.html?item=123362 which has a short cut version and is one for sure. Its a easy, fast port. This is popular cause its a little lower level https://everquest.allakhazam.com/db/item.html?item=123281
It's been a while since I did the TBM stuff so I may be wrong, but are any of these comparable/better/easier for you to get? You also may be able to get by with only gearing your WAR, and maybe pet ears for your mages.
It's been a while since I did the TBM stuff so I may be wrong, but are any of these comparable/better/easier for you to get? You also may be able to get by with only gearing your WAR, and maybe pet ears for your mages.
The type 9 augs is how I compare TBM stuff to other group gear from different expansions. In my scenario with a level 90 WAR the Glorious Sulstone of the Sturdy (considered a tank aug) provides me 1508 HP and 111 AC in addition to the default stats of TBM gear. This I think makes it better than any other expansion for that level. It doesn't look like a big difference compared to VoA though...
Discussion - Remnants of Tranquility Price

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