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Question - Removing trash mob from play....... (1 Viewer)

Jul 18, 2015
I've seen this a few times when going to a camp. Occasionally some of the trash mobs that I have to kill are moved to an out of the way location and they just stay there and now I no longer have to clear trash to kill the placeholder/named. I assume whomever was there before me did that. My question is how did they do that?

How did they park trash mobs and make it so they stay there?
The mob stays at the parked location indefinitely. No snare or root on them. Just took over a camp where a mob that would be in the way was parked in a different location. Unfortunately it was in the way of the other named, so I killed it. 5 cycles now and that mob has not respawned or at least not where it's supposed to. Pretty sure it just did not respawn as I keep an eye on MQ2pop all the time and I was the only one in zone for at least 2 hours which is enough time for this mob to spawn 10+ times.

I know in Burden of The Past task for Degmar, you can tag the Captain an lead her below the bridge, eat a death there and she stays at your corpse. Not sure if that is what's going on.
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In the old days (this was around 2005 or so) there were many mobs which could be moved "slightly" out of the way by pulling with snare+fade(druid+CoH is how I did it usually) and the mob would stay there even after the snare expired.

The trick was not to pull the mob too far, ie pull it across the zone and the mob would warp back, but if it was moved only say 50- 100 locs away it would stay that way.

Basically you could make your own perfect camps :)
Question - Removing trash mob from play.......

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