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Problem - Repeating Crashes (1 Viewer)

Dec 24, 2017
So, I get this on my screen, yet all 7 boxes are still running. If I click Retry or Cancel, one toon will crash. I get this quite a bit. Anyone else experience this or know what it is about?

EverQuest Crash Detected
MacroQuest caught a crash:

Process ID: 3632
Location: peer_connected+0 (E:\MQ2Next\Plugins\mq2dannet.DLL+0000000000043B80)

CrashID: e46bf821-b20c-46c4-984b-faa7cb46dde5

You can either:
* [RETRY] Continue execution and hope for the best.
* [CANCEL] Write a crash dump and terminate EverQuest.

Copy the contents of this dialog to your clipboard by pressing Ctrl+C

Retry Cancel


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