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Request and a long shot (1 Viewer)


New member
Mar 8, 2006
I've been a member for about a month or so, and I think I'll renew my subscription, after all. This is a pretty cool forum and there are snippets tucked in here and there that are useful. Not to mention, I loved the attunable cheat that was posted last month, even if we only had half a day's access.

Alright, then, my question is, is there any other known way to un-attune an item? Any help would be appreciated.
None at the moment. Most any of the mobs that would do the transform have been fixxed. Any remaining ones are nerfed as soon as they go live and no one is gonna PM you about any current ones since there isn't much stopping you from turning aorund and posting it here or telling friends.

In fact the one last month was being watched by a gm and any new ones most likly will be as well.
Watched by a GM? I saw it posted on the official forums hours before it was here. It wouldn't need to be watched by a GM to be public with that sort of publicity.

Isn't that the whole point of this forum, to share information?
Yeah, but see, the problem is that I'm paying for information people aren't posting. I'm not getting what I'm paying for. Yes, I have a problem with this. Someone said in an earlier thread to fucking leave, hey, no problem, I'll take my cash to a site competitor.

I understand the concern and all, but if that's the case, the ads for this site really need to be changed to more accurately reflect what's being purchased.

Peace, I'm out.
xierra, did you ever stop and think that even though there *may* be a way to un-attune or recharge items, people just haven't come across it yet? If they haven't discovered it, how are they supposed to post it? You said you have a problem with people not posting information; what kind of exploit, bug, or information have you posted for the other members in the past month?

I don't remember reading anywhere in the ads saying you'll get information on how to dupe, un-attune, or recharge items. Please, correct me if I'm wrong and point it out to me.

Who do you think keeps the "site competitors" updated with information? Are there 10 people who work non-stop in EQ/EQ2/WoW to find any bugs or exploits? The vast majority of sites like this one rely on the people to keep their information current. If you feel you aren't getting what you paid for then maybe it is time to move on. You don't keep going to the same restaurant that serves food you don't like, do you?

You're talking with the attitude that the people here owe you something when in fact they don't. Maybe if you tried being a little bit more respectful with what you said besides "I paid for information they aren't posting" you might stand a better chance at getting information. No one wants to give information to someone being disrespectful because then that person will just stay around and continue to act that way.

Lighten up, relax a little, and remember that this is just a game.

Take it easy,
Besides the above reasons, every time I've seen someone post a mob who will unattune items it has been quickly nerfed. Mostly due to people blabbing about it. How does one know who will keep it to themselves, and who will tell the world? I know that I wouldn't tell anyone because that's how much I'd treasure the info, but I don't know anyone here in person, so how would I prove myself worthy?

And I don't know if they've added a box when you sign up for paying specifically to get info on how to unattune items, but there certainly wasn't one when I signed up. So unless that's the case, you are getting what you payed for. Cheats.
The most frustrating thing is when people dangle shit in front of your nose....such as "oh yeah....I have been using that hack for 3 months..it was great, too bad it was fixed in the last patch"..I understand why people don't share stuff...fine, but stfu about it....its just really too bad there is no legal way to filter sony people from this website.....there would at least be more sharing then.
From your own site front page -

"Does everyone else know about the newest exploits and bugs before you do? Did you not hear about the "fletching bows for 100k plat a day" trick, or the "put any item in any slot" exploit until they were fixed, nerfed and no longer working?

Then you're missing EQ Underground - The original, most often updated, and still the best Everquest exploit guide on the market. One of our writers plays a respected player on the Everquest Test server, another a guide on a PvP server, and the last is simply skilled at finding offsets and in-game exploits. We've always stayed up-to-date on the latest exploits and bugs, and now you can be a part of it."

There is no line in there about GMs that might be watching and exploits not posted because of it. My references are to exploits in general and withheld information, not about this one specifically. It really bites to be paying for access to this stuff and see people posting, oops, sorry, it doesn't work any more, when it was never posted in the first place!

I haven't renewed my subscription, after all, though, because this is what I was paying for, and I'm not getting it. I had intended to leave after my last post, but reading over this, it's obvious you missed the point.

Peace, I'm out.
I can't even begin to know how many exploits and bugs have come accross this site while I've been here. Tons. Like any evolving game, most get nerfed, and new ones take their place. Definitely worth the little amount of money my broke ass spends on this site. But, to each his own.
Imo, the hacks and exploits are rather nice, but all in all to me they are mere bonus compared to the pre-compiles of MQ that come out. I have only had mine for about subscription for like 4 months now, and I am going to gladly pay for another year when it burns out.
The occasional xploit and the ease of using precompiles (I can compile but why hehe) is great but I would be here just for the answers to my questions. I just wish I had more Red Cents to give cuz I ask a lot of questions...
xierra said:
From your own site front page -

"Does everyone else know about the newest exploits and bugs before you do? Did you not hear about the "fletching bows for 100k plat a day" trick, or the "put any item in any slot" exploit until they were fixed, nerfed and no longer working?

Then you're missing EQ Underground - The original, most often updated, and still the best Everquest exploit guide on the market. One of our writers plays a respected player on the Everquest Test server, another a guide on a PvP server, and the last is simply skilled at finding offsets and in-game exploits. We've always stayed up-to-date on the latest exploits and bugs, and now you can be a part of it."

Peace, I'm out.

I hate when items are quoted out of context. So lets take a look at what they do say your paying for. This is just the Exploits & Bugs portion.

Exploits & Bugs

The staple of EQ Underground, this is what put exploit guides on the link-bar. Most of these were learned from players /petitioning them, several were figured out on our own, and the rest we've learned from GM (guide) chat. UndergroundGuides is the only guide that constantly updates with new exploits, just look at the latest additions below!

* Max out your tradeskills without being at your computer.

* Level your character AFK from 1 to 70 (certain classes) while doing dishes, sleeping, sniffing paint, or whatever it is you do with your time.

* Ride your horse or drogmor without being obstructed by it's head.
Never heard of it.

* Raise weapon skills while AFK.
Unless its finally been complely nerfed its just two macroed chars fighting each other all night.

* Run faster without hacks or cheating.
No idea how to do it without cheating/hacks, but a plugin is made for it.

* Charm other players and have them do your bidding (PvP server only).
Never played on a PvP server so don't know about it.

* A new charm exploit allowing quick leveling from 19 to 45 (charm classes
Never heard of it.

* Make animals love you, even if you're not a druid.
Never heard of this one

* Cast while moving.

* How to max the skill "Pick Lock" in a few minutes.
Macro somewhere that just does it for you.

* How to get through locked doors without a rogue.

* Have an in-game map with monsters on it that you can target with a
simple click.

* Gain 100+ AA's per week while only being at the computer one hour per
day (certain classes).
See AFK macs

* Make your character a robot, and go AFK. We'll show you scripts that
will essentially play a character for you. Clerics that know when - and
who - to heal with certain spells. Shaman that know when buffs wear
off, and then recast them. Rogues that assist the main tank and circle
behind the monster to backstab. Every class can be a bot.
Mac bots

* Keep no-rent items forever. No more begging magicians for damage
Corpse bank

* Change your character's name.
It's posted somewhere. Just have someone petition your name as vulgar in some obscure language.

* Track any mob, any player, without having the track skill.
One of the plugins, but its sometimes buggy.

* Accidently loot your corpse of all items and still need a rez? No problem.
No longer matters since corpsed with XP stay.

* Change the registration information on any account you have access to.
This is a must-have for account buyers. This method makes you become
the original owner, allowing you to move characters between accounts,
and protect yourself from account theft.
I think this was only recently nerfed.

* Play Nude EQ. Ever wonder how people get nude photographs of their
characters? We'll show you how. (Note to the angry parents: Characters
are not anatomically correct - this isn't Hustler's RPG, it's not much
worse than a naked barbie doll)
I'm sure if you really want it someone could build you a plugin for BarbieQuest.

So that's what? Twenty proclaimed items contained within the site. Of that twenty I belive fourteen still exist in some form, and only two I see are confirmed nerfed in there current form.
Now lets move on to new items that have appeared here recently.

Mq2mission-no longer avaiable, but mq2tdon works.
The Lost notebook eye cheat-nerfed.
Solo Old World mobs
POJ Flags for Free
Farm 70.5 Spell Mission Boss Loot in 1 kill
MM macros
AFK Taskmaster-Sorta nerfed with the adding of a timer.
PoS Faction Exploit
3rd Loot Table for any DoDh mission that has a normal/hard setting.

These are just he ones I came up with off the top of my head. This not enough? Or are you looking to have only your exploit whims filled?

We've always stayed up-to-date on the latest exploits and bugs, and now you can be a part of it.

What have you added to the community? My coding abilities end at "hello world" so im limited to gathering data and noticing game mechanics that could be abused.
Request and a long shot

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