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New member
Aug 3, 2005

And maybe i can start it off.

I am a 45 year old Single father of 3 children which I am raising.
Living in British Columbia Canada.

I came from a dirt poor family with 13 brothers and sisters. (yeah tell me about it). And I was the 13th born.

I spent 15 years of my life in prisons (where i learnt to program) trying to get out of that poverty i was living in.
LOL didn't work.

After coming out of Prison I made my living selling fake Drivers Licenses to Young Americans looking to get into bars. Come 911 I stopped that because not only did I have the reputation of being trustworthy I was also known to produce the best quality licenses for over 12 States.

I made a real good living doing that but stopped because I thought there was going to be a major crackdown (there was came 2 years later with the charges against shadowcrew.com) and i woke up and realized that i might just oneday make an ID that was used by someone like the 911 a-holes. The Moniker I used back then was Phoenix. And please dont ask for ID's. I can still do but won't.

My claim to fame missing the boat.
Example watch TV and go to the guide that teleprompter showing you what is on is my code that I put in the public domain back in the mid 80's.
Example mag lev trains an Idea i had back in 1979.

My biggest fault generosity.
My best feature? My love for my Kids.

And no am not looking for a date LMAO.

Just thought it would be nice to know who all I will be talking to for the next while.

In real life I am the smartest person I know. And go ahead flame away 15 years in prison sure don't seem bright. In virtual life i meet ppl that are hella smarter than me and I like to be the one to ask questions once in awhile instead of expecting to know everything.

Anyhow I signed up for a year and will be fun to meet you all. I can contribute and will do so. Have read the boards and instead of reading thru tons of crap rants and flames to get to info I see good ppl helping each other.

And whether that is due to Moderating the boards well or because everyone likes to help....

I say NICE

Last thing assweasel is a character from a steven king novel.

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