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IRL - Returning since LDoN - 6 Box Team and Kiss vs RG Mercs (1 Viewer)


Active member
May 31, 2024
Hey all. Been away from EQ for a long time, since the start of LDoN, and interested in see what's changed.

I’m looking to six-box a team and dive into some of the old zones. There's a lot I never got to see back in the day.

For the team I’m thinking of going with the following:

  1. Shadow Knight (or maybe Warrior?)
  2. Cleric
  3. Bard
  4. Enchanter
  5. Berserker (or Mage?)
  6. Druid

I've been reading you can also 3 box with 3 mercs. This sounds easier but I like the idea of being in control of the whole team.

What I'm not too sure about is what to use. Kissassist seems like the obvious choice, but I like the out-of-the-box RG Mercs has.

If anyone has tips on setting up a six-box team, choosing between SK or Warrior, or any insights on Kissassist vs. RG Mercs, I’d love to hear from you!
Welcome To The Team GIF by MOODMAN

Welcome to RG and welcome back if you're a returning player!

Brd/enc are likely overkill. Use enc for casters and brd for melee or just go bard =)
Always play what you like, but typically the best dps results are consistent with keeping melee or casters together.

Kissassist - very functional, but be ready to update the ini's to suit your toons/team
RGMercs Orig/Lua - Pretty easy setup and use
CWTN plugins - The Cadillac. Paid resources but exceptional in performance and ease of use. Free on test server =)

Always start here RG Video

Watch the vids Sic has created as they are your greatest source of information. I would even recommend watching them twice. Toon Movement - AutoGroup/AutoAccept/MQ2Yes - Basic Overview

Once you have an idea of how things work, you'll want to look into some automation options. Check out Kissassist Beginners Guide, Kissassist Commands , RGmercs, and especially cwtn plugins ( you can also /testcopy your toons and use the cwtn plugins there for free and you'll want to spend some time looking at CWTN Plugins Explained.). New as of Feb 2024, RG Mercs Lua Version

I suggest getting your feet wet slowly and be patient as it takes time to absorb all this information. Try taking your toons somewhere safe and lower level at first and explore the automation options. It takes some time to get used to, so don't be surprised it if feels overwhelming at first.

Once you feel like your're getting the hang of it (or to get a more in depth idea of what this site can do), then check out the plugins, macros, and lua's available to complement your automation. Things like MQ2pluginmanager, buttonmaster, mq2autogroup, MQ2Autoaccept, MQ2Status, GuildClicky, Boxhud, MQ2Buffme , Magellan and more. You'll also want to see Lua event manager.

How do you get to see and experience all of this you ask? You need to be a level 2 member. To do that you have 2 options. First, you can subscribe (paid method) or second, you can use Red Cents. What the heck is a Red Cent you ask? Red Cents can you help with your subscription and it's the currency this site uses. Contribute helpful information (post here) and others will give you red cents and each red cent you give others returns one to you. check it out! Red Cents

Time to subscribe to level 2 and begin a journey you won't regret. Lots of info and a super helpful community here to help when you get stuck.
Last edited:
Hey all. Been away from EQ for a long time, since the start of LDoN, and interested in see what's changed.

I’m looking to six-box a team and dive into some of the old zones. There's a lot I never got to see back in the day.

For the team I’m thinking of going with the following:

  1. Shadow Knight (or maybe Warrior?)
  2. Cleric
  3. Bard
  4. Enchanter
  5. Berserker (or Mage?)
  6. Druid

I've been reading you can also 3 box with 3 mercs. This sounds easier but I like the idea of being in control of the whole team.

What I'm not too sure about is what to use. Kissassist seems like the obvious choice, but I like the out-of-the-box RG Mercs has.

If anyone has tips on setting up a six-box team, choosing between SK or Warrior, or any insights on Kissassist vs. RG Mercs, I’d love to hear from you!
I would recommend swapping the Brd or Enc for another DPS. No need for 2 CC classes. Same with the Clr/Dru. Go with another DPS class. I box a SK, Clr, Bst, Brd. Ber, Mag team and the Cleric has zero problems keeping the SK alive. The Brd does excellent CCing with Kissassist.

I've played around with the Lua RGMercs and it's pretty easy to use. I'd say for returning players, it's a good place to start and then maybe migrate to KA at later levels.
Thank you for the welcome Psy. I made a youtube playlist. Watching now.

Thanks eqsubi15. Yeah, Psy said the same with the chanter/bard. I used to main bard so I'll swap out the enchanter.

Do you need a teleporter these days? It's really why I was going to bring the druid along but I'd happily swap it out with another DPS even a wizard.

Yeah, was thinking to start with RGMercs and then when I need more control/automation switching down the road.
Do you need a teleporter these days? It's really why I was going to bring the druid along but I'd happily swap it out with another DPS even a wizard.
The jury is out on that one. I prefer to have one (I use both a dru/wiz in diff groups) but I also have a couple of groups without one. A bit more running but modern game does not "really" require it.

Yeah, was thinking to start with RGMercs and then when I need more control/automation switching down the road.
Try them all I say =)
Bard might be a bit easier with RG Mercs Lua imo.
Welcome! And RGMercs Lua is a great tool if you want more in-game action and less time spent on configuring your character INI's.

Also I would recommend checking out the post in my signature for reducing risk while using MQ.

Hey all. Been away from EQ for a long time, since the start of LDoN, and interested in see what's changed.

I’m looking to six-box a team and dive into some of the old zones. There's a lot I never got to see back in the day.

For the team I’m thinking of going with the following:

  1. Shadow Knight (or maybe Warrior?)
  2. Cleric
  3. Bard
  4. Enchanter
  5. Berserker (or Mage?)
  6. Druid

I've been reading you can also 3 box with 3 mercs. This sounds easier but I like the idea of being in control of the whole team.

What I'm not too sure about is what to use. Kissassist seems like the obvious choice, but I like the out-of-the-box RG Mercs has.

If anyone has tips on setting up a six-box team, choosing between SK or Warrior, or any insights on Kissassist vs. RG Mercs, I’d love to hear from you!
You don't have enough DPS you need the Mage over the Berzerker and you need to dump the Druid for a Beastlord or Rogue. You can even get rid of the Enchanter to add a Beastlord and Rogue.

Kissassist vs RGMERCS Lua is an easy one for me the Lua wins. Derple keeps it updated. So you don't have to constantly craft 6 ini files. If you can do that you're a Kissassist guy.
Thank you for the welcome Psy. I made a youtube playlist. Watching now.

Thanks eqsubi15. Yeah, Psy said the same with the chanter/bard. I used to main bard so I'll swap out the enchanter.

Do you need a teleporter these days? It's really why I was going to bring the druid along but I'd happily swap it out with another DPS even a wizard.

Yeah, was thinking to start with RGMercs and then when I need more control/automation switching down the road.
Teleports are nice, but really not needed these days. Bard speed + double-invis and you can get pretty much anywhere fast. Run two toons with the bard and drop a campfire to bring in the others with ease.
Welcome fellow newcomer!

You're asking some of the same questions I did when I joined a couple of days ago.

About your group comp, I recommend checking out Shadow's thread: https://www.redguides.com/community...in-making-solid-groups-for-content-wip.82986/
As that type of question seems to be constantly asked around here, especially by newcomers. I did learn a lot from that thread (read the replies).

I've searched everywhere for answers and unfortunately there's an equal number of people who say YAY and say NAY to practically every group comp I have seen, including which class is good to play.

The best I have seen is; play what you want and try it for yourself. If you don't like it, try something else. Of course, there are an equal number of those who say YAY and NAY to this (would you have fun playing a group comp that's terribly inefficient and sucks??? etc).

Thank you everyone for the help. I'm up and running. Level 5 seeing how far I can get in blackburrow. After watching the videos it all made sense. Watching Pokscribe run was actual magic. This is a lot of fun.

Oh, one thing I can't figure out is why everyone is small. Its not a complaint, it actually makes navigation easier but is there a setting for this?
Welcome To The Team GIF by MOODMAN

Welcome to RG and welcome back if you're a returning player!

Brd/enc are likely overkill. Use enc for casters and brd for melee or just go bard =)
Always play what you like, but typically the best dps results are consistent with keeping melee or casters together.

Kissassist - very functional, but be ready to update the ini's to suit your toons/team
RGMercs Orig/Lua - Pretty easy setup and use
CWTN plugins - The Cadillac. Paid resources but exceptional in performance and ease of use. Free on test server =)

Always start here RG Video

Watch the vids Sic has created as they are your greatest source of information. I would even recommend watching them twice. Toon Movement - AutoGroup/AutoAccept/MQ2Yes - Basic Overview

Once you have an idea of how things work, you'll want to look into some automation options. Check out Kissassist Beginners Guide, Kissassist Commands , RGmercs, and especially cwtn plugins ( you can also /testcopy your toons and use the cwtn plugins there for free and you'll want to spend some time looking at CWTN Plugins Explained.). New as of Feb 2024, RG Mercs Lua Version

I suggest getting your feet wet slowly and be patient as it takes time to absorb all this information. Try taking your toons somewhere safe and lower level at first and explore the automation options. It takes some time to get used to, so don't be surprised it if feels overwhelming at first.

Once you feel like your're getting the hang of it (or to get a more in depth idea of what this site can do), then check out the plugins, macros, and lua's available to complement your automation. Things like MQ2pluginmanager, buttonmaster, mq2autogroup, MQ2Autoaccept, MQ2Status, GuildClicky, Boxhud, MQ2Buffme , Magellan and more. You'll also want to see Lua event manager.

How do you get to see and experience all of this you ask? You need to be a level 2 member. To do that you have 2 options. First, you can subscribe (paid method) or second, you can use Red Cents. What the heck is a Red Cent you ask? Red Cents can you help with your subscription and it's the currency this site uses. Contribute helpful information (post here) and others will give you red cents and each red cent you give others returns one to you. check it out! Red Cents

Time to subscribe to level 2 and begin a journey you won't regret. Lots of info and a super helpful community here to help when you get stuck.
This post is very helpful to me. Bookmarked.

Hey all. Been away from EQ for a long time, since the start of LDoN, and interested in see what's changed.

I’m looking to six-box a team and dive into some of the old zones. There's a lot I never got to see back in the day.

For the team I’m thinking of going with the following:

  1. Shadow Knight (or maybe Warrior?)
  2. Cleric
  3. Bard
  4. Enchanter
  5. Berserker (or Mage?)
  6. Druid

I've been reading you can also 3 box with 3 mercs. This sounds easier but I like the idea of being in control of the whole team.

What I'm not too sure about is what to use. Kissassist seems like the obvious choice, but I like the out-of-the-box RG Mercs has.

If anyone has tips on setting up a six-box team, choosing between SK or Warrior, or any insights on Kissassist vs. RG Mercs, I’d love to hear from you!
Gifted one month of level2 access.

The emphasis is on melee DPS now. The current UberGroup arrangement is SK, BRD, SHM, BST, ROG, BER. While my group is similar to yours (SK, BRD, SHM, DRU, ENC, MAG) and I plan to stick with it for now, I have created some hybrid and melee alts to substitute later. Ultimately, I'd like to run 18 with a tank group, melee group, and caster group. At lower levels, it doesn't matter at all. The only thing I'd add as a caveat is that if you plan to run just one group forever, then I'd run the UberGroup. You can run a variation of it with your CLR instead of a SHM if you'd like. There are people who swear by it on the forum. The other variation to consider is substituting a RNG for the ROG or BER if you want some more utility. It will drop the groups DPS, but like all things, it's a trade-off of one benefit for another.

Welcome back and regards.
Unless the Druid is your main, definitely cut that toon out and get yourself a melee dps. Take the advice about the enc and brd as well.
Id recommend a beastlord
Teleports are nice, but really not needed these days. Bard speed + double-invis and you can get pretty much anywhere fast. Run two toons with the bard and drop a campfire to bring in the others with ease.
That is the first functional use I've actually heard for Bard speed. Thanks. I'm saying this because I'm new to Bards.

Someone said it's a melee DPS game, but my best group is a Pally, Shaman, Beastlord,Mage, Beastlord, Necro for group content and missions. Level 2 and 3 spell matter this group runs circles around the perfect melee group of course I can field one of those so it still comes down to your play style no matter how much you parse it.
maybe you loaded mq2autosize
That was exactly it. Thanks!

Gifted one month of level2 access.
Thank you so much! The community here has been very welcoming.

It's been almost a week back on EQ. My team is level 45 and the journey has been a lot of fun so far. On the MQ side of things I think I got that all figured out. Been tweaking the Lua of RGMercs a bit and boxing in general is pretty simple. However, on the EQ side I'm so confused. What is this game now? I got a fellowship going, but heroic stats, auto-grant AAs, housing, auras, what is all of this? There's systems on top of systems. My head spins when I click on the EQ button and see all the options. I've been ignoring 99% of everything and just grinding out some levels. Been great, but am I having fun wrong?
My Ideal, long term single group is:
1. Shadow
2. Berserker
3. Rogue
4. Mage
5. Bard
6. Shaman

Back in LDoN, I think I played the following:
1. Warrior
2. Rogue or Monk
3. Wiz or Shadow
4. Enchanter
5. Mage
6. Cleric

While this second setup is solid for old zones, I gravitated to the first group over time. Once I started boxing 2 groups, I reinstalled the second group and played with different toon setups. But the first six has not changed since I put it together, they are my default setup for all things. YMMV.

The game has changed greatly through the years, build your foundation and max your basics before worrying about all the other stuff. Don't try and level too fast, get your AA's and Epics. Once you have your foundation, the rest will start to come as you build and grow. It can definitely be over whelming coming back after a long time away, just remember that you're back due to nostalgia, so enjoy the journey. If it was easy, you'd be playing WoW.

Be sure to search the forums for all topics, it should be your default go to. Tons of great knowledge lives in the depths of this forum.

Hey all. Been away from EQ for a long time, since the start of LDoN, and interested in see what's changed.

I’m looking to six-box a team and dive into some of the old zones. There's a lot I never got to see back in the day.

For the team I’m thinking of going with the following:

  1. Shadow Knight (or maybe Warrior?)
  2. Cleric
  3. Bard
  4. Enchanter
  5. Berserker (or Mage?)
  6. Druid

I've been reading you can also 3 box with 3 mercs. This sounds easier but I like the idea of being in control of the whole team.

What I'm not too sure about is what to use. Kissassist seems like the obvious choice, but I like the out-of-the-box RG Mercs has.

If anyone has tips on setting up a six-box team, choosing between SK or Warrior, or any insights on Kissassist vs. RG Mercs, I’d love to hear from you!
Welcome back! I actually recently returned for Teek after a 10 year break and after a week of burning myself out on Teek I decided to return to MQ and a Live server. What server are you playing on? I've started some newbies on Mischief (because of the ruleset and what I thought was a decent population) but may consider starting fresh on FV (again).
That was exactly it. Thanks!

Thank you so much! The community here has been very welcoming.

It's been almost a week back on EQ. My team is level 45 and the journey has been a lot of fun so far. On the MQ side of things I think I got that all figured out. Been tweaking the Lua of RGMercs a bit and boxing in general is pretty simple. However, on the EQ side I'm so confused. What is this game now? I got a fellowship going, but heroic stats, auto-grant AAs, housing, auras, what is all of this? There's systems on top of systems. My head spins when I click on the EQ button and see all the options. I've been ignoring 99% of everything and just grinding out some levels. Been great, but am I having fun wrong?
No your not doing anything wrong! Play the game your way, no hurry. No one know 100% of the game in the first hour.

There is a "any level" short tutorial in POK given by Secalna Galnor [Tutorials] that will get you started on some of it like housing, baz etc

There is a lot of info like using the "find key" or "Hiring Mercs" that is available in the base tutorial. But since you can't get into that one over level 15 you may want to make a character and run thru that to help out. You can delete him after, no need to keep it around.

Auto grant is your AA and only applies to accounts that pay and AA start at level 51 but you won't need auto grant till many levels after that.

The good thing is any questions can be answered with a simple "google" ")
Welcome back! I actually recently returned for Teek after a 10 year break and after a week of burning myself out on Teek I decided to return to MQ and a Live server. What server are you playing on? I've started some newbies on Mischief (because of the ruleset and what I thought was a decent population) but may consider starting fresh on FV (again).
For context, I played on FV for several years and have a number of level 100-108 toons on various accounts. As insane as it sounds, I've seriously considered either offloading their gear onto a bank mule (just the highest level stuff) and recreating them from scratch just to get a fresh start on the server, versus paying $$ for Mischief each month.
Hey all. Been away from EQ for a long time, since the start of LDoN, and interested in see what's changed.

I’m looking to six-box a team and dive into some of the old zones. There's a lot I never got to see back in the day.

For the team I’m thinking of going with the following:

  1. Shadow Knight (or maybe Warrior?)
  2. Cleric
  3. Bard
  4. Enchanter
  5. Berserker (or Mage?)
  6. Druid

I've been reading you can also 3 box with 3 mercs. This sounds easier but I like the idea of being in control of the whole team.

What I'm not too sure about is what to use. Kissassist seems like the obvious choice, but I like the out-of-the-box RG Mercs has.

If anyone has tips on setting up a six-box team, choosing between SK or Warrior, or any insights on Kissassist vs. RG Mercs, I’d love to hear from you!
Welcome back! That is a very long hiatus! That Evercrack just just hit different, you can never fully kick that habbit! 🤣
Ok, so team dinnged 60 recently. Been sticking to a lot of old world stuff way out where no soul would venture but, I saw an old post suggesting the snakes in Sunderock Springs. They conned yellow at 60 and what harm could a lone snake do to a full team of 60s? Well, we wiped in about 12 seconds. That thing ripped through my team like a goddamn raid boss. What the hell happened? I know I'm missing like half my spells, and in mostly crude defiant but wow. The power creep is insane.

So, what's the plan from here? All six toons are F2P and I have like 500p to my name and no AAs. Do I truck on to level 70, grind out AAs, or farm something to get some gear/spells?
Ok, so team dinnged 60 recently. Been sticking to a lot of old world stuff way out where no soul would venture but, I saw an old post suggesting the snakes in Sunderock Springs. They conned yellow at 60 and what harm could a lone snake do to a full team of 60s? Well, we wiped in about 12 seconds. That thing ripped through my team like a goddamn raid boss. What the hell happened? I know I'm missing like half my spells, and in mostly crude defiant but wow. The power creep is insane.

So, what's the plan from here? All six toons are F2P and I have like 500p to my name and no AAs. Do I truck on to level 70, grind out AAs, or farm something to get some gear/spells?

There's yet another option that will cost a little. But give some serious 'right-now' appropriate guidance and almost perfectly timed help. Heroic character upgrade(s); Level 85 or 100. They come with everything you're asking/needing 'right-now', bypassing the chicken or egg first, question. You won't gain as huge benefit as new/younger characters might. But even at 70, when you see what's included, I think you will be impressed and pleased. Anyway, just another option available (at a price) for your consideration. See Google for directions to complete details. There's a ton of info available, quick start: Everquest heroic characters.
There's yet another option that will cost a little. But give some serious 'right-now' appropriate guidance and almost perfectly timed help. Heroic character upgrade(s); Level 85 or 100. They come with everything you're asking/needing 'right-now', bypassing the chicken or egg first, question. You won't gain as huge benefit as new/younger characters might. But even at 70, when you see what's included, I think you will be impressed and pleased. Anyway, just another option available (at a price) for your consideration. See Google for directions to complete details. There's a ton of info available, quick start: Everquest heroic characters.

Interesting they sell characters like that. I appreciate the solution but I'm enjoying the grind at the moment. I actually don't mind getting my ass kicked. It's kinda why I'm back to EQ for the challenge. Just curious where to put my efforts after being away from the game for so long. Like as far as I know you hail an NPC in PoK and you get 10,000 AAs or something.
Ok, so team dinnged 60 recently. Been sticking to a lot of old world stuff way out where no soul would venture but, I saw an old post suggesting the snakes in Sunderock Springs. They conned yellow at 60 and what harm could a lone snake do to a full team of 60s? Well, we wiped in about 12 seconds. That thing ripped through my team like a goddamn raid boss. What the hell happened? I know I'm missing like half my spells, and in mostly crude defiant but wow. The power creep is insane.

So, what's the plan from here? All six toons are F2P and I have like 500p to my name and no AAs. Do I truck on to level 70, grind out AAs, or farm something to get some gear/spells?
If you aren't specifically against it and you are on FV, I can hook you up with some basic income plat so you can afford spells. Message me.

Once you are 70, look into armor from the TBM(The Burning Mirror) expansion which can give you coverage in all slots for a pittance in the expansion currency (I can also provide some of that). The armor can later be augmented as frequently as every 5 levels to update the stats, but skipping some tIers may be a thing. As a bonus, the augments resell for roughly 90% of their purchase up until the level 100 requirement, where it drops to about half value. Additionally, the focus effects are full strength until level 111.

It isn't the easiest to earn the currency yourself, but it is surely better than empty slots and trying to fill them with the dregs left on the bazaar for that level range. While I can't commit to giving you a total free ride there, I don't mind handing out a jumpstart to help unstick you from the "I need plat for gear and spells, but I need gear and spells to make plat" loop.
Also want to throw out that all characters on test have gold status, if you are willing to deal with some of the downsides like a wonky economy, and being a guinea pig on patches etc. Worth a web search for more info. Also some upsides like being able to use certain plugins here for free.
Ok, so team dinnged 60 recently. Been sticking to a lot of old world stuff way out where no soul would venture but, I saw an old post suggesting the snakes in Sunderock Springs. They conned yellow at 60 and what harm could a lone snake do to a full team of 60s? Well, we wiped in about 12 seconds. That thing ripped through my team like a goddamn raid boss. What the hell happened? I know I'm missing like half my spells, and in mostly crude defiant but wow. The power creep is insane.

So, what's the plan from here? All six toons are F2P and I have like 500p to my name and no AAs. Do I truck on to level 70, grind out AAs, or farm something to get some gear/spells?
Getting tank outfitted with the best defiant for your level would probably help a lot. Elaborate starts at level 60 I believe. Intricate is also usable at that level may actually be slightly better until you get a few more levels.
Paying for and jumping to a higher level will not make things easier really. Its just a short cut but mobs will still be difficult unless your using the higher Heroic to fight those level 60 snakes.

I would suggest to try a couple of the Hot Zone quests offered by Teek in POK. If your level 60 then get the ones for 50/55/60 all at one time. If you only ask for one of them per day then it will lock you out till tomorrow, so ask for how many ever you want. They are just go kill 5 of a mob.

Go do them and see which works for you. The upside of this is you will get bonus exp, an item of gear per level and plat. The gear is a belt with haste, shoulder item or cloak. That will help you get a little better armor. Sometimes good augs drop in those zones too.. You can sell to an npc vendor the gear you don't use or see if it moves in the baz.

Also you can go back to LDON which is good for level 60 stuff if you like dungeons. Lots of drops in there too so loot everything, some of the tradeskill drops for baking sell very well in the baz or barter.
If you aren't specifically against it and you are on FV, I can hook you up with some basic income plat so you can afford spells. Message me.
That is very generous. Thank you for the offer, but I really do enjoy the grind.

Also want to throw out that all characters on test have gold status, if you are willing to deal with some of the downsides like a wonky economy, and being a guinea pig on patches etc. Worth a web search for more info. Also some upsides like being able to use certain plugins here for free.
I looked into test. This actually sounds like exactly what I'm looking for. Low pop, free gold status, wonky economy. To just explore EQ and see what's changed in the last 20-some years this is the perfect server. Once MQ is updated for test I'm going to re-roll here.

Getting tank outfitted with the best defiant for your level would probably help a lot. Elaborate starts at level 60 I believe. Intricate is also usable at that level may actually be slightly better until you get a few more levels.
Prioritizing the tank makes sense. Way overdue for some gear upgrades. Was just shocking how fast that damn snake chewed through the SK. Doubled for 700 in the first second.

Paying for and jumping to a higher level will not make things easier really. Its just a short cut but mobs will still be difficult unless your using the higher Heroic to fight those level 60 snakes.

I would suggest to try a couple of the Hot Zone quests offered by Teek in POK. If your level 60 then get the ones for 50/55/60 all at one time. If you only ask for one of them per day then it will lock you out till tomorrow, so ask for how many ever you want. They are just go kill 5 of a mob.

Go do them and see which works for you. The upside of this is you will get bonus exp, an item of gear per level and plat. The gear is a belt with haste, shoulder item or cloak. That will help you get a little better armor. Sometimes good augs drop in those zones too.. You can sell to an npc vendor the gear you don't use or see if it moves in the baz.

Also you can go back to LDON which is good for level 60 stuff if you like dungeons. Lots of drops in there too so loot everything, some of the tradeskill drops for baking sell very well in the baz or barter.

I've been avoiding hotzones while I learn MQ a bit more. Very concerned about my janky movement tipping off some white knight but after looking at the rewards it was a bit of a lightbulb moment. Like, oh that's where you get the cloaks, shoulders, and belts. I'll give them a try in the middle of the night.
That is very generous. Thank you for the offer, but I really do enjoy the grind.

I looked into test. This actually sounds like exactly what I'm looking for. Low pop, free gold status, wonky economy. To just explore EQ and see what's changed in the last 20-some years this is the perfect server. Once MQ is updated for test I'm going to re-roll here.

Prioritizing the tank makes sense. Way overdue for some gear upgrades. Was just shocking how fast that damn snake chewed through the SK. Doubled for 700 in the first second.

I've been avoiding hotzones while I learn MQ a bit more. Very concerned about my janky movement tipping off some white knight but after looking at the rewards it was a bit of a lightbulb moment. Like, oh that's where you get the cloaks, shoulders, and belts. I'll give them a try in the middle of the night.
Hey my dude, you can /testcopy if you'd prefer, no need to reroll. RG has an excellent guide on the very basics HERE.
IRL - Returning since LDoN - 6 Box Team and Kiss vs RG Mercs

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