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Question - Returning Veteran (10 year layoff), Loading up MQ2/KA. Do I have this concept correct (1 Viewer)


New member
Jul 13, 2015

I know programs like this are a nice luxury and something we want to protect, not abuse, nor draw unwanted attention to in the MMO community. My wife and I are returning EQ veterans who played extensively from 99-2005. After years of toying around with other games we've decided to come back to EQ (as nothing comes close). The nostalgic feelings alone are worth a million. We have no friends in game but plan to level up, find a guild and hopefully be back on top the server in one of the more prominent raid guilds.

That being said, we aren't 21 anymore. We are both Corporate America junkies with 9-5 jobs. No kids so our evenings are free. That being said, after hearing about TLP servers we came over to Lockjaw and created some characters (we have some 8-9 accounts from back in the day). I'm looking to these forums to help us be a little more self sufficient in our path to making 50 asap in prep for Kunark.

What I dont want to do is:
Farmed Named
Make Plat
Abuse Camps
Bot AFK while we are at work

We just want to roll up a few toons and automate the rest of the group instead of us both trying to control 2-3 computers. Not really interested in Mercs (might switch toons before hitting 50). That beind said, it sounds like we are in the right place. If I could ask for some clarification between:

IS Boxer

My Understanding it that MQ2 is kind of the "base framework". It enables cooler maps, some easy macro commands and things that can be entered from the command line. If Im not mistaken though theres no full automation of characters here. No botting, just some extra help when playing?

KissAssist runs on top of MQ2? This is where we dive in to character ini files and other files to enable full blown character automation? Whether it be AFK botting or other toons in my group auto playing, this is where KA comes in?

Finally ISBoxer appears to be a legitimate app for helping you "actually play" multiple toons on a single PC. Not just from a UI perspective but it actually manages memory and windows well.

Do I udnerstand these components correctly? Did I leave anything out. Bottom line, I want to run my own group of toons between 2 people on 2-3 computers. It sounds like I may want all 3 of these? I assume of course they will all work together and play nice. I've looked at the MQ2 setup, and that seems very fast. KA seems more involved but still not rocket science.

Am I too optimistic in thinking all I need to do is download MQ2, then KA and update my .ini files than figure out how to use ISBoxer to manage EQ instances? Seems like it might only take an hour or so for a first timer. Thoughts?

My Understanding it that MQ2 is kind of the "base framework". It enables cooler maps, some easy macro commands and things that can be entered from the command line. If Im not mistaken though theres no full automation of characters here. No botting, just some extra help when playing?

You're correct about the base framework. MQ2 makes EQ extensible, and is the launch-point for pretty much everything you'll find at redguides. Modern MMO's are extensible out of the box (think of WoW's addons) but EQ needs MQ2.

KissAssist runs on top of MQ2? This is where we dive in to character ini files and other files to enable full blown character automation? Whether it be AFK botting or other toons in my group auto playing, this is where KA comes in?

That's right! KissAssist is one of many macros that let you automate characters, but it's unique in that we fully support it, it works on every class, and most everyone here loves it. Like all macros, it requires MQ2.

Finally ISBoxer appears to be a legitimate app for helping you "actually play" multiple toons on a single PC. Not just from a UI perspective but it actually manages memory and windows well.

ISBoxer is an optional method of running multiple EQ windows. I've never personally used it. Regular EQ does this just fine with window mode, much better than it did back in 2005 :) Most people I know use WinEQ2 (which is free) or just regular EQ. I prefer WinEQ2.

Am I too optimistic in thinking all I need to do is download MQ2, then KA and update my .ini files than figure out how to use ISBoxer to manage EQ instances? Seems like it might only take an hour or so for a first timer. Thoughts?

Not at all, that's our hope! If it takes a second longer let us know and we'll help.
Am I too optimistic in thinking all I need to do is download MQ2, then KA and update my .ini files than figure out how to use ISBoxer to manage EQ instances? Seems like it might only take an hour or so for a first timer. Thoughts?


Hi EqVet,

I can answer the last part of your question, me not being as technical and informed as most here.
The answer is yes to a certain degree, it is easy to install and configure, but there is an indepth complexity to learn to become ''efficient and effective'' (if you are unfamiliar with basic programming logic as I am/was).

I got this 3 weeks ago and love it so far, I am learning everyday by testing, reading the forums and guides. I simply recommend doing the same and being patient of course!

Cheers and welcome back.
I have used ISBoxer and though there are benefits, you can accomplish everything you need using one of MQ2's plugins (MQ2EQBC). The easy to switch between windows, computer resource management, ability to have all windows visible at once with easy swap between, video feeds from other clients layered on your current client, broadcasting of keys to multiple clients, etc.....these may be beneficial to you.

I see that you are planning to use this on the new TLP which officially, KA is not supported on (though it does work).

Also, you might want to read the eq forums before you plan on doing afk camps and abusing camps. There is quite a witch hunt going on between forum posters on the use of MQ2. I think DBG is caught in a bind since they see that many MQers are paying for multiple accounts and are the ones that tend to stay for the long haul but if you are a big abuser, they will suspend you.

I think if you really want to use MQ safely, no one is caring so much about the live servers these days. I've seen afkers parked at the same camp day in/day out for months on end. I don't think you would get away with something like that on TLP. There's a whole thread of certain individuals complaining about a single mage either afking or macroing bone chip farming in paineel. I mean really.....he's getting about 20 bone chips an hour and an uncrowded area and people are complaining. He might not even be a MQer (it looks to me he has a G15 keyboard running a loop of /target a_decaying_skeleton, /pause 10, /pet attack). He also seems to be semi afk as he does switch things up a bit.

The TLP servers are not as nostalgic as you may hope. I don't want you to think they are classic because they are far from it. Your chances of raiding with the life that you describe is almost nil as this era will be won by poop sockers and people willing to be batphoned.

I suggest you find your nostalgia on a live server (some servers are much more tolerant of MQ...the less populated ones). Also you won't even need to pay if all you want to do is old zones. If you want the closest to nostalgia feel, go for p99 but know that boxing and MQ are forbidden.
Hey Calaxa, not sure if you saw all of my original posts but we do not plan on doing afk camps and abusing camps. We just want to run a few toons while we group.
Oops...I misread that...I thought that's what you wanted to do.....I see it says now that's not what you want to do....lol.

Ok you still fall into the boxer camp and many people there associate boxers with botters (even though there is a distinction). As such, you may be unfairly trained, griefed, etc. This is the nature of TLP. Just wanted to warn you. There is ample grouping and as I understand, LockJaw is the nicer of the two servers. If you're not racing, play around with MQ and KA on a live server where it will be tolerated to a much higher extent. Then if you want to go to the TLP, it's still there and you don't sound like you're racing anyway.
Based on your post, the fee for ISBoxer wouldn't be much of a hardship.

Assuming that's the case, I'd definitely pick it up. It's a little clunky to configure at first, but the tiled instant-switching windows are amazing for playing one one character and automating a couple extra.
Based on your post, the fee for ISBoxer wouldn't be much of a hardship.

Assuming that's the case, I'd definitely pick it up. It's a little clunky to configure at first, but the tiled instant-switching windows are amazing for playing one one character and automating a couple extra.

Yeah expense is no issue. I'll be sure and look in to it. Thanks
I haven't played on the progression servers so someone here can maybe verify this, but I didn't think Kiss would work on that server. Only some plugins and macs work.

Awesome that you are coming back. I played from 2002-2005ish and came back after 10 years as well.
I got MQ loaded up with no issues and Kiss working "fairly" well so far. I wouldn't say I've tweaked anything yet but I can pull mobs and have casters nuke em down so it's looking promising. Im off work today so plan to put a few more hours in to this.
You will be banned if you bot on TLP for any extended period of time... Its just too crowded with nowhere to hide. On Live you can do it till the cows come home, unless you do something stupid like AFK for days on Brother's Island lol. With TLP most people just train your group, or some have gone as far as to live stream your bot team, and post on official forums... hence getting you banned. That said I'm in the same scenario as you, and have been AFK botting since 2006. Its fun, and challenging, but going and doing it on TLP isn't the best idea.

Welcome back! I've just recently restarted my clients to level from scratch on a new server. With over 20 lvl 100+ characters on my old server it just got too boring with PLing and infinite supply of plat. I've also dropped my characters down to 2 from 6, I wasn't enjoying playing that many anymore. EQ is still a great game and I love it. That and its pretty much free when you can just farm plat for kronos with your teams ;) Sometimes I get board and just buy the Krono's off here or playerauctions between $5-$10 per. Anyhow, do what you want and have fun ;)
Might have already been said but, you should consider learning MQ2 and macro botting where there is little chance of someone griefing you. Some of the live servers, Trakanon for example, has such a low population you can play all day and not encounter another player, especially in the older, mid-level zones. I have a couple lower level groups and really enjoy the peace and quite there some times. It is much easier and safer to work out the details when no one is around to see your toons do weird things.
Question - Returning Veteran (10 year layoff), Loading up MQ2/KA. Do I have this concept correct

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