Earlier today Gary Gygax, the creator of Dungeons and Dragons passed away, age 69. Whilst this may not mean much to a lot of you, I urge you to google the name.
Gary Gygax was the father of RPG's. As such, it was his *massive* influence on an entire generation of people that created MMORPG's. Without him, we would not be playing Everquest/WoW/Vanguard etc... now. I hope that everyone here will join me in paying their respects to a great visionary, without whom we would not be spending/wasting countless hours gaming today.
RIP Gary Gygax, you finally rolled a 1.
Gary Gygax was the father of RPG's. As such, it was his *massive* influence on an entire generation of people that created MMORPG's. Without him, we would not be playing Everquest/WoW/Vanguard etc... now. I hope that everyone here will join me in paying their respects to a great visionary, without whom we would not be spending/wasting countless hours gaming today.
RIP Gary Gygax, you finally rolled a 1.