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Ripping off trader bazaar bug (1 Viewer)

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Feb 7, 2007
First: http://forums.station.sony.com/eq/posts/list.m?topic_id=125126

Toon (I think I know who as he's on same server) lost a lot when someone bought 17 porous loam for 805kpp total rather than the expected 5.1 million.

The bug is EQ doesn't handle numbers over 32 bit integer so 4,294,967,296 copper is the theoretical max unsigned number eBay system can handle. If you set a single item more than that or a stack with combined value more than that, the number would roll over. In this case, the buyer's expected 5100000000 copper - 4,294,967,296 copper limit = 805032704 net sale or 805k as he got.

I do not know if the buyer gets the savings or not but it's a way to rip off traders. Lastly if you have any stack with total value exceeding 4 million, hide the extra in the bank!!!

Check your server for porous loam, exquisite spinneret fluid, and exquisite marrow. (any other high value stackable item?) If someone has stack with value more than 1 million, create a new toon (use throw away account like free EQ trial), buy em up, xfer everything out, delete toon, and sit back and watch the firework in the chat.
EQ tradermode can't sell items for a total of more then 4,294,967,296 copper which is 805kish pp. If you try and buy a bunch of items that total more then 805k you get them for 805k.

If you buy plat watch for this issue also. I had a friend try and buy 10mill and they wanted her to set up a trader with 10 items listed at a mill a piece. I was a good thing she was at the PC when the trade went down.

The server doesn't eat the extra it stays on the person buying the item.
so what if someone is selling just 1 item for over the 805k mark? Would you get said item for 805k or does it work diff then what i am thinking?
If you are selling a single item then you will not go over the 32bit int number. It has to be multiple items at at 805k times X to get past the 5mill mark. At least this is what I get from the reading so far. I also would worry about if you char had done many sales and had 5mill on them. They may also hit this I would think.
Something I will never know since I have never had the patience to do the bazaar thing. The most I have ever had was 500k on me at any one time. Someone want to give me a few million plat so I can find out. ^)
um, if you can possibly find a merchant that sells an item that would amount to over 1 mil total of say a stack it might, but there isn't anything that costs that much that i know of
Don't think the mount bag stacks, and even then the most you can get is 70k per bag after the loss from selling the most expensive mount. If they stacked, it'd probably be to max of 20 or about 1.4 million plats and not near the 32 bit value limit.

The number I used are in copper as it's how the system stores value, using plats will work as well in place of 1000 copper per plat. And no it's not just 805k, it was what the trader received after the number rolled off. If the total value is over 4 million, the trader gets the amount minus 4 million due to roll overs.
Just tested this buying almost 1 million in porous loams. Does NOT work. I had 999,999 plat worth in copper ... Took all appropriate money.
1 million is not enough, needs to be more than 4.3 million total for the number to roll over. No one in bazaar (on my server) has stocked more than 4.3 million worth for me to test since someone posted the bug detail on SOE forum.
could you just test it with 2 accounts and one item set at that price, rather then blowing that amount on another player?
the emergancy patch they had a couple days ago in the patch notes said something about a bazaar bug fix

December 17, 2007

*** Bug With Bazaar Pricing ***


Here's some important news regarding the Bazaar.

Currently there is an issue when setting prices for stacked items in bazaar. Do not sell a stack of items worth more than 4,294,967 pp (platinum pieces) total.


If you are selling a bottle of water for 1 plat each and have in a stack of 20 of them, the total would be 20 plat this pricing would not be bugged.

However, if you are selling a bottle of water for 214,750 plat each and have them in a stack of 20, the total value would be 4,295,000 pp but you would lose lots of platinum due to the bug.

We apologize for the inconvenience and hope to have this issue fixed as soon as possible. Please note that due to the complexity of the issue, a resolution may not be pushed live until the beginning of the year due to the holiday break. However, the status for a fix is currently pending.

Thank you.

- The EverQuest Team
Ripping off trader bazaar bug
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