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Problem - Running Everquest on Parallels Desktop on my Mac (1 Viewer)

Jul 26, 2011
Hi, all! I know I never post on here, but I have a question that needs an answer from someone who knows things (this person is obviously not me). I am running Everquest on Paralells Desktop on my Macbook and have been able to successfully run the game for awhile - my PC has had a major malfunction and it is taking some time to repair but I should be able to box at least 1 group on my Macbook if I can get Macroquest to imbed in the instance. Each time I attempt to load MQ I get an error. This is what debug tells me.

[2023-02-27 12:01:35.530] [MQ] [info] [MacroQuest.cpp:1131] New process detected: 9632
[2023-02-27 12:01:35.532] [MQ] [info] [ProcessList.cpp:712] Requesting injection into process id 9632 with delay 1000ms
[2023-02-27 12:01:36.545] [MQ] [debug] [ProcessList.cpp:939] Injecting MQ into eqgame.exe: pid=9632
[2023-02-27 12:01:36.601] [MQ] [debug] [ProcessList.cpp:997] eqgame.exe version: Feb 13 2023 12:50:47 pid=9632
[2023-02-27 12:01:36.621] [MQ] [info] [ProcessList.cpp:1069] Injection completed on process id 9632
[2023-02-27 12:01:37.124] [MQ] [debug] [NamedPipes.cpp:225] Created PipeConnection: connectionId=3 pid=9632
[2023-02-27 12:01:47.323] [MQ] [debug] [NamedPipes.cpp:322] PipeConnection::HandleReadComplete: pipe closed. connectionId=3
[2023-02-27 12:01:47.336] [MQ] [debug] [NamedPipes.cpp:906] Closing connection. connectionId=3
[2023-02-27 12:01:47.340] [MQ] [debug] [NamedPipes.cpp:232] Destroyed PipeConnection: connectionId=3 pid=9632
[2023-02-27 12:01:47.343] [MQ] [debug] [MacroQuest.cpp:1137] Process closed: 9632

Has anyone seen this before and know a solution? Thank you to anyone in advance - and as a sidenote, even if this cannot be remedied, you guys are all badasses and made Everquest fun again. I appreciate you all!
Hi, all! I know I never post on here, but I have a question that needs an answer from someone who knows things (this person is obviously not me). I am running Everquest on Paralells Desktop on my Macbook and have been able to successfully run the game for awhile - my PC has had a major malfunction and it is taking some time to repair but I should be able to box at least 1 group on my Macbook if I can get Macroquest to imbed in the instance. Each time I attempt to load MQ I get an error. This is what debug tells me.

[2023-02-27 12:01:35.530] [MQ] [info] [MacroQuest.cpp:1131] New process detected: 9632
[2023-02-27 12:01:35.532] [MQ] [info] [ProcessList.cpp:712] Requesting injection into process id 9632 with delay 1000ms
[2023-02-27 12:01:36.545] [MQ] [debug] [ProcessList.cpp:939] Injecting MQ into eqgame.exe: pid=9632
[2023-02-27 12:01:36.601] [MQ] [debug] [ProcessList.cpp:997] eqgame.exe version: Feb 13 2023 12:50:47 pid=9632
[2023-02-27 12:01:36.621] [MQ] [info] [ProcessList.cpp:1069] Injection completed on process id 9632
[2023-02-27 12:01:37.124] [MQ] [debug] [NamedPipes.cpp:225] Created PipeConnection: connectionId=3 pid=9632
[2023-02-27 12:01:47.323] [MQ] [debug] [NamedPipes.cpp:322] PipeConnection::HandleReadComplete: pipe closed. connectionId=3
[2023-02-27 12:01:47.336] [MQ] [debug] [NamedPipes.cpp:906] Closing connection. connectionId=3
[2023-02-27 12:01:47.340] [MQ] [debug] [NamedPipes.cpp:232] Destroyed PipeConnection: connectionId=3 pid=9632
[2023-02-27 12:01:47.343] [MQ] [debug] [MacroQuest.cpp:1137] Process closed: 9632

Has anyone seen this before and know a solution? Thank you to anyone in advance - and as a sidenote, even if this cannot be remedied, you guys are all badasses and made Everquest fun again. I appreciate you all!
what is the error?
this above doesn't give any information at all

"get an error"

gonna need more =p

do you have a crash ID?
what is the error?
this above doesn't give any information at all

"get an error"

gonna need more =p

do you have a crash ID?

Thank you, Sic. This is the active error I am given. There is also a .dmp file, but I am unsure how to read it in such a way as to be able to post the error code in here. The only thing I could think to do was to open it in Notepad but that appears incompatible.
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View attachment 46678

Thank you, Sic. This is the active error I am given. There is also a .dmp file, but I am unsure how to read it in such a way as to be able to post the error code in here. The only think I could think to do would be to open in it Notepad but that appears incompatible.
to save folks old eyeballs and typing - if you still have that error window if you can just "control+c" in it and then paste the stuff, so we can snag that crash ID from there

@brainiac will likely have the best input on that, mebbe @Knightly - but appears to be graphics related
EverQuest Crash Detected
MacroQuest caught a crash:
Location: PSGPSampleTexture+0 (C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\d3d9.dll+0000000000001160)

CrashID: 11c0e68a-1927-4603-9858-4b62e80c0634

You can either:
* [RETRY] Continue execution and hope for the best.
* [CANCEL] Write a crash dump and terminate EverQuest.

Retry Cancel

to save folks old eyeballs and typing - if you still have that error window if you can just "control+c" in it and then paste the stuff, so we can snag that crash ID from there

@brainiac will likely have the best input on that, mebbe @Knightly - but appears to be graphics related
My apologies on that.
EverQuest Crash Detected
MacroQuest caught a crash:
Location: PSGPSampleTexture+0 (C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\d3d9.dll+0000000000001160)

CrashID: 11c0e68a-1927-4603-9858-4b62e80c0634

You can either:
* [RETRY] Continue execution and hope for the best.
* [CANCEL] Write a crash dump and terminate EverQuest.

Retry Cancel

My apologies on that.
all good, appreciate you helpin folks helpin you
Not sure on cause tbh sorry, but i decided to use bootcamp and partition the SSD on my macbook and install windows like a regular laptop and it runs 10 boxes great. prob more if needed
But i guess it depends what CPU your mac has for that option, mine is Intel I7, so had no issues,
@Barnal I ran EQ on a work iMac for many years. Every year we got a new system, I had to reinstall and it was a way to run a baz guy and a run around mule for me. I did run a group just fine. I used Wine. I found this for you (as its been a long time and I no longer have a Mac to try it).

also from our own forums, Dannuic posted:

Thank you on both ends, I will look into Wine. So far, I have used Crossover (which self-admittedly does not support software modification in the way Macroquest modifies Everquest), and Parallels, which should work as it plays EQ. I think the issue is with the M1 chips which came out in 2021. The post you refer to is a little outdated, but I will definitely check if WINE might have a remedy.
Thank you on both ends, I will look into Wine. So far, I have used Crossover (which self-admittedly does not support software modification in the way Macroquest modifies Everquest), and Parallels, which should work as it plays EQ. I think the issue is with the M1 chips which came out in 2021. The post you refer to is a little outdated, but I will definitely check if WINE might have a remedy.
I could not find a more recent type post, that may or may not be the exact setup I used. I don't remember. It was not terribly difficult to setup.
Also, hopefully someone else will chime in on this, I thought I recall something about the windows mac os programs (like parallel) were considered bad by DBG/DPG
I could not find a more recent type post, that may or may not be the exact setup I used. I don't remember. It was not terribly difficult to setup.
Also, hopefully someone else will chime in on this, I thought I recall something about the windows mac os programs (like parallel) were considered bad by DBG/DPG

Haha. This may be true, but I feel like Macroquest is also frowned upon. No, I appreciate the help. Thank you!
DPG has a prohibition on virtualization in their TOS but I’ve never heard of someone getting suspended for running on a Mac or Linux. I doubt that’s an issue (as Barnaul said, MQ is an issue).

The issue is the M series chip, but we’ve never drilled down into why. Waiting on someone to send brainiac an M series~
if your using an ARM-based Mac MQ will crash EQ in Parallels with a DirectX 9 error.
However, I have gotten MQ and EQ to work in Crossover but MQ2Dannet will cause it to crash and the Redguides launcher will not work due to .Net framework in Crossover not working correctly in a 64-bit bottle.

what you can do is run the Redguides launcher in Parallels to patch up MQ and upload that to Onedrive. Then flip over to MacOs run crossover download MQ from one drive into a windows 10 bottle and then it will work.

Can find more info about running it in Crossover in this thread.
if your using an ARM-based Mac MQ will crash EQ in Parallels with a DirectX 9 error.
However, I have gotten MQ and EQ to work in Crossover but MQ2Dannet will cause it to crash and the Redguides launcher will not work due to .Net framework in Crossover not working correctly in a 64-bit bottle.

what you can do is run the Redguides launcher in Parallels to patch up MQ and upload that to Onedrive. Then flip over to MacOs run crossover download MQ from one drive into a windows 10 bottle and then it will work.

Can find more info about running it in Crossover in this thread.
Thank you!
I run EQ in an intel Mac and also on a MacBook with the M1 processor. Both use Parallels and work just fine.

I'm sure you've done this but just in case...

1 - make sure you update Parallels to the most current version.
2 - Here is the tricky part. You need to install the DirectX 9.0c https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=8109
- Do not do the directx update for the current DirectX (it's like DirectX 11 or something like that. It won't install the proper files EQ looks for)
3 - After the directX install restart your windows instance in Parallels.
4 - start up EQ and in the login screen click the verify assets and let EQ do its scan.
5 - once its done Click the play now and have fun playing EQ!

I hope this helps some.

oh - you also have to play in windowed mode not full screen. (Its actually better that way if using multiple toons)
I run EQ in an intel Mac and also on a MacBook with the M1 processor. Both use Parallels and work just fine.

I'm sure you've done this but just in case...

1 - make sure you update Parallels to the most current version.
2 - Here is the tricky part. You need to install the DirectX 9.0c https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=8109
- Do not do the directx update for the current DirectX (it's like DirectX 11 or something like that. It won't install the proper files EQ looks for)
3 - After the directX install restart your windows instance in Parallels.
4 - start up EQ and in the login screen click the verify assets and let EQ do its scan.
5 - once its done Click the play now and have fun playing EQ!

I hope this helps some.

oh - you also have to play in windowed mode not full screen. (Its actually better that way if using multiple toons)
Thank you. This is exactly what I have gone through and am able to play Everquest without issue. I just cannot get MacroQuest to run.
Did anyone ever get this fully resolved? I am running the latest version of parallels on an m1 mac and with the instructions above EQ runs fine. Just can't get it to run with MQ2...it crashes instantly with the same error message Barnal posted above. Just wondering if there is any new thoughts on how to fix this?
Did anyone ever get this fully resolved? I am running the latest version of parallels on an m1 mac and with the instructions above EQ runs fine. Just can't get it to run with MQ2...it crashes instantly with the same error message Barnal posted above. Just wondering if there is any new thoughts on how to fix this?
It's just MQ now no 2, but to answer your question no it will not run on Parallels you will get a DX9 error.
Also, running EQ in a VM will get you banned whether you run MQ or not. Daybreak actively checks for this and it is not a matter of if but when. It's not like MQ where if used responsibly you can somewhat fly under the radar so to speak.

If you want to run it on an Apple Silicon you will have to run it through Wine\Crossover.

See my post above where I linked to the thread that explains how to do this.
Thanks for the update Cybris. I have EQ running on Crossover but haven't sorted out how to get MQ2 running on there yet.
No worries, I do use Pharrell’s to run the redguides laucber and have the folder in the launcher set to my bottle drive that crossover uses.

The redguides launcher won’t work in crossover because there is a problem with ,net running correctly in a 64 bit bottle.
So just curious with this...
I am running a M2 Pro Macbook, and I am playing on an EMU, so daybreak is not my problem. I am getting this same error. reading what your saying that makes sense why.

I can try to run it in crossover... but my question is will MQ2 work with Cross over? If not then i am not really going to keep trying at this.
Yes, MQ2 works with CrossOver. Launcher does does not work, but you can download the latest version of VV and copy it to the bottle EQ is installed. I can run 6 - 8 accounts without a problem....most of the time. After several hours of play, accounts will freeze randomly but can be unfrozen by hitting "retry" on the crash dialogue box that pops up. NOTE: Dannet must be disabled in macroquest.ini for it to work.
Yes, MQ2 works with CrossOver. Launcher does does not work, but you can download the latest version of VV and copy it to the bottle EQ is installed. I can run 6 - 8 accounts without a problem....most of the time. After several hours of play, accounts will freeze randomly but can be unfrozen by hitting "retry" on the crash dialogue box that pops up. NOTE: Dannet must be disabled in macroquest.ini for it to work.
by MQ2 orbitz here means "MQ" as MQ2 is unsupported, legacy, and unavailable via the RG launcher
Also looking for a solution for MQ on Parallels (CrossOver is not a solution, unfortunately).

Multiple instances of EQ work just fine, but as soon as I try to inject MQ, they all crash. If I try to load beforehand, the crash happens when I leave server select trying to load into Char Select.

Same DX issue. Assuming there’s no fix?
MQ will not inject on Parallels on an M series Mac as it uses ARM. You cannot load an x64/x86 OS in Parallels on an M series Mac as they are ARM Processors. The current solution is to use Wine\Crossover, which wraps the x64/x86 commands into ARM commands. Parallels is not a wrapper; it requires you to use an OS compatible with the processor installed on the system.
Hi, all! I know I never post on here, but I have a question that needs an answer from someone who knows things (this person is obviously not me). I am running Everquest on Paralells Desktop on my Macbook and have been able to successfully run the game for awhile - my PC has had a major malfunction and it is taking some time to repair but I should be able to box at least 1 group on my Macbook if I can get Macroquest to imbed in the instance. Each time I attempt to load MQ I get an error. This is what debug tells me.

[2023-02-27 12:01:35.530] [MQ] [info] [MacroQuest.cpp:1131] New process detected: 9632
[2023-02-27 12:01:35.532] [MQ] [info] [ProcessList.cpp:712] Requesting injection into process id 9632 with delay 1000ms
[2023-02-27 12:01:36.545] [MQ] [debug] [ProcessList.cpp:939] Injecting MQ into eqgame.exe: pid=9632
[2023-02-27 12:01:36.601] [MQ] [debug] [ProcessList.cpp:997] eqgame.exe version: Feb 13 2023 12:50:47 pid=9632
[2023-02-27 12:01:36.621] [MQ] [info] [ProcessList.cpp:1069] Injection completed on process id 9632
[2023-02-27 12:01:37.124] [MQ] [debug] [NamedPipes.cpp:225] Created PipeConnection: connectionId=3 pid=9632
[2023-02-27 12:01:47.323] [MQ] [debug] [NamedPipes.cpp:322] PipeConnection::HandleReadComplete: pipe closed. connectionId=3
[2023-02-27 12:01:47.336] [MQ] [debug] [NamedPipes.cpp:906] Closing connection. connectionId=3
[2023-02-27 12:01:47.340] [MQ] [debug] [NamedPipes.cpp:232] Destroyed PipeConnection: connectionId=3 pid=9632
[2023-02-27 12:01:47.343] [MQ] [debug] [MacroQuest.cpp:1137] Process closed: 9632

Has anyone seen this before and know a solution? Thank you to anyone in advance - and as a sidenote, even if this cannot be remedied, you guys are all badasses and made Everquest fun again. I appreciate you all!
Please upvote if this is useful for you

I was able to get the game/redguides/MQ to launch and bypass the error on a macbook pro running parallels m1 max chip. I decided to go all-in on compatibility settings to avoid other future problems later. I did not use wine or crossover, I wanted the game and apps to run without it. NOTE: I have NOT tested dannet or all of the plugins but from what I have seen, they are running without issues so far. Not all of these settings may be required, you are welcome to try setting fewer changes and updating this thread.


1. Right click the file, and click properties - compatibility. Set each of these options:
2. Compatibility mode: check the box to run this program in compatibility mode for "Windows XP (Service Pack 2) NOTE: a few files CANNOT be set this low because they are not all x86. For these files I used "Windows 7".
3. For some files, select "run this program as administrator" - I will note which files I set to run as admin below with (ADMIN)
3. Windows on ARM: select the button for Change emulation settings. This brings up a new window, use the drop down in the center of the window to change from "default" to "safe emulation"
4. Do this for all the files below. I am not sure if all are needed or not but again, I chose to do them all and possibly save trouble later.

[in your EQ directory]
retributioneq (my eqemu launcher) - adjust this to whichever is yours if you have one

[in your MQ directory]
MacroQuest (ADMIN)
luarocks (ADMIN)
(you fill in)- the other application with the MQ icon in your MQ directory

[in your redguide directory]
RedGuidesLauncher (ADMIN)
testrunner (ADMIN)
(you fill in) the other application with the RedGuidesLauncher icon

NOTE: I do not believe the redguide ones were needed since MQ seemed to be the issue. again, I was being safe.
Please upvote if this is useful for you

I was able to get the game/redguides/MQ to launch and bypass the error on a macbook pro running parallels m1 max chip. I decided to go all-in on compatibility settings to avoid other future problems later. I did not use wine or crossover, I wanted the game and apps to run without it. NOTE: I have NOT tested dannet or all of the plugins but from what I have seen, they are running without issues so far. Not all of these settings may be required, you are welcome to try setting fewer changes and updating this thread.


1. Right click the file, and click properties - compatibility. Set each of these options:
2. Compatibility mode: check the box to run this program in compatibility mode for "Windows XP (Service Pack 2) NOTE: a few files CANNOT be set this low because they are not all x86. For these files I used "Windows 7".
3. For some files, select "run this program as administrator" - I will note which files I set to run as admin below with (ADMIN)
3. Windows on ARM: select the button for Change emulation settings. This brings up a new window, use the drop down in the center of the window to change from "default" to "safe emulation"
4. Do this for all the files below. I am not sure if all are needed or not but again, I chose to do them all and possibly save trouble later.

[in your EQ directory]
retributioneq (my eqemu launcher) - adjust this to whichever is yours if you have one

[in your MQ directory]
MacroQuest (ADMIN)
luarocks (ADMIN)
(you fill in)- the other application with the MQ icon in your MQ directory

[in your redguide directory]
RedGuidesLauncher (ADMIN)
testrunner (ADMIN)
(you fill in) the other application with the RedGuidesLauncher icon

NOTE: I do not believe the redguide ones were needed since MQ seemed to be the issue. again, I was being safe.
Update, Dannet works with this method.

I will edit this post as more features and plugins are confirmed
Please upvote if this is useful for you

I was able to get the game/redguides/MQ to launch and bypass the error on a macbook pro running parallels m1 max chip. I decided to go all-in on compatibility settings to avoid other future problems later. I did not use wine or crossover, I wanted the game and apps to run without it. NOTE: I have NOT tested dannet or all of the plugins but from what I have seen, they are running without issues so far. Not all of these settings may be required, you are welcome to try setting fewer changes and updating this thread.


1. Right click the file, and click properties - compatibility. Set each of these options:
2. Compatibility mode: check the box to run this program in compatibility mode for "Windows XP (Service Pack 2) NOTE: a few files CANNOT be set this low because they are not all x86. For these files I used "Windows 7".
3. For some files, select "run this program as administrator" - I will note which files I set to run as admin below with (ADMIN)
3. Windows on ARM: select the button for Change emulation settings. This brings up a new window, use the drop down in the center of the window to change from "default" to "safe emulation"
4. Do this for all the files below. I am not sure if all are needed or not but again, I chose to do them all and possibly save trouble later.

[in your EQ directory]
retributioneq (my eqemu launcher) - adjust this to whichever is yours if you have one

[in your MQ directory]
MacroQuest (ADMIN)
luarocks (ADMIN)
(you fill in)- the other application with the MQ icon in your MQ directory

[in your redguide directory]
RedGuidesLauncher (ADMIN)
testrunner (ADMIN)
(you fill in) the other application with the RedGuidesLauncher icon

NOTE: I do not believe the redguide ones were needed since MQ seemed to be the issue. again, I was being safe.
hmm tried this and it crashes everytime still when injecting. Are you using on Live or just EMU?
I just got it to work. Installed the Windows insider Dev build of Win 11 this forced an update to Parallels tools and now the injection is working. I could tell from the log that some dx11 issue was causing the crash. My guess is the update to Parallels Tools fixed the issue since it contains the DX11 stuff.
I just got it to work. Installed the Windows insider Dev build of Win 11 this forced an update to Parallels tools and now the injection is working. I could tell from the log that some dx11 issue was causing the crash. My guess is the update to Parallels Tools fixed the issue since it contains the DX11 stuff.
That is probably an important add. If you are not using directx or have the wrong version be sure to update it. I believe that is a normal requirement for EMU but just in case I added the file to my post above. Parallels has a ton of updates so if I see issues on a new update I will post here again.
Problem - Running Everquest on Parallels Desktop on my Mac

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