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Shards of Dalaya (EQEMU) and MacroQuest (1 Viewer)


Apr 5, 2017
I have been playing on a custom server for years. It is Shards of Dalaya. I know most of the people on there use MacroQuest, but I never really found the source that works on Shards of Dalaya. I also read a post from 2007 where the main developer said they have detection systems that rooted out three people, so I am uncomfortable really experimenting.

Does anyone have information for SoD? What kind of detection do they have? Is there a compile that works on that server? I know their anti-cheat is NOTHING compared to P99. I am fairly sure if I just use it for tracking/targeting NPCs, I will not run into any form of detection, but honestly am unsure.

Also, I am not opposed to any other cheat system. I'd really like to be able to /target anything in the zone without their ridiculously low /target range as well as see what levels NPCs are.
I played on Shards of Dalaya for nearly a decade. I can safely say most people do not use MQ2. I do know, however, old Titanium compiles used to work on SoD, but they didn't offer much (at the time). I tooled around with the compile I had a bit, but it didn't help much. It had the maps displaying NPCs, which was nice for tracking.
If you're worried about losing an account (which I would be, considering the time investment) I wouldn't just MQ2 there. Not to mention with recent client update it'd be a little harder to nail down what compile to make.

- - - Updated - - -

Also why would you care what level NPCs are?
I just like to have the information. At one point I had a compile that listed all the monsters and their levels... that alone is very useful. I am not so worried about losing my account, especially knowing what I want. I mean, I do not want to bot or port... just a little more information.

The commands I miss are:
/target anything
/face the target
and listing each creature in the zone.

- - - Updated - - -

After reading this thread:

I think it is very unsafe. I guess there is a few ways an eqemu server can detect MacroQuest usage. Does anyone know what any of those ways are?
Shards of Dalaya (EQEMU) and MacroQuest

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