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Question - silver zerk vs j5 melee (1 Viewer)

Nov 4, 2020
i can't decide if its worth knocking out the j5 for a zerker, have looked it up a few times and just find old rabbit holes. currently playing shm sk bst chanter cleric j5 stab
leaning to a zerker i had one already somewhat close to my current group levels so wouldnt have to do anything to make him groupable. I just wasnt sure how much of a difference a silver with auto grant would make vs a rogue merc.
To be honest, I'm having a hard time thinking of a case where a merc would be better than even a silver/f2p toon as long as it had been krono'd within the last 2-3 expansions. At least past like level 65ish
Feel like this is a meme. Real Toon > Merc 100% of the time.
@ChatWithThisName ...

Depends, if he's going for stealth...might make sense to use melee or casting mercs.
EX: Tank Puller, Enc, Mage, Cleric...two rogues or two wizard mercs.

That might draw less attention (from regular uneducated player) if it's just a tank pulling to group or on follow vs. 2-3 melees perfectly choreographing death and rubber banding to camp spot or in perfect follow unison.
I'll be the first to say that won't fool a GM or someone that knows what to look for in automation...but someone flying by your team...might not look too closely at that (unless they stare for long)...

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Tonight's the night...
Question - silver zerk vs j5 melee

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