use this in addition to /twist (run songs, chants, heal song) and "/circle XX on" commands to achieve an AFK Kite-bot thingy...
Rich (BB code):
|| Make a hotkey placed in the 4 slot (hotkey number 4) and assign it to do "/target npc X" using the npc flag make sure you dont target a corpse...
||for instance "/tar npc nop" in postorms kites the frogs all day long with "/circle 80 on" just make sure your circle is a clean one and you don't hit things.
Sub Main
/if (${Target.Name.Equal[${Me.Name}]}) {
/delay 10s
/goto :startpoint
/if (!${Target.ID}) /keypress "4"
/if (${Target.Distance}>100) /keypress "4"
/if (!${Target.LineOfSight}) /target clear
/if (${Target.ID}) /delay 10s
/if (${Me.PctHPs}<80) /call MedBreak
/goto :startpoint
Sub MedBreak
/delay 15s
/if (${Me.PctHPs}<90 || ${Me.PctMana}<90) /goto :medloop