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IRL - Skill-ups while you walk around (1 Viewer)


Sep 10, 2024
The other day I've learned that you can tie skills and macros to your movement keys. Ex:
EQ Redcoin.png

1. Open your options menu and set Hot buttons 1, 2, 3, and 4 to your movement keys.
2. Set what viable skills you want to rank up. Mine is Sense Heading on ability 2 of my action bar.
3. Pull up hotkeys from the EQ button and pick a hotkey number. Resize how you want it.
4. Right click and create macros for each of the assigned hotbuttons. For languages, you must have someone in your party (mercenaries do count as a party member, fellow loners ;] ) Forage might require /autoinventory. Don't know, not a ranger.
5. ???
6. Profit!


Youtube: Fezzelwhig's Forum
Naw, back in the day it was the wild west. I was a clueless kid winging it all the way. Now I'm actually reading and watching material to gain an edge, figured there were others returning after a long hiatus that might find this information useful as I have! 😁
what will really blow your mind then, is that you can bind multiple AAs, spells, discs, etc to the same key and they'll all activate together provided there aren't other conflicts like cast timers, etc.
Fleqfan, yes! I was thinking just that when responding to durango. When I came back, a buddy showed me how to import Brewall and it was like having a lamp in a cave for the first time. Many_, good call, this game may be old but so very intricate in design. Hadn't even crossed my mind to try that. 👍
This doesn't work for me anymore, I used to use it all the time. But now I use my mouse to move around instead of the arrow keys or WASD. Haven't quite figured out an alternative.
This doesn't work for me anymore, I used to use it all the time. But now I use my mouse to move around instead of the arrow keys or WASD. Haven't quite figured out an alternative.
Mouse keys can also be assigned to hotkeys.. this is what high end hand players like to do (tanks specifically), bind it to mouse 3 (scroll wheel click).
Thank goodness you are sending it to party. It reminds me of the people on my server who for some reason shout random words to the server wide chat general channel (I really can't figure out the 'why' on that).
Thank goodness you are sending it to party. It reminds me of the people on my server who for some reason shout random words to the server wide chat general channel (I really can't figure out the 'why' on that).
Because channels in EQ reset when you login so /4 (incoming debuffs) might be /4 (area) when you log back in.. so /4 dudebro is slowed can pop into rando channels. If you add them to your char ini, as the first joined, then make it read only, they will always be the same.
yeah kinda dumb to spam raid crap into chat anyway just use voice chat discord
This is a serious pet peeve of mine in modern EQ. People that use chat channels in their social to announce that they did something. I don't need my bard to announce in group chat that they used their epic.... I have an audio trigger that tells me when I receive the buff, which is more reliable that the chat message.
IRL - Skill-ups while you walk around

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