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So that new WoW xpac... (1 Viewer)


New member
Jun 28, 2006
Yeah... I figured it was true when it got leaked a few days ago, what with Blizzcon coming up and that big surprise announcement they were talking about...

Here's the thing though -- this Death Knight shit.... wtf is that about? It's gonna be like SWG Jedi patch #2. Make one playable class that's SUPPOSED to be stronger than everything else (jedi or a so called "hero" class) and you set your game up to become completely unbalanced. Either it's unbalanced, and everyone plays that class, and there goes diversity... or you leave that class balanced and a billion fanboys cry about it not being a true "hero" class. If they were going to be having 3-4 of these hero classes available, in place to balance each other.... not so bad. But with just one?

Assuming that 70-80 takes about as long as 60-70... and that as reported by 1up today... the quest to unlock the hero class is similar in comparison to doing the warlock epic mount quest (at 60)... that puts a time frame of 3-5 weeks before you see a couple dozen death knights running around, and a few months before you see a couple or a few hundred around. If they are truly a strong hero class, let alone the first truly new class in the game over 3 years, AND they start at lvl 60-70 so it's not a full regrind of a new class... expect HUNDREDS of them on every server with 6 months. Good God will that suck. Diversity and balance will be dead.
Yeah, it will die, however I doubt they will make the class unbalanced. So expect major whinage about it not being a true hero, and yeah there will be a million of them running around, but that was to be expected.

see blood elves, 1/3 of the horde on my server is BE now. (including myself *sulks*)
they have more classes in store for the future, Death Knight will not be the only one.
they don't even know yet which races will be able to become Death Knights, so i would just be patient to, at least, see the beta in action to make my ideas about the class.

they will have a new BG with siege weapons, that sounds like fun.
10 new levels and changable hairstyles says it all. does anybody have a spare lotr online trial key ?
Really when I first read this post, I had a tiny sparkle of excitement. Now I'm just letting out a heavy sigh.


The reason everyone made a bloodelf or draeni alt is because everyone is so hungry for more DIFFERENT things to do. There are also a million jewelcrafters. I would think Blizzard would have learned from THAT, that they need to give us MORE in an expansion. Say oh, FOUR new hero classes, FOUR new races, more customization than just hairstyles, etc.

I think part of what they have gotten themselves stuck in is the already laid out LORE from the past Warcraft games. IF they don't stick close to that....people will whine. If they DO....there's not near as much room for "expanding."

I will give them the benefit of the doubt and wait to see what happens, but crap....this doesn't sound good. Not good at all.
werent death knights and prestige classes (prob not the exact title but you know what i mean) supposed to be in the original game? along with siege weaponry? you only had to spend 150 bucks plus reg fees to finally get what they originally promised? rofl. i would really be surprised if siege weapons made it into the xpac. really really really surprised.
they have more classes in store for the future, Death Knight will not be the only one.

But it will be the only one for probably 6 months + after it first comes out.

they don't even know yet which races will be able to become Death Knights, so i would just be patient

What does it matter what classes they allow? They WILL allow at least one class on each faction. It is not an unlockable talent tree or something, it's an unlockable CLASS. That you start a new character, with a new name, and pick a race, and then play a Death Knight once you unlock it on your account. Race limitations won't in any way limit the overwhelming numbers of these things that will be running around.
Well... In response to that announcement I can with certainly say two things:

1. If you want to be a hero, WTF are you playing WoW for. Go play City of Heroes/Villains!

2. Thank GOD for Warhammer. Please Mythic start the beta, make the pain(WoW) go away!
Actually they started the beta... so more like please god let me in Mythic...

The reason there are so few leaks is if you are apped for beta and you report someone for NDA breaking, that person gets kicked from beta and you get their spot for turning them in. Brutal, but apparently effective, cause there ain't shit for leaks out on their early beta.
Well not all is lost. I paid the $4.99 beta tax that No Comic Soft ( NC Soft ) is charging for their Tabula Rasa beta, and have been getting into the action.

Tabula Rasa is EXACTLY like WoW, but with less QQ and more PEW! PEW!
Did you play it past level 2? TR that is.

They should have made hero classes something specialized for each class. Maybe even offering multiple paths. Something interesting and new people can do with their existing class. Maybe even make people want to level 2 of the same character up to have one of each type. I dunno.

The whole do a quest to get an extra class you can play is pretty lame imo. They could do better.
But it will be the only one for probably 6 months + after it first comes out.
who says it will be six months before another hero class comes out, do you have any evidence to prove this to be true or untrue?

What does it matter what classes they allow? They WILL allow at least one class on each faction. It is not an unlockable talent tree or something, it's an unlockable CLASS. That you start a new character, with a new name, and pick a race, and then play a Death Knight once you unlock it on your account. Race limitations won't in any way limit the overwhelming numbers of these things that will be running around.

the thing is with that, some people wont play a certain race for all sorts of reasons. like some won't play a gnome cause they rather punt them or others wont play a tauren cause they hate furries with a passion. so in a way it can limit the amount of death knights around, besides, it will take at least a few weeks before we start seeing some around, and even that is when the expansion will be released, sometime next year. Personnally i'm just happy they're adding anything at all, as it is, the game is gettin kinda stale.
the 2nd hero class will be released in the exapnsion that follows the Lich King.

The death knight will not be retardedly more powerful. it will just be a new class. the reason it's starting at level 60 out the gate is because have you tried to LFG RFD recently? the entire population only visits 'old continents' for the AH.

all this is not speculation, but i'm too lazy to provide full linkage. wowwiki has a pretty good summary if i remember correctly tho.
hey i visit the old continent to run noobs thru old instances all the time, i like tanking stuff with my warlock, hittin everything with my staff... :snicker:
heh only time i visist old world is:
give someone a lift
run guild alts through something

I don't think i've been to winterspring in months...Silithus....i can't remember the last time.
Well...I'm in the "old world" a LOT. But not on my lvl 67 mage or 70 warrior much, for sure. However, don't MOST of us have alts? My lvl 32 warlock, 34 priest, and 46 hunter are over there all the time....right NOW, anyway.

I DO every now and then run guild alts through lower end instances and OH YEAH....there IS the AH!! Long live Kalimdor and The Eastern Kingdoms! hehe
im wondering if they will do something along the lines of making you sacrifice your existing level 80 to pickup a 70 deathknight? that would make you look very very carefully before leaping into a new class. also, every class in game is very paper rock scissors, so whoever cuts deathknight will be the new favored greifer class? not to mention the fun that all the level 80s will have while greifing the level 70 up and coming deathknights. also not to mention how high the prices for level 70 plate and weapons (not so sure about the weapons, because deathknights are supposed to be bound to their runeblades, so it would make upgrading weapons kinda akward?) are going to skyrocket. (/stockpile). with the sudden surge of deathknights, the gear for the other classes should become fairly cheap. new heroclass = lose?
im wondering if they will do something along the lines of making you sacrifice your existing level 80 to pickup a 70 deathknight?
You sacrifice nothing (except your time). You just create another toon, like when you start a lv 1 alt, the exception is he won't be lv 1.
You're forgetting something, WoW PvP isn't balanced as we speak. If they bring another imbalance, well, maybe two wrongs will make a right for a change. I'm sticking to my rogue till the day i'll quit WoW, i don't even think about sacrificing a toon for a FotM DK. Bleh.

But the concept does look interresting tho. Remember Revenant ? That RPG that took off just before Diablo 2 appeared ? You'd have these runes and you'd combine them to make all kinds of spells, from conjure food to great balls of fire and massive aoe. The animations were sick for that time. I loved that game.
I'll be trying a death knight, for the same reason I tried every class in the game, to see what its like, Im very curious, but it'd have to be really damned good to make me stop playing my moonkin, I imagine a lot of other players will be the same. Im not worried about the influx of death knights, people like playing certain styles, and personally I think after most people try it they'll go back to what they like the most, leaving us with a nice all round population again, just with one new class out there. I also think having more tanking classes is a good thing, on my server finding a tank can be a pain in the arse, at least this way there will be more tanks available :0)
So that new WoW xpac...

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