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some exping questions (1 Viewer)


May 16, 2009

I only been back in EQ for 3 months and there some infos I havent found. I was afk since 2006 summer.

I was told that exp is awesome in mecha instances? Mecha? uum...can anyone tell me what zone, instance name, quest name maybe?

Another questions is about afk exping. I been doing it in bloody kichicor. as lvl 83 cleric with tank merc and 77 shaman with cleric merc. been slow. I heard that some katta spires provide good exp? What spires? in Katta Kastellum zone itself?

PS! I talked to head GM throu online support. GM told me that as long as I don't cause any zone-wide disruptions, they don't care if I afk exp or not. I was reported once and some GM suspended my mercs and I got killed. Head GM restored exp and told me this will not happen again.

AFK expers, rejoice!
Mecha instances is Sony's way of merging Mech-Warrior with Everquest. You suit up in a giant mech and lay waste to each other.

Seriously, though, I've been out for awhile too ... anyone else have some input? I'm interested in this one too. :D
If your name is Alatyami dont read any further your computer will self destruct. All others continue on.


I only been back in EQ for 3 months and there some infos I havent found. I was afk since 2006 summer.

I was told that exp is awesome in mecha instances? Mecha? uum...can anyone tell me what zone, instance name, quest name maybe?

Quest giver is in the camp where the cannon is in Dragonscale Hills. To enter the instance go run into the giant guardian it will ask you if you want too be kicked or enter instance. upper floors are still good AA at 85 afk, I like too use I think they call it the engine room there are some large numbers of DB to 85 mobs there, once broken in its pretty decent. I would suggest putting a snare or root routine for fleeing mobs into melee holyshits or whatever macs your using. Also for upper floors make sure your team can handle multiple mobs, seems too happen alot. AND put some kind of check in to exit your team too if someone dies. early on I lost a few corpses over night due too a bug or unexpected death. I posted some shits from my sk that may be of some help if you dont know about setting up melee flags.

Mech is a respawning 12hr instance

Another questions is about afk exping. I been doing it in bloody kichicor. as lvl 83 cleric with tank merc and 77 shaman with cleric merc. been slow. I heard that some katta spires provide good exp? What spires? in Katta Kastellum zone itself?

Yes the big ass outdoor zone KattaCastrum or however is spelled

PS! I talked to head GM throu online support. GM told me that as long as I don't cause any zone-wide disruptions, they don't care if I afk exp or not. I was reported once and some GM suspended my mercs and I got killed. Head GM restored exp and told me this will not happen again.

I am surprised that they openly stated it, but they obviously knew it was gonna happen whether you afk for some food leaving mercs to protect group or afk too sleep. where do they draw the line?...I'm thinking the line is drawn on the more active hacks since dains have provided thousands and thousands of lvls and aa's for the population without any reprocutions I have heard of.
I don;t know about for AFK Xping, but I spend a lot of time here when I wanna farm plat or AAs, as most the drops range form 60-150 a piece for vendor, spells run about 250pp, and tomes 2-3kpp.
I would suggest the Large round room found on the floor the 2nd expediator mark takes you to. I know your new to the zone, so that doesn;t help much, but as you work your way up, eventually you setp onto a teleporter pad. when you teleport up, there is a small present looking drop on the ground, pick it up and you can now skip that entire portion on the run.
I like this spot because it is a nice spread out round room, but you'll need a splitter of some sort, the mobs are 79-82 or so, and are pretty much entirely stacked in 4's. They can all be singled out by a monk with a single use of echo of distraction, once the monk figures out which of the 4 to hit with it, it'll "mezz" 3 then one comes, then next time ya EoD and tag, wash rinse repeat til camp is broken.
While being new to the zone, I suggest staying inside the conveyor belt, you'll know it when ya see it, while fighting, as the lasrge sentry mobs have a knockback nuke, and it will throw you into other mobs, so unless you're ready for 5-8 mobs at once, conveyor keeps ya safe.
some exping questions

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