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Some TSS Info. (1 Viewer)


Active member
May 22, 2006
Level cap increase:

Warrior - Imperator
Cleric - Exemplar
Paladin - Holy Defender
Shadow Knight - Bloodreaver
Ranger - Huntmaster
Druid - Stormcaller
Monk - Ashenhand
Bard - Lyricist
Rogue - Shadowblade
Shaman - Spirtwatcher
Necromancer - Deathcaller
Mage - Grand Summoner
Wizard - Arch Arcanist
Enchanter - Entrancer
Beastlord - Arch Animist
Berzerker - Juggernaut

You will receive 1 buff slot, free of charge, at level 72 and level 75.

The following foci will be upgraded:
Demiplane (to level 72) Last blood augs excluded
Deathknell (to level 72)
Epics (to 75)
Aura of the Muse (to 75)
Aura clickes from PoR (to 75)

Thats it. Anything else will begin to rot 10% per rank begining at 71.

Most melee and skill caps will increase for each level. Notable cap changes include Beastlords and bards receiving a double attak skill cap of 50 and 30 respectively beginning at 71.

Getting comprehensive AA lists are better to be found on your class specific forums. I play a cleric so here are the cleric AA's

General AA's (every class):
Potential of Serpentspine (5 aa 5 ranks) - stat cap increase by 5
Deaths Door ( 5 aa 5 ranks) - upgrade to porlonged mortality
Combat medic (3AA 5 ranks) - bandage aa
Fast Healing (3AA 5 ranks)- plus 1 regen
Quick Draw (5 aa, 1 rank)- increase potion belt slot by 1
Battle Ready (5AA, 1 rank) - extra bandoleer slot
Glyph of Dragon Scales (3 AA, EXPENDABLE)- 25% melee/spell rune for up to 1 minute or 10k dmg absorbed
Glyph of Arcane Secrets (3 AA, EXPENDABLE)- 20% spell haste for 2 min
Glyph of Draconic Potential (3 AA, EXPENDABLE)- 750 hp/mana/endur for 10min
Glyph of Destruction (3 AA, EXPENDABLE)- 10% melee crit dmg increase for 2min

In addition, all classes receive Jewl Craft Mastery under their omens tab.
Gnomes also receive Tinkering mastery under omens tab.

Priest Archetype AA's (clr/dru/shm):

Labyrinthine Mind (5 AA 5 ranks)- worn mana regen cap increase by 1 per rank
Volatile Mana (6 AA 3 ranks)- increase spell crit rate
Mana Fury (6 AA 3 ranks)- increase spell crit damage
Gift of Radiant Mana (5 AA, 1 rank) - GoM for 71-75 spells
Healing Resonance (6 AA, 3 ranks)- heal over time crits
Healing Suurge (6 AA 3 ranks)- inrease crit heal rate by 2% per rank
Resplendent Cascade (6 AA 3 ranks) - radiant cure upgrade
Mental Serenity (5AA 5 rank) - mental clarity upgrade, 1 mana regen per rank

Cleric class specific AA's:

Celestial Regrowth (5 AA 3 ranks)- upgrade to celestial rejuvenation. Think max rank is 550/tick.
Divine Hammer (5 AA 3 ranks)- new hammer pet
Divine Wrath (9 AA 1 rank)- upgrade to divine retribution, stun caps at level 75
Word of Absolution (5 aa 3 ranks)- ward of purity upgrade
Smite undead (12 aa 1 rank)- eradicate undead upgrade, 1000 dmg per tick with same 5% chance to blast for 32k
Hastened Sanctuary (3 aa 3 ranks)- reduces sanctuary reuse by 2min per rank
Shield block (3/?/? AA 3 ranks)- chance to fully block an attack when using a shield

Again this is something you are better off checking your class forums for detailed info since there are so many spells in this expansion I can't possibly list them all. Most of your omens stills will have been upgraded. Very few DoD spells got upgraded, but mages, necros, and wizards got fickle fire, call for blood, and ether flame upgrades respectively.

Spell Tiers:
Spells are all divided into tiers this expansion. I'll give you an example of what I mean using a new cleric spell called Vow of Valor (credit to Lluianae for the raw data on this spell):

Slot 1: Decrease Healing by -50.00%
Slot 2: Add Proc: Valorous Strike Rank 1 (200% proc rate modifier)
Duration: 60 minutes base

Valorous Strike Rank 1: Decrease Hitpoints by 800 (Chromatic)
Autocast: Valorous Strike Recourse: Slot 1: Increase Hitpoints v2 by 1350 per tick

That would be the tier one version of the spell. Now by either grouping to kill rares or questing I will be upgrade this spell:

Slot 1: Decrease Healing by -50.00%
Slot 2: Add Proc: Valorous Strike Rank II (200% proc rate modifier)
Duration: 60 minutes base

Valorous Strike Rank II: Decrease Hitpoints by 1000 (Chromatic)
Auto cast: Valorous Strike Recourse: Slot 1: Increase Hitpoints v2 by 1550 per tick

Eventually, I'll be able to upgrade this spell yet again via a raid drop and it becomes:

Slot 1: Decrease Healing by -50.00%
Slot 2: Add Proc: Valorous Strike Rank 1 (200% proc rate modifier)
Duration: 60 minutes base

Valorous Strike Rank III: Decrease Hitpoints by 1200 (Chromatic)
Autocast: Valorous Strike Recourse: Slot 1: Increase Hitpoints v2 by 1750 per tick

Some spells, but not all, will have a 4th tier. this 4th tier is your "ancient" spell equivilent.

And thats pretty much how tiers work. So you should be able to aquire most of your spells quickly, and then work on upgrading them through groups and raids. When you upgrade a spell, the old version is overwriten in your spell book.

Doom counters and Promised spell lines

A neat little mechanic in a lot of new spells is this new concept known as a doom counter. Many (but not all) of the spells that use a doom counter will have "promised" in the name so you can identify them.

Basicly a doom counter places a buff with a timer on your target. The spell will do nothing until that timer reaches zero. When it does the trigger effect will activate.

I'll give you an example using a new cleric spell again. This spell is called Promised Renewl.

This spell is 400 mana, 0.3 second cast time, and 15 second refresh. The cleric casts it on their target who receives a 24 second timer in their short buff duration window. When the timer reaches zero, the person is healed for 9000/10000/11000 hp (tier1/tier2/tier3).

The new Resist: Corruption

They are introducing a brand new resist this expansion called corruption. It has both a resist in your inventory as well as counters on new AE's that need new "cure corruption" spells to nullify.

This resist is new, so NOTHING that exists in the game prior to TSS will affect it. No current items will raise it, no current spells will raise it. That includes things like infusion and the DoD clicky mask.

CON colour changes:

This is what you are used to:
Light Blue

Basically, the blue you knew before TSS is now split in two.

White (no change)


Basicly the TSS zones are structured like this:


The zones are off a revamped highpass. Crescent reach is new city for the new race, its also an exp zone to level 20. The PoK book is in blightfire moors, and its actually quite a large distance away from the city.

If you notice beyond goru`kar mesa the zones split into two paths. the left side is the giant path, the right side is the dragons.

frostcrypt and ashengate are the two end zones. uninstanced they are the two top exp zones. They are the hardest zones and are harder than RS was when it first came out. They are tuned for groups of 6 of demiplane or better geared level 75's.

Direwind and Icefall are your more easier level 75 exp zones. You can compare them to how MPG compared to RS when omens came out. They have a ton of camps, quests, and loot.

the vast majority of this expansion is uninstanced, including a lot of raids. The only instances seem to be the progression raids, which lead into raid instances for both frostcrypt and ashengate aimed for the very top end raiders.

Drakkin, The new Race

The new race models are very well done. These new models have set up the foundation for them to slowly begin creating new PC models for all races. Any screenshot you might see (like the first one in this thread) does not do them a lot of justice, they look a lot better in game.

As for innates, the Drakkin receive a resist bonus based on their parent dragon. the parent dragons are as follows:

Blue (magic)
Red (fire)
White (ice)
Green (poison)
Black (disease)
Gold (chromatic)

In addition to that, Drakkin are able to get a magic breath attack from their parent dragons. It is received (and upgrade every 5 levels) by completeing quests in crescent reach. The breath is a DD, dot, and resist debuff (again based on colour of parent dragon) that hits all NPc's in a "cone" shaped area infront of the caster. The reuse is 5 minutes.

I believe all the benefits from the gold dragon are 1/5th that of the other dragons since the gold dragon affects all your resists instead of 1.

Note there are no EXP penalties for Drakkin, infact all racial exp penalties are being removed.
The parent dragons are in crescent reach, they are brand new models of familiar looking dragons so you should defineately go check them out sometime.

It should be noted that Drakkin Cannot use Legacy of Yekesha Armour dyes and its likely that all future new models will have the armour dyes disabled. They did this to attempt to bring back the prestige of your armour, and they even made an elite armour set that will look unique compared to everything else available for drakkin. This new armour set will be featured on the high end armour for this expansion.


I'm not much of a tradeskiller, but some notable changes for tradeskills are the introduction of Jewl Craft Mastery for all classes and Tinkering mastery for gnomes (as mentioned in the AA section).

There will be a tradeskill crafted charm, that increases as you get better at tradeskills. It caps at something around 200 hp/mana and 2 aug slots for 300 in all skills.

There will be upgrades to the Roboboar prize from DoD. Tinkers will be able to craft a tradeable container that can be combines with an expensive storebought piece to create a faster moving roboboar. There will also be a dropped item to make the roboboar equal speed to the emp/seru mounts.

Coming Soon

Here are some things that are coming, but won't be ready by tuesday:

-Revamps of the commonlands and kithicor

-new pet models

-Adept forager AA, this AA will be available to everyone and increase your forage skill by 50. (So druids will be 300, while someone who could never forage before would be 50).


This is where you can find your Tier One spells. They cost quite a bit of PP.

Melee Tomes
Sunderock Springs in the Brotherhood of the Scale encampment from Sensei Splitscale at loc -1430 853

Cleric Spells
Sunderock Springs in the Brotherhood of the Scale encampment from Kalladrahn the Pure at loc -1388 826

Paladin Spells
Sunderock Springs in the Brotherhood of the Scale encampment from Inquisitor Harona at loc -1386 793

Bard Spells:
Goru'kar mesa, at the minohten satyr camp from Raistedas Curlbraids, loc -665, 1026

Wizard Spells:
Goru'kar mesa, at the minohten satyr camp from Jaelle Florica, loc -722, 1018

Druid Spells:
The Steppes, loc -340, 278 from Rang Kelliam

Necro Spells:
Direwind Cliffs, Loc -1121, -516 from Outcast Sayrus

The steppes, -700, 1303.

Shadowknight spells:
Direwind Cliffs, Loc -1121, -516 from Outcast Erralock

Beastlord Spells:
Icefall Glacier, Loc -1557, -781 from Tavin of the Wild

Shaman Spells:
Icefall Glacier, Loc -1565, -764 from Ezna Connoy

Enchanter Spells:
stone hive, loc 583, -997 from a bixie imposter, in the hedge on right side

Mage Spells:
Sunderrock, Loc 1616, -1063 from Pesha of the mist

Port spells

Druid Direwind spells:
Loc: -1256, -16 from Tienen The Wanderer

Druid The Steppes ports:
Loc 493, -1287 from Emelia Daeren

Wizard ports:
Blightfire Moors, Loc: -146, 576, from Kulvinia Brightflame
good stuff... So far i like everything BUT that stupid con system. If they would of made it any color besides grey. It looks to much like white. So if your conn'n someone or something you may think it is of equal lvl.. but really it is an old greenie
Made the same mistake. Walked in and got attacked by a grey. Me (thinking it is white) craped my pants knowing that pretty much only necros can solo even cons at my level. Nope i hit and its dead. If you con them with c key (default) you can tell the difference but a simple click you really have to pay attention. I cant wait till mq tells me the level again in my hud
Yeah definity the CON system will take some time to get used to, overall I like this expansion so far, execpt for how the Tier 2 spells/discs are dropping it seems as if the Discs aren't dropping as much as the spells =/
Some TSS Info.

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