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Speed Plugin / Offset ? (1 Viewer)


New member
May 7, 2005
I've heard of this or something like it. Where would I get this? Ive been trying to use setspell 2517 for Spirit of Eagle but I keep crashing to server select. Trying to figure out how to get bard to kite without twisting selo's, and staying ahead of the mobs too. Only lvl 38 atm. Please help! Thanks !
Run speed is very touchy if you are running faster than you're suppose to usually it = kick to server. Cronic has/had mq2cspeed which worked very nicely. Zedmix also had an mq2speed plugin. I'll look around my cpu and see if I can find an old one I had.
Option1 said:
I've heard of this or something like it. Where would I get this? Ive been trying to use setspell 2517 for Spirit of Eagle but I keep crashing to server select. Trying to figure out how to get bard to kite without twisting selo's, and staying ahead of the mobs too. Only lvl 38 atm. Please help! Thanks !

That's foolish, Spirit of Eagle is level 45+ only IIRC. Never set a spell that is not allowed on your toon based on level.

And /setspell has no affect on Speed or Stats. However, Leviate does work.
moorthon said:
That's foolish, Spirit of Eagle is level 45+ only IIRC. Never set a spell that is not allowed on your toon based on level.

And /setspell has no affect on Speed or Stats. However, Leviate does work.

Could have sworn SoE wasn't lvl restricted. *shrug* . Since it doesn't work anyway I guess I'm safe. :p
Strangely for me /setspell doesn't work for any speed or any type of levitation on any of the toons I've tried them on (lvls 1 to 70). The spell shows up with absolutely zero effect. So I'm wondering if there's a particular *additional* plugin that this actually works with? I have MQ2SetSpell obviously.

-J Bone
There must be *some* explanation why levitate and sow buffs work for others and not me. Sheesh I have no problems with getting the expected results with any other plugin.
Only buffs level 49 and under can be placed on toons under level 42 I think, level 43 is like up to 52, level 44 is up to like 57, and level 45 is up to 60, (I know 42 can get Clarity II and 45 can get KEI, but also I remember 46 can get Aegolism, but not Virtue, so it's weird, I think Spirit of Eagle is 54, so you would probably have to be about 43-44 to get it. If you try to stack a spell onto a toon that is not the appropriate level or class that can receive it, it boots you to character select. It booted me a while back when I tried to give my rogue (54 at the time) Spirit of Cheetah, but it worked when I gave it to my druid.
Speed Plugin / Offset ?

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