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Discussion - Submitting updated meshes (1 Viewer)

Sep 27, 2020
Wrong forum
I know there's a utility to grab updated meshes. What if I have an update I want to give back to the community? Specific case: I'm leveling toons in EoK Chardok. There's an area that I couldn't pull from because the mesh was "broken" between the lower and upper floors of the Library. I fixed this by adding a two different connections from the mesh on the stairs to the mesh on the upper level. I'd like that to remain preserved in the possibility the Chardok mesh is updated for other reasons.
I know there's a utility to grab updated meshes. What if I have an update I want to give back to the community? Specific case: I'm leveling toons in EoK Chardok. There's an area that I couldn't pull from because the mesh was "broken" between the lower and upper floors of the Library. I fixed this by adding a two different connections from the mesh on the stairs to the mesh on the upper level. I'd like that to remain preserved in the possibility the Chardok mesh is updated for other reasons.
i can post to the updated - pm to me if you want
Discussion - Submitting updated meshes

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