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superstacker, what happens when ... (1 Viewer)


New member
Mar 2, 2006
Sorry, nother newbie type question here concerning the use of superstacker.

It apparently runs fine. My question concerns what happens to the super stack after I log out?
Or what happens when I log back in on new update days when a new compile isn't available yet?
What happens if I log in the old fashioned way of direct EQ lode up, will the stacks disappear?
Will they reappear with a new compile? will the stacks preserve their integrity while logged off and waiting for a new compile?

I guess I covered about all I could think of.

Thanx for your time and assistance in clarifying this.
Sorry, nother newbie type question here concerning the use of superstacker.

It apparently runs fine. My question concerns what happens to the super stack after I log out?
Nothing, it stays as a super stack of whatever size. I at one time had a stacksize of over 10 billion :)

Or what happens when I log back in on new update days when a new compile isn't available yet?
As long as you only pick up the maximum stack size (single click, don't hold shift) you'll be fine.

What happens if I log in the old fashioned way of direct EQ lode up, will the stacks disappear?
Nope, the stacks stay that way, in fact make darn sure that your eqplayers update is OFF!
Will they reappear with a new compile? will the stacks preserve their integrity while logged off and waiting for a new compile?
The stacks will stay as they were when you logged off whether mq2 was running or not. You can even log in without superstacker/mq2 play with your stacks (take a few items off and/or sell some, etc) log off and the next time you log on they will be just as they were when you logged off.

I guess I covered about all I could think of.

Thanx for your time and assistance in clarifying this.
NP :)
when You are tradeskilling it wont pull items off the stack just tells mr im missing whatever, has it always done this? Also when i try to take 1 off the stack it crashes me everytime?
That happens when tradeskilling ... sometimes it doesn't take the correct amount off the stack so it thinks you have some and you really don't.

I always made sure the stacks where legit size when tradeskilling to prevent crashes.
I was running the fish.mac and had combined my anizok made bait piles of 250 each into a rather large size. It was going well for a while but then I rec'd the error that I was out of bait (and I had over a thousand in the pile), and the mac ended. Well, I cliked the bait pile and tried to pull out a stack of 250 and it crashed me to dest top. Haven't gotten back in to see yet if this continues to be the same problem.

Thanx inadvance for all the answers. ))

PS How do I ensure that my EQPlayers thing is turned off? I don't even know what it is or what it does.... (I am sooo naive on some things ((( ).

PPS After logging in today I discovered that all of my homemade bait has disappeared. (( Oh well, it was certainly easy to come by.

Does anyone have a mac handy for using the fisherman's companion and the anizok's bait dispenser while fishing? The fish mac runs ok but if the fishin pole breaks the mac stops as does the lack of bait. Just wondering if any one has resolved this yet. Thanx for your time. )
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when You are tradeskilling it wont pull items off the stack just tells mr im missing whatever, has it always done this? Also when i try to take 1 off the stack it crashes me everytime?
superstacker does NOT work with the new tradeskill window. its a serverside deduction and not clientside so the server thinks that you have a stack of 20, starts reducing and when it gets to 0 it says you have no more. the client says you have a lot more, but if you try to do anything with the stack it will disconnect you.
Always use the old tradeskill windows/macros for tradeskilling with superstacker.
I may have nothing to worry about but then again maybe I do.
I just logged into the game (this being update day, no mq2 yet) and every single superstacked stack is at 20. In the bank and on the pc. Is this normal? I mean will it set right after I start up mq2 and log in normally?

Also, what do I need to do to ensure eq player is permanently off?
Thanx for you time.
I may have nothing to worry about but then again maybe I do.
I just logged into the game (this being update day, no mq2 yet) and every single superstacked stack is at 20. In the bank and on the pc. Is this normal? I mean will it set right after I start up mq2 and log in normally?

Also, what do I need to do to ensure eq player is permanently off?
Thanx for you time.

Toe sounds like your stacks are gone for good they should still be stacked even without mq2 loaded.

Also to ensure eqplayers is off go to your options window in game and there is a button there for "autoupdate eqplayers" just click that button and watch your chat window. It will tell you if it is on or off. If on comes up click again and it will show off
superstacker, what happens when ...

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