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Question - Switching target after pulling multiples (1 Viewer)


New member
Apr 2, 2016
I cannot seem to find a way around switching target to be focused on my puller/MA toon. The first mob that gets aggroed in multiples gets locked on and switching to anything else until it dies seems impossible.

Also this is even bigger problem if you need to manually cast self heals for example or anything that would require you to first switch to different target for a moment.

Best thing would be if on the toon you actively play target would not get locked so you can freely change actions depending on situation.
there is a /switch command. if you are using EQBC you can issue a hot key with /bca //switch to get others in the group to switch. Targets getting locked has more to do with MQ2Melee then anything. Melee uses /stick that has to be turned off if you want to target a different mob. You can also use the /backoff command.
Thanks for this swift response.

I had found about switch on my own already but suspected it has got to do with MQ2Melee being the root cause yeah. I don't see a clean solution with current implementation. Would first need to broadcast globally to all toons to disable stick then to allow me to acquire new target, switch to it then reenable stick... meh too much hassle.

I guess main question is why the author of Melee thought reacquiring xtar1 100 times per second was necessary in the first place. That on itself is wasted CPU cycles.

Thanks anyway will post if I ever come about with plausible workaround.
As far as I heard rumors of. Mq2melee wont be required when Kiss 9 is released. Though I haven't had an issue like you are experiencing with stick during melee. All my toons switch targets quickly and efficiently. Can you elaborate more on what they are doing when you /switch? I use it on a regular basis /bca //switch from my MA.
I had found about switch on my own already but suspected it has got to do with MQ2Melee being the root cause yeah. I don't see a clean solution with current implementation. Would first need to broadcast globally to all toons to disable stick then to allow me to acquire new target, switch to it then reenable stick... meh too much hassle.

I think the issue is more having to do with WHO you think is your MA and who actually is your MA. The /switch command takes care of unsticking and changing targets correctly, but all toons will assist the MA, not the character sending the /switch message. Plus if you are manually running the MA of the group you may want to think of disabeling /stick from mq2melee all together.
Hmm now that you mentioned it yes I ALWAYS manually run MA it's either my ranger or paladin (depending which group I run) but MA is 100% always something I actively play (I don't run Hunter/Puller macros anyways).

So basically if I disable stick in mq2melee ini for just my actively played toon (MA) rest always assist me as it is I should be able to frelly pick any target in the pull and issue /switch through eqbc (always run that as well already).

Definatelly will give this a shot it sounds it should work.
Hmm now that you mentioned it yes I ALWAYS manually run MA it's either my ranger or paladin (depending which group I run) but MA is 100% always something I actively play (I don't run Hunter/Puller macros anyways).

So basically if I disable stick in mq2melee ini for just my actively played toon (MA) rest always assist me as it is I should be able to frelly pick any target in the pull and issue /switch through eqbc (always run that as well already).

Definatelly will give this a shot it sounds it should work.

When starting your crew, make sure they all target your MA, the one you are manually playing. before starting kiss.
When starting your crew, make sure they all target your MA, the one you are manually playing. before starting kiss.

My MA just has a hotkey with 5 lines to start all the other people's kissassists for each of my groups

/bct char1 //mac kissassist assist tankname 99
/bct char2 //mac kissassist assist tankname 99
/bct char3 //mac kissassist assist tankname 99

Though to me it sounds like the OP isn't talking about not being able to move around but rather that he can't change targets on the MA while kissassist is running on the MA. Which for me it happens when I'm letting it go full auto and this seems to be more of a thing with kiss. Really what I do is /mqp if I need to take full control of my MA or I play with the dps and melee off in kiss and play the character with just buffs and mq2melee.
I manually run my MA all the time using /mac kissassist manual then /buffson on.
This allows me to take care of most of the combat stuff manually (MQ2Melee runs things like combat abilities and combat AA's).

I usually can change targets jut by mouse clicking onto them, but there have been times where that didn't work (usually with KA running full auto) and I would use the ESC key to drop target ant then click on new target. Then thru EQBC and a hot key i would /bcg //switch to get everyone on same (new) target.
I manually run my MA all the time using /mac kissassist manual then /buffson on.
This allows me to take care of most of the combat stuff manually (MQ2Melee runs things like combat abilities and combat AA's).

I usually can change targets jut by mouse clicking onto them, but there have been times where that didn't work (usually with KA running full auto) and I would use the ESC key to drop target ant then click on new target. Then thru EQBC and a hot key i would /bcg //switch to get everyone on same (new) target.

Well after much fiddling this is what I eventuallz ended up with. I was aware of /mac kissassist manual but it bothered me that it practically don't run anything in config then now I see /buffs on is what I need in the end.

To elaborate the main issue for me was that my actively played character which is always MA flagged in group and all other toons target him at scriptstart and assist ended up being too much autopiloted (doing DPS, heals and buffs is fine but having been locked onto 1st mob on aggro was something I needed to get rid of). Switching targets was possible but only for 1/10th of a second since whatever script was responsible (guess melee) instantly reselected xtar1 target therefore choosing new target and issuing /bca //switch was practically impossible.

In the end I guess I will have played MA started with /mac kissassist manual and just let him worry about buffs and do all DPS spells and heals manually unless there is also an option like /buffs on for /heals on and /dps on?

- - - Updated - - -

add into mq2melee INI
Rich (BB code):

This allows you to break stick with ASDW

I tried this (did /melee load after ini change) but stick isn't breakable. Sure you can move about like on a very short elastic leash but you wont perma break stick least it didn't work for me.
Question - Switching target after pulling multiples

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