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Targeting Ranger with Familiar (1 Viewer)


Dec 14, 2006
I am using a simple cleric healing macro that simply goes through a list of names and heals any below 70% (it was posted a year or two ago). This works great except for a new bug. When I target my ranger (let's call him Gizmo) using /target Gizmo and he has the new purchased familiar up, the target shows Gizmo's Familiar. Needless to say, since Gizmo is the puller and MA this has caused a death or two. When the familiar is gone, then Gizmo gets targeted.

Any suggestions? Is this a known bug? Since I don't always target my group and may list names in another group, cycling through the group members is not always an answer.

Thanks in advance.
Targeting Ranger with Familiar

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