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tell me when a rune is going to drop (1 Viewer)


New member
Nov 19, 2005
I'd like to create a macro for my enchanter that chains the 4 ae stuns I have and cast rune just before it drops.
While doing that, a bard or any ae class would "safely" hit the mobs.
I have no problem chaining stuns with the mq2cast plugin, it's very reliable with a few checks.
However I can't find a way to know when the rune is going to fade...
The rune absorbs an amount X of damages, but if I'm hit by a mob, the only message I have is something like : blablabla Magical skin blablabla...
So I don't know how much damages I take and therefore I'm unable to cast the rune at an appropriate timing.
any ideas ?
I don't know much about caster runes, but if it is active for a set time... say 15 minutes then just add:

/cast <gemslot>
/delay 900s

Now as for where you would add this and how you would call it, I'm not sure. However, I am sure someone here will be able to tell you that.
mm maybe I have explained badly what I was looking for.

I know effectivly how much time it lasts, but it lasts that length of time if you are not hit.
If you are hit, it absorbs damage until a certain point, for etheral rune for instance it's 1950 dmg
but each time you are hit, the log does not display the amount of damage absorbed by your rune, thus I don't know when it will drop.
let's say 5 mobs hit you each for 200 dmg, after about 2 hits, it will drop, but I can't find a way to say that they effectivly hit me for 200, maybe they hit for only 100 in which case I could handle 4 hits.
hope it is more clear.
from memory i dont think there is a way to do this, at least not to my knowledge, because it would have to add every hit together, but it wouldnt be able to cast while being hit by 4 mobs anywho hehe.
Bah you can cast it while a trian is beating on you if you aren't suck or get lucky. Only way to think would be to setup a mac tuned for that area, and somehow if it sees the number of hits against you it will begin to cast. You'd have to have it cats early too since you would be catching hits the entire time.
Army, this event would just cast my rune every time I get hit, but it's a big waste of mana.

well actually my mac properly chain stun, which is ok.
I'm hit sometimes, because of fizzles etc...
So rune absorbs damages, but depending on the number of mobs beating me and their misses/dps, the rune drops more or less quickly

the only message you have is the one army put, but the amount of dmg taken is not displayed whereas when you are hit without a rune, you know precisly for how much.

a way to do this would be to calculate the dps of a type of mob then count the number of hits blablabla, but this is not very reliable.
the coolest way would be to know exactly what amount of damage the rune absorbs every time the Magical skin event fires, add them then cast the rune just before the total amount
but I cant find a way to know that amount of damage, maybe it is held server side
To answer your question, no there isn't a macroquest variable that you can check to see how many hps your rune has left on it.

Loooong ago when I made my macro that would use my enchanter as the tank and pet as dps, I'd just look for the buff. If the buff wasn't there, it was time to recast. For soloing dark blue mobs it was fine with all the defensive AAs + illusion with a lifetap. (But that was when max level was 65 so might be tougher now.)

thats what i posted is when it drops...

and I know what the rune does.. look at my sig..

and I know how much it absorbs...

But if you had been clear in your first post.. then we can address the issue you wanted...

there is a way to pull info from the hit messages

something like
Rich (BB code):
#Event Rune "#*#hits your for #1#"

<in main>
/declare total int outer
/declare hit int outer
/varset total 0

Sub Event_Rune (int Line, int Hit)
  varset total ${total}+${hit}
  /if (${total}>900) /call Cast Rune

Sub Event_Rune (int Line, int Hit) may be wrong...

I am not 100% sure of syntax...

Sub Event_PlayFile(string Line, string PathFile) is where i got it from

When you have a rune up and get hit it gives you the damage absorbed? Something like "An Ewok bites you for 18 damage, but your shield absorbed the blow." ?


like my self only rune absorbs 1500 dmg..

my AA rune absorbs 3K damage

so you could basically add up 900 damage taken .. and then recast..

but if they are quadding you for 300 . your toast.. lol


i would have to look at enc macros...not sure if they are trying to reinvent the wheel..

but with out the full macro .. then its kinda hard..

lvl of enc and zone huntingwould make a difference too
code .. they want to cast it before it drops

and not timer wise... its after a certain amount of damage.. the rune drops..

Timer too .. but if your fighting.. and taking DD or melee damage..
tell me when a rune is going to drop

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