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Question - Thank goodness for this forum (1 Viewer)


May 19, 2024
I'm already learning a lot. I'm a veteran to EQ and EQ2. I started EQ in 2000 then EQ2 within a year or two after it came out. The original is the only one that could hold my attention, but I've enjoyed both. I stopped playing EQ in about 2010 and played EQ2 solely off and on until about 2015. I'm back solely in EQ for now.

My first question is about the expansions. The other day I noticed that all three of my accounts had 17 expansions. As I can figure out, I think it level caps at 120. Is that correct? I know i didn't buy any expansions after 2010. When did they do that?

Also I'm perplexed about a crashing issue. It seems to be only related to tutorial zones. I tried several remedies, but it only tends to happen during the evenings on nameless and tunare. So I started new toons on Luclin and haven't had the issue. Any thoughts?

Finally... I'd appreciate level 2 trial please so I can peek at the guides. Please and thank you.
There is no trial but here is 30 days on me to try things out.

As for you first question FTP usually goes to two XPacs before the current regardless of how many you have bought. I can't halp with the crashing, someone else will be along who can.
WB to the game!

Yes, they now give any account free expansions as explained above. Keep in mind the expansion is not tied to the subscription but is tied to level. So you can buy the latest expansion and it will give you those last 2 or 3 and allow you to go to level 125. Or you can wait as they open up each year. But you would need a subscription to get a 10% discount on any purchase.

Also in 2020 they gave all accounts the full line of "Veteran Rewards" from day one now. Used to be you only got one per year and it was based on how many years you had played up to 14. But now if you look under your "alternate abilities" and then the "special" tab you will find the Veteran Rewards listed there to hot key.

The good ones on those are:

Throne of Heroes (which is a free port to guild lobby every 72 minutes about)
Lesson of the Devoted - Double XP for 30 mins every 20 hours

If you are using your old accounts then they are known as "Silver" which give you a few more benefits than a plain F2P (free to play) like slightly more AA, ability to be in general chat and some other minor things

Now on these forums:

The level 2 gets you a lot of free things and it also gives you the ability to give others Red Cents for good or helpful or funny posts.

By passing out and earning these "red Cents" you can use them to keep up your free level 2 each month. Just stop by the RedCents shop - click the Redcents at the top of the page to go there.

It does not cost you any to give and in giving them out it will also earn you more. If you make posts that others find funny, helpful, good question etc then they will give you Reds and that is 10 each time. So it is a good thing to come here and post now and then.

It only takes 50 red cents a month to stay level 2 so that is super easy since you can give out 4 a day.
Welcome to RG and welcome back to EQ!!!

Also I'm perplexed about a crashing issue. It seems to be only related to tutorial zones. I tried several remedies, but it only tends to happen during the evenings on nameless and tunare. So I started new toons on Luclin and haven't had the issue. Any thoughts?
This seems odd since neither are TLP servers. You could try posting your crash ID using cut and paste and one of the mods/devs can possibly take a look (please no screen shots if possible as it makes it harder for them).
Question - Thank goodness for this forum

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