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Discussion - The Return (1 Viewer)


Active member
Apr 1, 2022
Hello everyone,

I started EQ back in 2000 and played up until 2004 when I hit that college age and partying became more important :). I started out with an SK and leveled him to about 20 then.... I watched LOTR and thanks to Aragon and Legolas I fell in love with the Ranger. I played him until level 68 and called it quits.

Now that my kids are older, and I have some more time on my hands I have been trying to fill that time with some games. I haven't really ever found another game that just "hit right" since I quit EQ. Recently, I discovered RedGuides and discovered how amazingly awesome MQ2 is now (My friends and I used it way back when to play each others toons when we couldn't play) and decided to pick it back up. I rolled up a few new accounts on Test and have successfully brought a 6box up to level 25.

Since 25 is the cut off for /testbuff I have some decisions to make... Continue with my current crew or /testbuff some replacements. I just wanted to spark up a little discussions and see what you awesome peeps think!

My Current line up is:
SK, Main tank (I might test buff my original SK over and replace him out just stinks I will lose all my Defiant armor)
CLR - Healer Dude
SHM - Buffs, backup healer, haste
ENC- CC and buffs

I believe I am happy with the SK, CLR, BER, SHM as my main core. What I am torn on is the ROG and Chanter.

The rogue is filling what I believe is a straight up DPS roll. I was curious if I should keep him around or possibly replace him out with another BER or maybe go caster with a Mage. From what I have read they seem to be the two highest DPS in the game.

For the last position I had reserved for Crowd Control. Should I stick with the ENC or would a Bard serve me better?

Thanks in advance for all your wisdom!
Welcome back! Looks like a fun group makeup to me. A wise man recently said in another thread - Play what you like and don't worry about it until it becomes a problem.
Hello everyone,

I started EQ back in 2000 and played up until 2004 when I hit that college age and partying became more important :). I started out with an SK and leveled him to about 20 then.... I watched LOTR and thanks to Aragon and Legolas I fell in love with the Ranger. I played him until level 68 and called it quits.

Now that my kids are older, and I have some more time on my hands I have been trying to fill that time with some games. I haven't really ever found another game that just "hit right" since I quit EQ. Recently, I discovered RedGuides and discovered how amazingly awesome MQ2 is now (My friends and I used it way back when to play each others toons when we couldn't play) and decided to pick it back up. I rolled up a few new accounts on Test and have successfully brought a 6box up to level 25.

Since 25 is the cut off for /testbuff I have some decisions to make... Continue with my current crew or /testbuff some replacements. I just wanted to spark up a little discussions and see what you awesome peeps think!

My Current line up is:
SK, Main tank (I might test buff my original SK over and replace him out just stinks I will lose all my Defiant armor)
CLR - Healer Dude
SHM - Buffs, backup healer, haste
ENC- CC and buffs

I believe I am happy with the SK, CLR, BER, SHM as my main core. What I am torn on is the ROG and Chanter.

The rogue is filling what I believe is a straight up DPS roll. I was curious if I should keep him around or possibly replace him out with another BER or maybe go caster with a Mage. From what I have read they seem to be the two highest DPS in the game.

For the last position I had reserved for Crowd Control. Should I stick with the ENC or would a Bard serve me better?

Thanks in advance for all your wisdom!
Personally I would go with the bard. Complements the melee better. Bard speed is nice. Mega invis later with AA. Rogue is fine with Berserker. I personally like having my groups either be focused melee or focused caster. You could consider dropping the cleric too for another DPS. The shaman can handle healing just fine on their own, while also providing some additional aDPS.
The bigger item is to you really don’t need 2 healers (cleric/shaman). It might be tougher in the very beginning to go shaman only (although heals have changed so maybe not I just don’t play sub 85 anymore) But the reality is you won’t need both later. I thin kI’d drop the shaman for the time being and later add him in via power level to replace the cleric. But that is me.
My main grp for about 15 years was SK,ENC,CLR,SHM,MAG,BRD - Manually boxing and there was no group content I couldnt do.

Then I inherited a second Raid geared SK - and so it became SK,SK,ENC,CLR,SHM,MAG and manually boxed up until TBM. Only then did scripts start getting super hard to box and i started to fall behind.

Then i fell into a rabbit hole called Redguides and the sky is the limit.

Play what you enjoy - You will be able to add more as you become more experienced.
Thank you all! Now I am toying with the idea of replacing out the cleric with a bard. Let the shaman heal and the rest can go to town on the baddies.
The problem with tropes is that they are usually right.
SK/CLR/ENC is what you would normally do with a caster group (e.g., WIZ, MAG).
SK/CLR/BRD is what you would normally do with a melee group (e.g., BER, ROG).

CLR can be replaced with a SHM, but harder at the lower levels and will remain difficult until the tank gets fully geared.

Play what you like, and what fits your style. Unfortunately, while that sounds nice there really are 'better' ways to do things, so most advice will point you toward the typical groups again.
Welcome back! I also recently came back. I hope you will enjoy it as much as I am, so much fun!

There are several trains of thought here and most opinions from what I have seen base their groups on 1 healer. Typically the general consensus is SK/SHM/CC across the board. Usually the CC is a Bard because Berserkers and Rogues are kings in the end game currently. I am seeing this myself with 2 berserkers in my 2nd group. It took a long time for them to become good while leveling but once they hit 100 things took off! However, when I came back, my first group ended up being SK, SHM, CLR, MNK, MAG, BRD. I can tell you that deaths were very rare, and usually because I screwed up, not because of overwhelming numbers. I lacked DPS, but I wasn't dying and doing corpse recovery often.

As Vandersl above mentioned, play what you like. You can always tweak later on, like I am doing. Good luck!
WB! Don't underestimate the dps of a fully leveled ranger in the new expansion with a really good bow. You will be hard pressed to out dps them with any other class, I've had some sick sick parses in group with headshottable mobs!
Welcome back!
Season 8 Twd GIF by The Walking Dead
Welcome Back Hello GIF by Regal
Scroll up to Sic's post welcoming you back. Set aside a couple hours and watch his videos. The information there is invaluable. It will save you grief while answering questions that you might have. I find myself going back and looking at them from time to time.
I wanted to pop back up and give an update.

First off, thank you all for your kind welcomes and suggestions. It has been a blast diving back in!

I ended up sticking with the team I initially created. I was going to swap the enchanter for a bard, but since we don't have a CWTN for bard yet I figured I would hold off. If it does come available I can always PL a bard up and replace the chanter out. I do miss my Ranger, so once my squad gets up to the high 60's I will probably swap my Rogue (or maybe Cleric, if my Shaman can handle the healing) out for him.

My toons are now 45 and I have been sticking with the Serpent Spine leveling path (Crescent, Blightfire, Goru'kar). I have been trying to figure out where to go from here. Most of the recommendations are all dungeon type zones and I prefer open areas. With wife, kids, dogs and such I need a place I don't need to fight my way back out of if I have to get out quick or somewhere with a soft spot I can safely camp in.

What are some of your fave places around level 50 to level up?
Soon you may be able to visit the planes. If I remember well POI starts at lvl 54? I liked it for the nice loot and sufficient mobs to stay for several levels. Easy to jump in from plane of tranquility and you are Rady to get a.
Soon you may be able to visit the planes. If I remember well POI starts at lvl 54? I liked it for the nice loot and sufficient mobs to stay for several levels. Easy to jump in from plane of tranquility and you are Rady to get a.
Oh, I forgot all about PoI. My Ranger spent quite a bit of time there back in the day.
WB! Don't underestimate the dps of a fully leveled ranger in the new expansion with a really good bow. You will be hard pressed to out dps them with any other class, I've had some sick sick parses in group with headshottable mobs!
On a side note, what would be a good bow/arrow setup for a 68 Ranger? Right now my old main is using pre-raid level PoP era gear. With test being down I have dusted him back off and found out he is woefully under-geared.

I also could not believe the inflation level on plat! I had 30k in the bank when I quit and now that won't buy anything lol.
I believe I am happy with the SK, CLR, BER, SHM as my main core. What I am torn on is the ROG and Chanter.

The rogue is filling what I believe is a straight up DPS roll. I was curious if I should keep him around or possibly replace him out with another BER or maybe go caster with a Mage. From what I have read they seem to be the two highest DPS in the game.

In my extensive testing, ROG is just as much DPS as BER without some annoying mechancs, and has significant added utilities. Particularly in the group / grind scenrio. Definitely wouldn't replace a ROG I already had w/ a BER.
I expect this will upset some people. Do your own research if in doubt.

Bard will handle most CC just fine and adds a ton of DPS / utility, as others have said.
In my extensive testing, ROG is just as much DPS as BER without some annoying mechancs, and has significant added utilities. Particularly in the group / grind scenrio. Definitely wouldn't replace a ROG I already had w/ a BER.
I expect this will upset some people. Do your own research if in doubt.

Bard will handle most CC just fine and adds a ton of DPS / utility, as others have said.

this time 1000. Don’t replace the rogue. Since the OP is going two healers which is overkill you need to keep the rogue for sure. I’d go bard which is more than enough cc and brings far better dps advantages to the melee.
Scroll up to Sic's post welcoming you back. Set aside a couple hours and watch his videos. The information there is invaluable. It will save you grief while answering questions that you might have. I find myself going back and looking at them from time to time.

I have spent so much time watching EQMule and Sic videos about MQ2/MQ and different plugins that I wonder if they could just make their own network. Weekly episodes of neat stuff. Jazz it up with some other creator videos. Have one of the sitcom moments where main character bumps into a guy on the subway, and when the stranger turns around it's actually Redbot! and since it's filmed in front of a live studio audience there is all kinds of clapping and cheering for a minute of so. Just like guest star appearances...


That'd be swell

ANYWAY, Sic has some really good videos. He's super smart and shares what he knows for all our benefit.
Thanks @Harashil and @Naeeldar! I will plan on keeping the rogue around. With all the recommendations I believe I will end up replacing the cleric with another DPS once my shammy can handle the heals.
I have spent so much time watching EQMule and Sic videos about MQ2/MQ and different plugins that I wonder if they could just make their own network. Weekly episodes of neat stuff. Jazz it up with some other creator videos. Have one of the sitcom moments where main character bumps into a guy on the subway, and when the stranger turns around it's actually Redbot! and since it's filmed in front of a live studio audience there is all kinds of clapping and cheering for a minute of so. Just like guest star appearances...


That'd be swell

ANYWAY, Sic has some really good videos. He's super smart and shares what he knows for all our benefit.
Sic’s videos have been a tremendous help. I have been slaying through those. I’ll have to look up EQMule and check his as well.

I might have to start looking up some KA videos, so I can get a Bard up and running.
Heya all-

I figured I would pop back in and give you all an update on my ever-evolving group of toons.

I took your sage wisdom and replaced the Enchanter with a Bard. It has been a fun learning curve as I never dealt with Bards back in the day. It takes me a few levels to get the KA ini ready to go, and by the time its set, I need a new one. I might end up giving Next or RGmerc a try instead.

I have also leveled up a new SK to replace the SK I have on my Ranger's account. That way I can start throwing my old main Ranger into the mix. As soon as I am comfortable with my Shammy taking over the healing I am going to boot the Cleric and bring him in.

My Shammy seems to be always OOM which has me a little concerned about taking over that role. I have not really sat and watched her to see exactly where it is all going. Although, last night instead of letting her take bear form, I set her on her mount and it appears it made a world of difference. Maybe the mana regen from bear form is not as great as meditate?

My last decision is whether or not to bring my Druid (my old primary alt) into the mix. My berserker destroys my rouge in DPS so if he was to take a spot I think it would be his. I know the DPS will not be as high as the rogue, but the ability to port would be very invaluable. if I needed to get off quickly I could just port back to POK rather than have to fight my way out of a dungeon. It would also give me the ability to have a backup healer and some decent damage. What are your thoughts?

As a recap of my current group:
SK level 57
BRD level 57
SHM 59
BSK 59
CLR 59 (Replacing with Ranger)
ROG 59 (Maybe replace with Druid)

Thank you all for all the help in getting my feet wet with EQ again. I am having a blast and am beginning to wonder why I ever stepped away! I also wanted to get a special thanks to Chat, Sic, Red, and all the other developer/contributors that make VV and MQ so great!
Nice recap!

I would not lean into shm as solo healer until 100ish, they have more of a support/flex toolkit until then.

Did you do the anny quests for steins this year?
Heya all-

I figured I would pop back in and give you all an update on my ever-evolving group of toons.

I took your sage wisdom and replaced the Enchanter with a Bard. It has been a fun learning curve as I never dealt with Bards back in the day. It takes me a few levels to get the KA ini ready to go, and by the time its set, I need a new one. I might end up giving Next or RGmerc a try instead.

I have also leveled up a new SK to replace the SK I have on my Ranger's account. That way I can start throwing my old main Ranger into the mix. As soon as I am comfortable with my Shammy taking over the healing I am going to boot the Cleric and bring him in.

My Shammy seems to be always OOM which has me a little concerned about taking over that role. I have not really sat and watched her to see exactly where it is all going. Although, last night instead of letting her take bear form, I set her on her mount and it appears it made a world of difference. Maybe the mana regen from bear form is not as great as meditate?

My last decision is whether or not to bring my Druid (my old primary alt) into the mix. My berserker destroys my rouge in DPS so if he was to take a spot I think it would be his. I know the DPS will not be as high as the rogue, but the ability to port would be very invaluable. if I needed to get off quickly I could just port back to POK rather than have to fight my way out of a dungeon. It would also give me the ability to have a backup healer and some decent damage. What are your thoughts?

As a recap of my current group:
SK level 57
BRD level 57
SHM 59
BSK 59
CLR 59 (Replacing with Ranger)
ROG 59 (Maybe replace with Druid)

Thank you all for all the help in getting my feet wet with EQ again. I am having a blast and am beginning to wonder why I ever stepped away! I also wanted to get a special thanks to Chat, Sic, Red, and all the other developer/contributors that make VV and MQ so great!
Sounds like fun.

I'm also leveling up a new team and I am also going to replace the cleric with a ranger once they are high enough. I really love rangers and they are pretty good current the current content.

That team is currently SHD, CLR, SHM, BRD, BST, ROG. I'm really loving the ROG and getting into poison making. I've never really played on before. I think RNG will fit in nicely when they get there.

I don't have much experience with druids. But, as far as ports go, you do have a shammy so you can always make your dudes lots of gate potions. The components are all vendor-bought, so as long as you have funds it's an easy way to get everyone back to bind. I tend to keep a stack on everyone that doesn't have an innate gate. I just have a hotkey that has everyone try AA gate, Thrown, or pop a potion.
Nice recap!

I would not lean into shm as solo healer until 100ish, they have more of a support/flex toolkit until then.

Did you do the anny quests for steins this year?
Oh crap, I had no idea about the Steins! I will have to look into one of those (If the Anny celebration is still going on)

Would you recommend keeping the Cleric as a healer until then or could the Shammy/Druid combo work?
Sounds like fun.

I'm also leveling up a new team and I am also going to replace the cleric with a ranger once they are high enough. I really love rangers and they are pretty good current the current content.

That team is currently SHD, CLR, SHM, BRD, BST, ROG. I'm really loving the ROG and getting into poison making. I've never really played on before. I think RNG will fit in nicely when they get there.

I don't have much experience with druids. But, as far as ports go, you do have a shammy so you can always make your dudes lots of gate potions. The components are all vendor-bought, so as long as you have funds it's an easy way to get everyone back to bind. I tend to keep a stack on everyone that doesn't have an innate gate. I just have a hotkey that has everyone try AA gate, Thrown, or pop a potion.
Great minds think alike =) I have always loved my Ranger. I can sit back and DPS from a nice safe distance, but still be able to run up and do some decent damage with my swords.

The poison making has been on my list check out, but since I am not sure if I was going to keep him around it got pushed to the back burner.

The gate potions were one of my initial ideas for fast travel, but the Bazaar on test is empty could never find stock and I figured the mats would be hard to come by as well. But, if the mats are all vendor purchasable that is a game changer. At least the benefit of playing on test is that funds are not an issue. I will definitely have to start working on those until I can get my hands on the Stein.
Great minds think alike =) I have always loved my Ranger. I can sit back and DPS from a nice safe distance, but still be able to run up and do some decent damage with my swords.

The poison making has been on my list check out, but since I am not sure if I was going to keep him around it got pushed to the back burner.

The gate potions were one of my initial ideas for fast travel, but the Bazaar on test is empty could never find stock and I figured the mats would be hard to come by as well. But, if the mats are all vendor purchasable that is a game changer. At least the benefit of playing on test is that funds are not an issue. I will definitely have to start working on those until I can get my hands on the Stein.
If you do decide to get into poison making or alchemy, make sure you grab the trophy quest from Event Coordinator Baublie Diggs as soon as you hit 55 skill level. I forgot about it with the rogue until I was around 250 skill, I still regret it.
You're missing something then.

edit: I think the normal abreviation for Berzerker is BER btw
Do you have any suggestions on what I can check? I’m using CWTN for both toons, so I wouldn’t think it’s a play style issue. The biggest stand out I can tell is weapons. The BER has a decent axe, but the ROG is stuck with an ornate defiant poker. I have been watching the bazaar for something better, but that has been fruitless.
i do know I need to dig into poison and axe throwing to edge out some more dps.
Oh crap, I had no idea about the Steins! I will have to look into one of those (If the Anny celebration is still going on)

Would you recommend keeping the Cleric as a healer until then or could the Shammy/Druid combo work?
If you missed the steins don't forget about gate potions. With the shammy they're easy to make and will work as a substitute for the stein until the quest comes around again.
If you missed the steins don't forget about gate potions. With the shammy they're easy to make and will work as a substitute for the stein until the quest comes around again.

Something else that's super handy is the housing stuff, which I admit I neglected completely until about a week ago. I bought a guildhall in the DB store with the free cash you get monthly on one of my accounts, and it lets you put a primary anchor in it from every character (Anchor kits from Loyalty merchant, which i also had a ton of) If you buy a house (loyalty merchant) you can place it next to the guildhall and allow access to your toons and place secondary anchor there. So you get 1 port to guildhall, plus one port to "next to guild hall". I think it's a 2? hr reuse, but it is a super handy way to get around. And you have Throne of Heroes which ports one zone from the new guild hall.

Sometimes the Stein is a pain in the ass if you are moving 6 chars and trying to not look suspicious.

I'm by no means a housing expert but the setup so far has been fantastic.
Do you have any suggestions on what I can check? I’m using CWTN for both toons, so I wouldn’t think it’s a play style issue. The biggest stand out I can tell is weapons. The BER has a decent axe, but the ROG is stuck with an ornate defiant poker. I have been watching the bazaar for something better, but that has been fruitless.
i do know I need to dig into poison and axe throwing to edge out some more dps.
That's probably the issue. The defiant weapons are crap at all levels :(

At 65 some stuff opens up like Bejeweled Parrypoint, and at 75 you can get started getting the TBM weapons. Before then, it's probably not worth chasing down anything better since it will be obsolete so quickly.
Discussion - The Return

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