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Funny - These Old Bones - Dragon Necropolis (CoV) (1 Viewer)

Oct 23, 2018
Had trouble getting to the last part of this quest in CoV progression, see invis mobs and high lvl mobs in the way.

- Find the cavern of ice and bring the velium to the statue within 0/1 Dragon Necropolis

Gave up for the day, and finnished of with a zlandi mission. Did a quick /q and went to bed. Logged in the day after and instatly got the quest text that I completed the step. Didnt even think of that the quest step is at the same place as the Zlandi mission, so if you log out in the mission zone and quit the mission, you log in at the same place in the static zone.

Anywho, I got the update for the quest on my crew, even though I died when loggin in, I found it to be a quick and easy way of doing that part of the quest
Its how i did it too. Not by accident though. :lol:

I made the experience once in Velks mission in ToV.
To switch to another char i logged inside the instance and when i logged back in a day after i foudn myself right there, but not in the instance.

So when this DN quest came up i tried the same.
Guess what, it didnt work at first try.
You need to let pass some real long time for the instance to die.
I can confirm 6 hours are enough.
Had trouble getting to the last part of this quest in CoV progression, see invis mobs and high lvl mobs in the way.

- Find the cavern of ice and bring the velium to the statue within 0/1 Dragon Necropolis

Gave up for the day, and finnished of with a zlandi mission. Did a quick /q and went to bed. Logged in the day after and instatly got the quest text that I completed the step. Didnt even think of that the quest step is at the same place as the Zlandi mission, so if you log out in the mission zone and quit the mission, you log in at the same place in the static zone.

Anywho, I got the update for the quest on my crew, even though I died when loggin in, I found it to be a quick and easy way of doing that part of the quest
I have done this twice now. You have to fight your way down. There is a see invis mob just after the first right along with their annoying little light blue rats or whatever they are. Once you make the right to head to the statue room forget invise. I have done this quest twice, I always come back with box grp substituting ranger for necro. The initial problem I had first run was TRYING to invis past the mobs which got grp wiped out. Just move slow and con the rats to find the see invis mobs. Last part of the run is a kill quest all the way through. Once you do that it really is not very hard and a lot quicker than doing corpse runs....
Funny - These Old Bones - Dragon Necropolis (CoV)

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