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Thinking about WoW (1 Viewer)


New member
Jan 26, 2005
Hey, I have signed back up with WoW. Are there any cool cheats on the site? How safe is it to cheat on WoW? I noticed there is a message that says if you are caught messing with offsets you're permabanned. Also, how safe is it to bot on there? Thanks!
I bot on WoW every night. I wake up with an extra 50 - 60k experience, so it's nice. And we definetly have some cool cheats in the WoW section.

However, what makes Redguides unique is our selection of gold making strategies. It seems every site has cheats (though some don't explain them well or are scams) but nobody has as many safe, legit gold making strategies. And that's thanks to our community.
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Excellent, once my bro tells me if he is interested in playing WoW or not I will sign up. I'm pretty sure he is in, but his balls aren't really in his hand if you know what I mean.
hmmm, are you sure though that once these cheats are either fixed or realised, Blizzard will not start banning? They are pretty stringent anti-cheaters.
i herd of these strageties but so one telss me i wonder y ;)
i know sora know bout the Gold pots. i was told that this sites gold strageties are all Ligit.
i am a freshman of rogue ,i want to know how to get more money in WOW,for i can't get my ideal package when i get 10lvl,but others have ...
can you tell me????why???
Tell me, is there a Macro that could gain exp. for you? Because the thing is, i believe a macro would be much safer then a bot. Maybe it's not, but i think so.
Yea A macro would be safer than a bot beacause they (Blizzard) are not looking for a macro that gives you XP. They are looking for Bots that do that. Good Point Evil Homer! I /salute you with respect!
lol, thanks but I don't need anything like a salute. Trust me I know what it feels like to have jerks on the internet who won't tell you **** unless you give them like 5 gold.
I bet i have a solution for all the "how do i...?" questions. Its Quite Simple. Go find something unique that everyone could potentially benefit from in the game. Say, a way to make gold, or a quick way to do and/or get around something. Something genuinely unique and helpful. Then post that method and/or solution in the Submissions for Free Access section of the Forums. It will be reviewed, and a descision will be made. Then you could possiby be given access to the private forums of your choice. Once you have access, you will be able to read until you eyes fall out of their sockets, and get all the questions your heart desires, a.n.s.w.e.r.e.d! :) Enjoy!

Thinking about WoW

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