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Question - This is a question about Everquest Heroic 85's (1 Viewer)


New member
Jul 22, 2014
Should a level 85 Heroic character (say a Shadow Knight or a Necro) be able to solo blues and whites?

Mine cannot solo any mobs that are near his level even if I use mq2bot or kissassist (I tried them both).

My AA's were preset.

I am using the gear that came with the character.
I'd imagine it is according to how well you know the game/character. While kissassist is nice and mq2bot is nice, neither will replace a real player in most instances. An 85 heroic necro should theoretically be able to solo anything that doesn't summon and that his spells can hit. But you've got to know the tactics and how to do it. The shadowknight could probably do some blues and whites, but then others would destroy him. Another thing to consider is a fresh heroic has no ac augs, so until you do those quests you are also about 600+ ac shy of what you should be.
I also think this really depends on the content. My heroic team of 85 was getting crushed in T3 HoT zones, even with a J5 healer merc. The gear/AA just isn't quite ready for that. I'd say that if you did a gear upgrade, and got heroic augs, with a J5 you can probably do HoT courtyards. The necro can probably solo whatever it can kite. There is a video of a necro solo kiting yellows in beasts domain that I think is pretty awesome.
As others said, SK needs the AC boost from augs. Once I got over 6k AC i could tank much better in HOT zones.

Do all the heroic aug quests in HOT courtyard and Feerrott, that is a big boost, then start getting some gear upgrades.

Of course it is a bit of catch-22 as Feerrott regular mobs are pretty rough at 85 for tanking. I got my heroic 90 mage to help when I was starting out. Again, do the HOT courtyard kill tasks first then do Feerrott ones.

This page lists all the quests that give out AC augs for tanks: https://forums.station.sony.com/eq/index.php?threads/feerot-quests-for-augs.209049/page-3

If you have problems in HOT zones, you might want to start with easy mobs in Field of Scale: http://www.almarsguides.com/eq/leveling/mypath/fieldofscale.cfm
It was a gear issue. I bought new gear and augmentations from the Bazaar. It increased his AC by 1000+ and his HP by 10,000+. Now he tanks the way I expected.

The next issue is my druid dies if I don't see the mobs on him in time. So, I'm going to upgrade his gear as well, then perhaps I will be set to play.

- - - Updated - - -

BTW, thanks Playj!
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Yep, I had heard that, but hadn't tried it yet. I have done the J5 merc quest with a non heroic in Ferrott though. It only took about 15 minutes with my higher level toon. I can't even run to Warrens that fast! (Slow Zoner with some many toons running)
Well, after a couple of trips to the Bazaar (SK and DRU) my team is now functional. Now, speaking from the voice of experience, I have to say that Heroic characters are "gimped" in terms of AC and HP. Any pet class will do fine, but any class that has to take a hit from a mob will need some gear upgrades before heading into Feerott (the dream).

There is level 85 gear in the Bazaar with 1400+ hp and mp. The Heroic gear is 800-900 hp and mp. There is a huge difference!
Most of the Bazaar gear added an extra 30-50 AC to each gear slot for my SK. Then, the augs added an extra 15-37 AC for each slot depending on which ones I could find to buy.
Sony posted that any character can do the quests now. Haven't tested it as all my chars are heroic though. :P

It is an awesome set of augs for F2P. I ended up replacing them on my main Kronoed account, but it is still a good backup set.

Tried this today with a cple of non heroic characters along with my heroic zerker and the non-heroic characters DONOT get the aug
Thank you, Pepekeao! This was a great tip! I was able to buy all of the Glowing Reis pieces for my cleric at 10k pp each, and the Blood Etched Gear that I got with it is super gear for him. This plus some jewelry I found in the Bazaar took him from 32k HP to over 40k HP and from 4080 AC to 4600 AC.
Question - This is a question about Everquest Heroic 85's

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