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Tribute items, not looking for a macro (1 Viewer)

Jan 8, 2005
As stated above, not looking for a macro. Just list a good item or place or character or whatever you have that you use for tribute turn it. I like the chancellor or whatever he is called in the sarnak fort in LOIO but he is camped quite often with a respawn of 45 minutes or so, his prod is worth 970 but again he is camped.

OK, I showed you mine, you show me yours. Remember the fishing hooks are nerfed, time to move on.
I like going to nurga or droga. nameds spawn all the time so all that stuff i just use for tribute. Plus you get chardok faction. And you can sell the salts in the bazaar. If you have an uber charater. NC is nice you get 6-9k for runes in bazaar plus that stuff is good tribute. Hope this helps
Sorry, I don't really have an answer to your question, but my farming location is a piece of cake. ;) I just did this for the first time on Monday.

I did a /bazaar search with...

Minimum Cost: 0pp
Maximum Cost: 1000pp [Reasoning: people tend to dump cheap armor at low prices just to get rid of it. I find lots of good deals at 15:1 trib:plat ratio in this price range. Anyway, this is just an indicator, keep reading.)
Slot Type: [start at the top or bottom of the list and work your way through the slots as needed. This way, you get search results of only low-cost wearable items which cuts it down to the good stuff.]

Then ignore the obvious augs, which never seem to tribute for anything. Just rt. click each piece of armor until you find an item selling for 10% of the tribute value or lower. I keep a calculator handy, (i.e. Items sells for 125pp, tributes for 1435, so 1435/125 = 11.48--so buy it, 11:1 ratio is decent). I won't buy anything with less than a 10:1 ratio.

For those of you who might not have noticed, while MQ2 is running the item description includes tribute values if the item has tribute value. Stretch your description window bigger so you don't have to scroll down all the time, though.

So, go find the /trader with the item. This is where the real farming begins now that you have found a fertile field... Search ALL their stuff for trib values. I don't yet know what zones they are from, but once you find someone with good trib-farming deals, they will usually have many such high-ratio deals.

Monday I spent 4K on trib farming in the bazaar (about 20 minutes time) and turned it in for over 70K in tribute points in my home town. This strategy requires a small investment, but hey, invest either plat or time, take your pick. :p
Droga is good.
King drops copper hammer of striking approx 1200 tribute
Flame master Japal drops Kindly boots of spendor approx 1200 tribute as well
There are about 20 named in there very soloable
Another thought is that someone (armysoldier perhaps?) posted a mac to buy tradeskill ingredients in the bazaar if they were selling at or below a named price. Pretty sure it used pathing. Somewhere I saw a macro to buy items selling lower than their vendor value (used warping).

Somewhere between those two is a macro just waiting to be written that searches the bazaar for the best trib farming deals, those in the 20:1+ range, and then perhaps even run around and buy them for you until you run out of plat or inventory space. (Don't bother with warping in the bazaar, I would never use something like that).

I personally would use this a lot if someone posted such a thing. I'm not that great at coding, but I'm sure a lot of people would use this one. In fact, if someone has even the basic routines to (a) search for a specified item at or below a specified price, and (b) run and buy it without warping, I would Red Cent you every day for quite a while... :D

(sometimes flattery works, if not, use a bribe, ...)

Good luck with your own trib farming, either Baz or dropped.
OMG, I'm replying to myself again, bad habit.

Anyway, I just noticed the subject line (no macros), so sorry for hijacking the thread. What can I say, sometimes I'm just a bonehead.
I suppose it's server dependant, but on my server, cultural armor is great tribute for the value. IIRC Lum heraldic greaves sell for @5k and tribute @11-12k. Mistletoe cutting sickles are alos good, sell for @300pp and tribute at 1200pp
I agree with Tradertesla, bazaar is a goldmine. I chose a "low end" approach and limited my prices from 10-100pp, and only settling for items with a 10x or better ratio of tribute to price.

FOr example, it'ss not uncommon to find 125 tribute item going for 5pp. Doesn't seem like much, but there are bagfuls to be had with this approach. The higher the price, the more likely the ratio will be lower. I routinely invest 1000pp and get back 13-15K tribute. It may mean several trips (lore items, or full bags), but worth the extra 20 minutes or so. A 5K tribute item for 1Kpp seems like a deal, but you can get a better return on that 1K.

Lastly, if you use this "low end" approach and find and buy a item that mets your criteria, check the other items that vendor is selling. I've found it highly likely that they're dumping other stuff at low cost. Saves some running around; just sort by price and use the same criteria.
There are many things that sell low that pull great tribute. When you search the bazaar to a search in the price range of 0 to 4k. There are many items that go in the 2 to 4k range that tribute for up to 20k in points. Esp some of the old world drops.
Tribute items, not looking for a macro

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