Ok so I like to compare older EXE's and find the offsets, think this looks right. Here is old EXE from 10/12/05 (correct offset back then was 413BF0 since we want 1 to become 0) :
10/12/05 EXE:
And here is the new one from 12/07/05:
12/07/05 EXE
Hence here for this offset we want the 1 that is in 41AE9B to become 0.
so we get :
Description="No Blind"
Untested...hope this is right since I am probably doing that darn DoN dragon tonight
Anyone confirm this? or have it already?
10/12/05 EXE:
Rich (BB code):
.text:00413BE1 mov eax, [esi+8]
.text:00413BE4 mov eax, [eax+1A8h]
.text:00413BEA mov byte ptr [eax+154h], 1
.text:00413BF1 jmp loc_413EEB
And here is the new one from 12/07/05:
12/07/05 EXE
Rich (BB code):
.text:0041AE92 mov eax, [esi+8]
.text:0041AE95 mov byte ptr [eax+0AFFh], 1
.text:0041AE9C jmp loc_41B197
Hence here for this offset we want the 1 that is in 41AE9B to become 0.
so we get :
Description="No Blind"
Untested...hope this is right since I am probably doing that darn DoN dragon tonight
Anyone confirm this? or have it already?