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Question - trying to plat farm in dungonss with KA and having issues (1 Viewer)


Old Timer
Jun 23, 2005
Okay so i'm trying to setup a AFK plat farming team in some older dungeon zones using KA.

However since KA uses mq2navigation and it works great in open zones. However in dungeons I've never got it to path correctly my puller keeps getting stuck on walls.
trying to farm in the hole but mq2navigation does not work at all. I even tried creating my own nav meshes but it doesn't work with dungeons.

Is there some plugin that will allow me to use KA and make specific paths to move my team around a dungeon to farm it?

or how do you guys that have farm teams do it?
Thanks for the quick response. I still have a few more questions

First Since KA uses MQ2Navigation instead of MQ2Advpath how do I override that?

Second Once i have recorded a path and my puller runs it. Will he return to the group when he gets aggro or will the whole group follow the path?

Thirdly If the answer to the above is the group will need to follow. Will they stop running the path once they get aggro or do I need to setup camps along the way that they fight at?
Yeah I haven't found a way to do what you're looking to do very well.

Best bet is to just find some area in a dungeon with as many NPC's in Line of Sight as possible, and let it run that way.

DMF Pit in Chardok works pretty well, 15 npc's in that area to pull. Not the most efficient, but about as good as it gets atm if you're running afk.
I've let a group running in DMF pit for some 24 hours before.
If you're doing older dungeons, I assume you're on a TLP? If you're on a TLP you can make some nice money in DMF pit from Sarnak Pearly Baubles, the spell DMF, and a few other drops there. Just set up your advloot files in advance.
Question - trying to plat farm in dungonss with KA and having issues

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