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UF boomerang game (1 Viewer)


May 16, 2009
hi guys,

anyone played it? i only read from forums, havent tried.

is it possible to 3 box it? is it possible to write some kind of macro for it to automate some parts in the game? run around, target stuff, hit them.

I gotta try i guess, is holiday no time to log on. then could see how it works and what would be possible to for MQ in there.

I asked because I heard 3 boxing without very good tank and puller/cc in UF is mission impossible. doing nameds is even worse. so only viable way to get gear at some lvl is to do them boomerang games.
Yes you can 3 box it. Ye it can be macroed. I was gonna ask if any good macroers out there could potentially write one.
Basic rundown of the game:
There are 3 main mobs(MM characters to choose from). A red, yellow, and blue.

Each person gets 2 boomerangs, one for each team color they are against.

A macro would need to swap in the corresponding boomerang for the color of the team they wsh to hit, red for red, blue for blue yellow for yellow.

The beauy is, if one could write a good macro, all 3 toons you're running could gain points, it seems luck plays a big role in your position in the final standings.

You are rewarded silver coins based on your total points, and gold points for first, second, and third place.

There is no real penalty for being lower, so tere woul be no harm in running it on all 3 since sometimes, often times in fact the NPCs score in the top 3

Basically you inventory right click the boomerang corresponging to the other teams color when in range, and bang you score a point.

Each time you get hit with a boomerang you lose a point, so run around, cycle target fast, riht click the right boomerang and you win coins.
UF boomerang game

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