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Ui Hud (1 Viewer)


New member
Jul 31, 2005
Someone told me this info was in the forums somewhere , I DID spend an awful long time searching to no avail. How do I center Soultakers HUD? Its such and uber HUD I just need to be able to read the target locs hehe =)
Sorry for the noobness.

RipSki said:
Someone told me this info was in the forums somewhere , I DID spend an awful long time searching to no avail. How do I center Soultakers HUD? Its such and uber HUD I just need to be able to read the target locs hehe =)
Sorry for the noobness.


Open up MQ2HUD.ini file (ini not dll) and you will see random numbers (not random, but close enough)

Example: This is the YourLoc and TargetInfo - "Target Loc" is above "My Loc" in the INI.

**My Loc**=3,150,760,100,250,150,**My Loc** ${Me.Y} ${Me.X} ${Me.Z}
TargetLevel=3,500,250,255,255,255,{If[${Target.ID},${Target.Name}'s Level is ${Target.Level} - ${Target.Class} - ${Target.Race} - ${Target.PctHPs}% Health,]}

Ok now...

The RED numbers are, I believe Font Size, messed with it and totally fubared up the stuff. Anyways, the position is always the two (2) numbers after this.

The BLUE numbers represent the position the text is places Vertically. Up/Down on the screen. Higher the number, lower on the screen it is. So 1 would be very top. 1000 would be either off the screen or near the bottom of the screen.

The Lighter BLUE numbers represent the position the text is places Horizontally. Left/Right on the screen. Higher the number, further left on the screen it is. So 1 would be very left. 1000 would be either off the screen or near the right of the screen.

Be aware, the HUD will ALWAYS be behind the UI. So experiment accordingly.

FYI - the last 3 Numbers (I didn't highlight above) are the Color Codes. If you wish to change, I suggest opening your DYE ARMOR window in-game and test colors there, then enter the numeric numbers. The order is R,B,G? Red Blue Green... Maybe it's Red Green Blue...I forget offhand.
Just to clarify a couple things from moorthon...

Taken directly from the MQ2 Changelog:
- New command
Usage: /hud <normal|underui|always>
* "Normal" will make the HUD display as it would normally on top of UI, not at char select
or in "f10 mode"
* "UnderUI" will make the HUD display as it would normally except UNDER the UI, and not at
char select or in "f10 mode"
* "Always" will make the HUD display under the UI, at char select, and in "f10 mode"
- New Plugin MQ2HUD. Edit MQ2HUD.INI to add custom elements to your HUD. You pick the spot
on the screen, the color, and what gets displayed. Every element gets parsed for MQ2Data
each time it is displayed.
Example MQ2HUD.INI:
ClickMeForFun=6,-25,-25,255,255,255,${If[!${Cursor.ID},click me,]}
Type is currently any combination of the following:
1 - Display in non-full screen mode
2 - Display in full screen mode ("f10 mode")
4 - X,Y is based on cursor location
e.g. 1+2+4=7. 7 means all 3 of the above. 6 means 2 and 4. 3 means 1 and 2. Just add them
together. There is no way to end up with a number that could mean two different
Red, Green and Blue are each from 0 to 255. 255,255,255 is white, 0,0,0 is black.

To get the text where you want it, it takes some playing with it so if you're worried about messing it up, just make a back up of your current MQ2Hud.ini.
Ui Hud

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