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UI - Target Window (1 Viewer)

I use the old Frequency UI which has a target window that shows that as well as distance to target, and some other useful tidbits, it's a nice simple wire UI, seems to be really low on generating aggro, but has some awesome features. I attached it here, not real sure how it works, but it is uploaded at least. File is called Freq_di28889.rar, it's the full UI though, I don;t believe the components work individually.

This is not my work, nor did I have any part in setting up Freq UI, so if he is still around and wishes it removed I will do so. This UI is also available on the MQ2 forums, along with several other integrated UIs, I just like the vast amount of INFO this UI gives, yet the simplicity of it to look at.
Frequency is not working for some people and is for others. On my sons PC it actually works for some toons but not others. There is a thread on the macroquest site but none of the fixes work for me. If anyone had any ideas please let me know.
UI - Target Window

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