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Problem - Upgraded to Level 2 - paid before unlocking forum account (1 Viewer)


Aug 20, 2020

I just upgraded to level 2 and it still has me at level 1, I can't download the launcher. Anyoneknow a fix?
I've logged out and logged back in too.

Thank you!
An issue for users with locked forum accounts who don't unlock them prior to subscription. If this happens to anyone reading this, please either PM me (or @Sic) or use the contact link.
You can also fix it yourself by changing a single letter's cAsE in your email address.

after you logged back in, did you go to the rsource by clicking the big shield looking thing on the forum page and then click the download button there?

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I don't know what's going on with that. But I just stopped by to say "Mupdating?". I instantly thought of a Muppet updating software. Sorry...had too... :xd:

But in all seriousness, try logging out of the site, and back in.
An issue for users with locked forum accounts who don't unlock them prior to subscription. If this happens to anyone reading this, please either PM me (or @Sic) or use the contact link.
You can also fix it yourself by changing a single letter's cAsE in your email address.

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I signed up for level two access over the weekend and I still haven't been able to access that content. It says I'm subscribed in my account details, but when I go to that forum section it says I don't have access. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
I signed up for level two access over the weekend and I still haven't been able to access that content. It says I'm subscribed in my account details, but when I go to that forum section it says I don't have access. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
It might be a broswer setting on your end, however, can also email RG help (on the landing page) and one of the site admins can take a look at it from the RG side.
honestly im gonna suggest the basics when it comes to browser issues ... did you clear your cache and history?, pop up blockers? did you dbl check your DL folder for a zip file?
Yes I know quite a few people know to try these steps and thoughts on the same note some forget are unaware.
I signed up for level two access over the weekend and I still haven't been able to access that content. It says I'm subscribed in my account details, but when I go to that forum section it says I don't have access. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
You show level 2 (black band under your name) now. Hope it got fixed.

You mention "signed up" - not sure if that means you paid but if it does then it might charge you again unless you change your subscription to use the red cents instead of the billing method.
Problem - Upgraded to Level 2 - paid before unlocking forum account

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