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Question - Using Mercs during a AFK Macro Session (1 Viewer)

Feb 8, 2005
Ok, So i've been afk macroing for the better part of a decade (2007 is when I stated doing it for 1-day plus) and as time has gone on I've become to where i only like playing 2 characters at a time. I've since run into a wierd bug with mercs. It seems about every couple hours or so (1-6 hours) typically my mercs just go poof and die. Anyone seen this before?
Yeah I never run a healer merc they are way too unpredictable. I'm running on 7 hours atm in my current macro, and tank merc still up, so I don't know what the deal is. I'll test it a bit more when I upgrade him to J5. It could be just a J1 merc goof.
Mine just tend to go poof after a few hours... It could be because I keep the wizard on burn, and didn't have the tank tagged as puller. I'll try again, and see what happens.
Question - Using Mercs during a AFK Macro Session

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