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[Warcry] Tamat interviews Curt Schilling! (1 Viewer)


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Jan 31, 2005
In a very recent interview, I had the honor of talking with one of the worlds greatest pitchers. Curt Schilling of the Boston Red Sox who has for years been an active EverQuest player. Today he shares his experiences in EverQuest II, right here at WarCry!

Tamat - What are you most looking forward too in the first expansion? What would you like to see implemented in the game in the near future?

Curt - First off more levels, the 10 they are implementing I am praying they are deep. That you get more per level ability and spell wise.I'd love to see races begin to get more race driven resist ability now. I'd also like to see level 51+ spells and abilities become VERY class specific, and see the classes begin to branch FAR apart in their abilities. I think SOE has done a fantastic job to this point but I want more specialization.

[Warcry] Tamat interviews Curt Schilling!

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