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**warning** (1 Viewer)


Active member
Sep 13, 2005
I am using Moonspell's compile, because I havent been playing much and it was the first working compile out. There is a problem with it. I thought there was a bug in SONY's database, but it turns out it is MQ2, or at least Moon's compile. When you have money in the shared bank and have Moon's compile loaded, it shows up as 0 platinum in the shared bank. The money is still there so DO NOT PETITION (i did, but sony might get curious if many people do). Close EQ, unload MQ, and move the money out of the shared bank. I just tried without MQ, and my 32k was there. Moved 198pp into shared bank, loaded Moon's compile and it showed up as 0pp again. Just to let you know, not to petition, nor fret. Thanks.
When Sony asks you just say you were getting reg bank and shared confused, and you're an idiot.....They might believe it.
was just warning people, because im sure im not the ONLY one that was using Moon's compile, and I still dont know if it is only that compile, or all.
TP Compile incoming mid-December 2005 when I start to experience full force withdrawal (like I always do)
I'll look into the problem when I get home from work. Aside from the the changes I made to do no/auth and the like, I didn't edit any of the base MQ2 files.
I bet what happened was you got an early release of the MQ2 and the structs/offsets were screwed up.
That could very well be it. I'll check the MQ2 site and verify that I have their latest release of the source. So, TP, has the withdrawl gotten to you yet? :-)
thanks, was just warning those using it, to ensure that 1,000 people didnt petition for the same reason lol.
could have been, but the only thing i used was the map feature, cuz i had no plugins =/
Did plat show up in your regular bank? Notice anything else weird? Never heard of shared bank $$ dissapearing.
This sounds like a bad Docrack offset to me. Several times with a bad offset if you dont CTD you will see this bug.

The bug is that Items in any Container you try and open are invisable to you. Corpses, Bags, Bank, Shared Bank , Tradeskill. And the worst part is if you try and place something in, interact with them or do combines you will loose the item. It will be deleted. I have had to petition before to get a Gnomish Vanishing device back.

So if you see this bug turn off your Docrack offsets and load them one at a time to find which one is the bad one.

If you do not use Docrack then there is a code issue in another plugin or macro.
dunno, but i just kept MQ off, moved from shared bank to normal bank, and reloaded MQ lol. So, no harm, no foul. I also, had no docrack's, offsets, or plugins loaded =/

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