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Warp Detection... READ!!! (1 Viewer)

Feb 8, 2005
....Please pay me 100 dollars and ill you give you undetectable dll....

HAHA.... Using same old source with updated offset works just fine... and im not banned... me or the 10 people that use it with me. So breath easy... No warp detection this time.
P.S. I run 24 hour afk macros with warp and zone built in... so im warping every 2 minutes.... If someone gets banned... im sure it would be me...Heres my question if I do get banned...

/tell GM So did you ban me for Warping, AFK Macroing, No Drop Transfering, Using items in wrong slot, or using /zone command??


I don't get how they can tell the difference....did I gate or /gate, did I /warp succor or succor, did I /warp target or shadowstep.

I think that if you are using this stuff, "In Game" is the wrong place to be bragging about it.
jmustful said:
I don't get how they can tell the difference....did I gate or /gate, did I /warp succor or succor, did I /warp target or shadowstep.

Pretty easy really, they have a look if there's a spell cast right before the warp/succor/gate.

Anyway, just because you haven't been caught/banned yet, doesn't mean they haven't picked up you are cheating. They may be saving up all the bans to administer in one big swoop, rather than banning a few and the news getting out, and them losing out catching a lot more.
ystervarkie said:
Pretty easy really, they have a look if there's a spell cast right before the warp/succor/gate.

Anyway, just because you haven't been caught/banned yet, doesn't mean they haven't picked up you are cheating. They may be saving up all the bans to administer in one big swoop, rather than banning a few and the news getting out, and them losing out catching a lot more.

And why would they mass ban (remove income from Sony)? From ones I've read, nobody has been permanently banned. Hmmm...what's your SOE employee number??
Quite simplely if they ban a ton at once that's a ton of monthly dollars out the door too...but yes they may shoot themselves in the foot just for spite...however eq1 just isn't as fun with out mq2....once you've been playing for a while all that is left is the grind...mq2 makes that grind more bareable.....
2 of my accounts that i gave to a rl buddy were banned, he got busted warping 2 weeks ago, and admitted to using mq2. they were suspended for 2 weeks and now are banned
jmustful said:
And why would they mass ban (remove income from Sony)? From ones I've read, nobody has been permanently banned. Hmmm...what's your SOE employee number??

The way I see it is this:

1. There are threads on many message boards (class-specific and server-specific) related to warps, ghosting, /zone and the transfer of no-drop items. People are a lot more aware of ShowEQ, MQ2 and the types of hacks/plugins you can get for it. A lot more aware than they were a year ago, that's for certain. When I started (about a year or more ago) using MQ2 and docrack, and later /warp, people were unaware of these things even existing. Now there's lots of posts on public forums about people being caught warping/ghosting/etc.
2. If so many people are aware of MQ2/SEQ and what is possible with these programs/plugins, and Sony do nothing, it's bad publicity for them, and the normal non-cheating users may get upset and leave.
3. Banning people and bragging about it is good PR for Sony. This will help their image as a gaming company, which renews people's faith in EQ1 and other Sony games, like EQ2, SWG, etc.
4. The number of people who get caught cheating is low compared to the number of people who don't cheat, or don't get caught.

Lets try some theoretical numbers here. A year or two ago, Sony had 400 000 subscribers. Lets say that this total has dropped to 1 quarter of this, so 100 000 current subscribers.

Lets say the number of people using /warp and /zone stupidly enough to get banned is 1000 (a fairly generous number I think). Even if all these people are dual-boxing (hell even three-boxing), it only means 2-3% of their subscription costs they lose.

Good PR is worth 10 times that number. Simple as that really.

Note, the above figures are my guesses, unless you have hard figures about the number of subscribers, numbers of bannings, or anything else, don't bother picking apart the numbers in my example.

Blizzard regularly posts about the number of people they've banned. The number of people banned is a drop in the ocean compared to the number of people they have subscribing. It's the same for Sony.

Don't think that just because you have 10 accounts, Sony is going to care about the miniscule bit of money you send them every month.
Sounds exactly like what an employee of SOE would say.

So if I have a hotkey that say:

/emote xxxx is casting gate

returning to home point

That they can tell the difference...which was my point to begin with.

Stupid people get banned cause well...their stupid.
jmustful said:
Sounds exactly like what an employee of SOE would say.

I know him in RL (ystervarkie) he works for a similar company... NOT Sony, so I'd say he had a clue as to how this shit is looked upon.
spam their email from each account asking for each account to be unbanned untill they do (change your wording though and actually respond to what they say too). ok, i haven't slept much....
jmustful said:
Sounds exactly like what an employee of SOE would say.

So if I have a hotkey that say:

/emote xxxx is casting gate

returning to home point

That they can tell the difference...which was my point to begin with.

Well all text sent from you to the server (eg. /say, /shout, attack messages, etc) has a numbered category assigned to it. You can see most of the categories by going into the options - colours and seeing what things you're able to change the colours of. These numbered categories are what your EQ UI uses to filter text into different windows, like if you wanted a window for all /g messages, and another window for /gu messages.

I'm guessing (and this is just a guess), that those same category numbers are pre-pended to any log messages that the server makes, so that the GMs reading it can see whether you /shouted something or /ooc'd it, etc.

There's a lot of stuff happening behind the scenes (of your client as well as the server) that you don't see. Go look at the MQ2 or SEQ sources if you don't believe me.

jmustful said:
Stupid people get banned cause well...their stupid.

Agree with you on that one.
Merlin said:
I know him in RL (ystervarkie) he works for a similar company... NOT Sony, so I'd say he had a clue as to how this shit is looked upon.

And you are???

A) Sony employee #2
B) Part of the problem
C) Part of the solution
D) Not here to help
E) Someone with a limited vocabulary

/agree with Siddin if you do get banned
I used to work at the same Sony rival, been using MQ and Eq for years. Why the hostility? All I was saying is that he is not a Sony employee.

I thought as we payed for these boards we were entitled to opinions?
Warp this, warp that. The original "warp detection" email sent out was from someone posting a warning that it MIGHT come into effect. That same person makes money from selling an alternative method of warping. Point of fact is.. I dont care if you work for SOE itself, if you are not part of SOE's development team, then you can not say for sure anything is happening or not happening.

All of these "detection" rumors are just rumors. No point in all of you continuing with all of this nonsense. If people get banned, they get banned. Who is to say its because of ONE thing that person did.

None of you can say how SOE's hardware works. None of you can say how SOE's software works. None of you know what takes place with its server. If everyone who seems to have "internal knowledge of the workings of SOE" that posts here actually did, then I would expect a lot more upscale packet-rips and offset hacks.

Play the game how you like.. warp to your little hearts content. I dont walk anywhere, i /warp and /zone where I want to go. Am I banned? No lol. You install MQ you are taking a chance, we all know that..so lord please let these "{elitehack} is now detectable" threads die. Theyre nothing but rumor mills.
I think alot of people have the idea of the Mass Banning that is going to happen and are scared... One Yantis's Accounts were baned in the last couple weeks. Around 700 to 800 accounts from what i read. It happen overnight, but none of those accounts accually benefited to the game. They just hurt it by selling plat online. Now if they can detect warping... which i have no doubt in my mind they can... They would be banning alot of accounts well over 5000 accounts. I could name off 100 accounts that use warp that i personally hand out to. All 5 of my accounts. Lets do the math...

5000 x 12 = 60000 dollars a month.

To Sony that is an agreeable number. To protect the "honest" people. Then they have to ask themselves are we really protecting them??? That is roughly 500 active high end people from each server. That is a very big hit and hurt to EQ's longevity which could ultimatly kill the game. Now they have to ask themselves is it worth the risk??? Most likely they will say no.

haha... its how i look at it... if I get banned this will be the first place i post. But don't worry about it all.
no, the problem is warping ends up being the same as lagging by logic... you are lagging and still moving, the server still knows your location as X, when the lag drops, your current location Y is put into effect. So the server sees an immediate jump from X to Y with no delay.
Well I have to say after talking with my girlfriend (her brothers wife's sisters daughter is dating the nephew of a man who's brothers daughter goes to school with the son of the man who mows the janitors of SOE's lawn) all of this detection crap is still rumor lol. As I have said, no one here knows what their computers detect or dont detect.. it is all hearsay and to those of you new to the scene, you wont get any more busted by warping than you would if you ran a macro all night. Just do what you want to have fun although just be discreet, if you load macroquest youre taking a risk anyhow. Die Thread!!
It's pretty safe to assume that they aren't going to employ some kind of code on their server to do a delta check between the movement packet you just sent and the one you sent before it. That would be very taxing on their machines and infeasible in several other respects.

Aside from that fact, detecting the majority of warpers is entirely possible. Most everybody who warps does so by changing the zone safe coordinates in memory and calling CDisplay::MoveLocalPlayerToSafeCoords. If SoE was to change that function to send a message to the server every time it was called and call attention to accounts once a certain number is reached between zone changes, people who warped would be detected.

Honestly, this really isn't something to shrug off. For now you can, sure, because I can guaruntee that no such thing has been done at this point. Next patch - who knows?

Well, after a couple thousand noobs are banned, we could always detour the call that sends the datagram back to the server.....


cronic said:
It's pretty safe to assume that they aren't going to employ some kind of code on their server to do a delta check between the movement packet you just sent and the one you sent before it. That would be very taxing on their machines and infeasible in several other respects.

Aside from that fact, detecting the majority of warpers is entirely possible. Most everybody who warps does so by changing the zone safe coordinates in memory and calling CDisplay::MoveLocalPlayerToSafeCoords. If SoE was to change that function to send a message to the server every time it was called and call attention to accounts once a certain number is reached between zone changes, people who warped would be detected.

Honestly, this really isn't something to shrug off. For now you can, sure, because I can guaruntee that no such thing has been done at this point. Next patch - who knows?

well since last patch on Euro servers on wow, there is actually a distance checks when you warp and you get d/C trying...offcourse Blizzard can afford banning people left and right with their huge customer pool.

as for detecting change in delta to catch the warpers, they could do it for a time and patch back , and catch all the warpers and ban them ..wether it takes a lot of resources to do that or not , don't think it matters, it's not like the servers are overcrowded....heck they are merging servers together..the place is empty as a ghost town...the real question is can sony online afford to ban 30% of their customers?
mandrack said:
well since last patch on Euro servers on wow, there is actually a distance checks when you warp and you get d/C trying...offcourse Blizzard can afford banning people left and right with their huge customer pool.

as for detecting change in delta to catch the warpers, they could do it for a time and patch back , and catch all the warpers and ban them ..wether it takes a lot of resources to do that or not , don't think it matters, it's not like the servers are overcrowded....heck they are merging servers together..the place is empty as a ghost town...the real question is can sony online afford to ban 30% of their customers?

Delta checks dont work Mandrack. CoH by a mage, summon by a mob, gate in the same zone and some others that I forget all cause a fast delta that would look like a warp to the server. And for the server to catch those, it would have to keep track of all character location and movement updates in every zone.

Not gonna happen.

Warp Detection... READ!!!

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