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Warp vs HideRun offset (1 Viewer)


Sep 12, 2004
With the new Gnome Hostage MM macros out there, it seems there's 2 (sorta 3) approaches...

1) /warp target, then /hail (or use MQ2Hail which has the same basic effect of warping and hailing)
2) /DoCrack hiderun to each hostage.

So which is safer? 11 warps * 30ish missions a day = 330 warps/day * 30 days = 9900 warps/month or using the HideRun offset?

If you plan on not warping at all and just using HideRun offset, you'll have to define a path to run and that just seems like too much of a hassle in my opinion. I'm too lazy and don't have the time or energy to run through that zone doing /loc and then writing/typing it down, moving a little more, doing /loc, and so on... If you have the patience to do it, go for it.

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Would love to see the lavastorm mission modified to use advpath and the hiderun docrack. If someone posted the path and updated code they would get a red cent easily.
OK im trying to use the hiderun docrack in a macro. 3 questions.

1 when you loot, are you still hidden or does it make you visible like invis? Or will it even let you loot?

2 if it resets how do you turn it back on with the macro. Will you just put /hiderun on?

3 Can any class use it?
Well that’s 4 questions but just trying to be a contributor
1. Looting makes you visible.

2. You're just using the hide ability in game while hiderun is turned on for mq. So you would just put hide on a hotkey and press it.

3. Only classes that have hide. You can get a rogue shroud for hide.
darkeros said:
3. Only classes that have hide. You can get a rogue shroud for hide.
Class doesn't matter for MM and in MM shrouds don't do anything but let you go past 30 AA banked :P

The second monster you can play as is a rogue with hide, but doesn't have sneak. Pick that one if you're planning on using HideRun.

Warp vs HideRun offset

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