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warp - waypoint list (1 Viewer)

Feb 6, 2007
I'm looking for a way to list all the waypoints in my current zone. I think the plugin used to do this but it seems to be broken. I tried writing a macro to echo this information but it isn't working either. Any help would be greatly appreaciated.

Rich (BB code):
Sub Main

	/echo ${Ini[MQ2Rwarp.ini,${Zone.ShortName}]}

	/declare list 
	/varset list ${Ini[MQ2RWarp.ini,${Zone.ShortName}]}
	/echo ${list}

/squelch /endmac
After a night of additional research I finally found the solution. The follow macro will display a list of all waypoints for your current zone.

Note: You will have to change the path of the MQ2Rwarp.ini file. I highlighted the file path in red, Just change it to whatever path you use on your computer.

Rich (BB code):
Sub Main

	/declare list 
	/varset list ${Ini[C:\EQ Macroquest2\MQ2Rwarp.ini,${Zone.ShortName}]}
	/echo Current waypoints are - ${list.Replace[|,, ]}

/squelch /endmac
warp - waypoint list

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