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IRL - What 1700 Messages Have Taught Me (1 Viewer)

Apr 12, 2023
1. Don't Talk About Fight Club

2. Every reaction means something

3. Don't engage with the vocal minority

4. Continue to cultivate relationships. And make friends!

5. Listen to the people who know more than you.
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I have also seen that you should take into account your own ego and sarcasm or lack there of.

You learn this in the current day texting but I feel like a lot of people still get booty hurt because something that is posted here can come off as short or sarcastic and it's not.

You can blame this opinion on me lurking and that's okay, but I've seen a lot of disagreements or people getting salty over a comment or an answer and I see people snap, I get it, but take a minute to reread it and process it and then continue.

Like you said, listen to people who know more than you, but sometimes that leads people to feeling inadequate and defensive when some one is just trying to help them even if it comes off the wrong way, be patient and take a step back, not everything is against you.

"But that's me, I could be wrong, maybe it's a terrible tragedy."
1. Don't Talk About Fight Club

2. Every reaction means something

3. Don't engage with the vocal minority

4. Continue to cultivate relationships. And make friends!

5. Listen to the people who know more that you.
@RobRenfro for every action there is an equal an funny gifaction...

Baseball Fail GIF

I have also seen that you should take into account your own ego and sarcasm or lack there of.

You learn this in the current day texting but I feel like a lot of people still get booty hurt because something that is posted here can come off as short or sarcastic and it's not.

You can blame this opinion on me lurking and that's okay, but I've seen a lot of disagreements or people getting salty over a comment or an answer and I see people snap, I get it, but take a minute to reread it and process it and then continue.

Like you said, listen to people who know more than you, but sometimes that leads people to feeling inadequate and defensive when some one is just trying to help them even if it comes off the wrong way, be patient and take a step back, not everything is against you.

"But that's me, I could be wrong, maybe it's a terrible tragedy."
I'm a lifelong martial artist. You always have to know who you are in the fight. You can apply that to life beyond fighting. Know who you are in the conversation. I'm not beyond arguing I'm guilty of that. But seldom with people I know have a higher EQ IQ. It's usually the jerk I should ignore.
#5 is beautiful, but I've also learned its opposite is equally effective. Learn who not listen to. Once you learn both, you are the master of your universe.

Thanks for the philosophical teachings Rob the wizened!
5. Listen to the people who know more than you.

No one knows more than me... Just ask my wife. I tell her, "I know, I know" all the time when she gets onto me. Listen baby, you don't have to tell me about the garden hose leak, or the grass needs to be mowed... I'll get around to it eventually and I know it needs to get done. I know everything just don't wanna do it! 😅😭
No one knows more than me... Just ask my wife. I tell her, "I know, I know" all the time when she gets onto me. Listen baby, you don't have to tell me about the garden hose leak, or the grass needs to be mowed... I'll get around to it eventually and I know it needs to get done. I know everything just don't wanna do it! 😅😭
This is true, when a man says he will fix something, he will fix it! There's no need to keep reminding him every six months.
I have also seen that you should take into account your own ego and sarcasm or lack there of.

You learn this in the current day texting but I feel like a lot of people still get booty hurt because something that is posted here can come off as short or sarcastic and it's not.

You can blame this opinion on me lurking and that's okay, but I've seen a lot of disagreements or people getting salty over a comment or an answer and I see people snap, I get it, but take a minute to reread it and process it and then continue.

Like you said, listen to people who know more than you, but sometimes that leads people to feeling inadequate and defensive when some one is just trying to help them even if it comes off the wrong way, be patient and take a step back, not everything is against you.

"But that's me, I could be wrong, maybe it's a terrible tragedy."
If people make you feel inadequate it's not because the know more than you. It's because they are assholes. I know when someone asks a question. I try to explain in simple terms. The way it was explained to me. You can't be helpful if the person asking the question doesn't fully understand your answer.
IRL - What 1700 Messages Have Taught Me

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