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Discussion - What Class Runs Out Of Mana Fastest? (1 Viewer)

Apr 12, 2023
I know people will say Mage and Druid but I don't have that problem. The only Class I have that runs low on mana is Ranger. My Rangers are all set to use their Bows and they still get below 20% mana every fight it seems.
Enchanter, if you have them doing anything except buffs and crowd control. Their nukes are mana hogs.
Enchanters have plenty of mana, if you use "mind *flavor*" mana tap dots (get first one at 104).

I would say druid, rangers, bst (the hybrid melee vs spell dmg has never really been balanced right, so to do good DPS, BURN your mana)
I know people will say Mage and Druid but I don't have that problem. The only Class I have that runs low on mana is Ranger. My Rangers are all set to use their Bows and they still get below 20% mana every fight it seems.
@RobRenfro ... duh warriors ... cuz they don't have any ... now CATCH!

soccer GIF
Druids, Rangers, and Paladins are what I always hear about

Enchanters have plenty of mana, if you use "mind *flavor*" mana tap dots (get first one at 104).

I would say druid, rangers, bst (the hybrid melee vs spell dmg has never really been balanced right, so to do good DPS, BURN your mana)
Remember when the mind of line returned more mana than it cost? And the damage on enc dots was godly? Pepperidge farm 'members.
At the current point in the game and with my group config, my WIZ is always first to oom. Trying to optimize timing and balance things out so mana depletion rate is roughly the same with everyone. My SHM always has the most mana thanks to canni.
ENC and MAG mana depletion rate is pretty much the same. I go through 11-15 mobs and my WIZ is oom, everyone else except SHM is 50% mana. SHM usually floats around 70-80%.

Looking at EQParser my WIZ and MAG do the same amount of DPS which is just sad.

The one who does the most DMG in every single fight is..... Surprise surprise, my PAL. 205% haste, double/triple attacks, 2hs, two offensive weapon proc, one defensive proc, dmg shield, and self-healing. Is always around 90% mana. My SHM hardly ever heals unless it's an emergency with some named that suddenly pops up.

I can see why so many opt for melee configs though this would require going gold on all of them.
I always had problems with mana on my ranger. Could be I don't know what I'm doing. The other classes I have no problems if the gear is decent and AA are current I was fine unless burning. Burns are a different story except SK. SKs are too awesome to run oom.
Wizard - manaburn drops the most in shortest possible time. Enchanter probably overall depending on runes that soak up mana - think wizard still pips the post at engage point
The one who does the most DMG in every single fight is..... Surprise surprise, my PAL. 205% haste, double/triple attacks, 2hs, two offensive weapon proc, one defensive proc, dmg shield, and self-healing. Is always around 90% mana. My SHM hardly ever heals unless it's an emergency with some named that suddenly pops up.

I can see why so many opt for melee configs though this would require going gold on all of them.
Yea the uptime you get for being melee is crazy. I haave the same issue with my bard versus my magician in that the bard does more overall damage than my mage but the mage has a better average dps over a grind session. Things just die so damn fast the the mage might get 2 spells off per mob.... maybe. I actually removed my mage this week and PL'd some alts and my dps didnt change that much. Not a knock on the mage, he pulls his weight in longer fights for sure, but melee vs trash mobs is a no contest.
It seems (and demi backed up from dbg's comments), that OOM is expected 2 times.. Raids (and sometimes its meant to be part of the event), and kill grinding (what EQ doesnt want you to do). Doing missions and quest, never kill more then 10? mobs, and collect reward, repeat.. camping a named, well just have to clear PH, MQ's normally clear more, cause why not, but as noted, dbg's has been trying to push people away from mob grinding for 8+ years.
If you run SK, BST, BRD together, should never have mana issues because of the group regen and SK mana taps.

Why my favorite group (My main) SK, SHM, BRD, CLR, RNG, BST

Why the cleric you may ask? Because my Ranger tanks lol
If you run SK, BST, BRD together, should never have mana issues because of the group regen and SK mana taps.

Why my favorite group (My main) SK, SHM, BRD, CLR, RNG, BST

Why the cleric you may ask? Because my Ranger tanks lol
My Ranger and Druid still go OOM, even with SK/BRD/ENC/NEC as rest of group.
Druid an Ranger easily. Using CWTN plugins. It's so bad that I put a shaman persona on my druid and at 115/autogrant it could keep up in a grind better than my 125/near max aa druid. The ranger is in a similar situation. Great while it has mana, but that's not for long.
Any toon that I am actually playing in the group ... cuz im a button masher :f5: ..moar fire! moar ice! moar deeps ... and then the blue bar goes away and i sit back down....
As far as I can tell, this depends entirely on how fast your dropping mobs. If you're using a dot heavy class, like dru/bst/rng, and fights are lasting 12 seconds, which in today's trash mob terms is a sustain of around 4 million DPS, then any of those classes is going to have mana issues. These days I turn dots off, even on the bard, once the AA/gear gets to the point where the group is under 20 seconds in fights. Then and only then do I not have mana issues with those classes and I have both a bst and a bard stacking all sorts of mana regens all the time (aura/pulse/crescendo/reflexive disc, but not the AE). This questions is very heavily dependent on playstyle, gearing, AA and automation toggles. I have no experience with SK or necro, so can not comment on them and sham is entirely self-sufficient at any point so just let them do what they're gonna do! In general though, the faster you're destroying mobs, the worse it is for DOT users in a variety of ways.
Enchanter, if you have them doing anything except buffs and crowd control. Their nukes are mana hogs.
How are they running out of mana? At level 75 after a tash,slow,dot,cripple, mine nukes constantly w/o any mana issues. EVen with running charm.

Where i lose mana is the constant rune lines i keep on it to help it survive pet breaks, but even with gather mana, mana crystals etc. enc keeps a lot of mana. If you're using Kiss\Mule Assist you have a lot of options to make sure the enc has mana.
How are they running out of mana? At level 75 after a tash,slow,dot,cripple, mine nukes constantly w/o any mana issues. EVen with running charm.

Where i lose mana is the constant rune lines i keep on it to help it survive pet breaks, but even with gather mana, mana crystals etc. enc keeps a lot of mana. If you're using Kiss\Mule Assist you have a lot of options to make sure the enc has mana.

Yep! I also fine-tuned my SK with KISS to max his Mana taps and run the rest of the group with CWTN plugins.

Once i did this, ive never run back and I drive with my BRD
Yep! I also fine-tuned my SK with KISS to max his Mana taps and run the rest of the group with CWTN plugins.

Once i did this, ive never run back and I drive with my BRD
I haven't touched that on my SK. My SK usually has no spell room for mana taps :(

With grouping with highly raid geared ranger + enc (with charmed pet 99% of the time) SK is all about : HATE ME NOW!

MuleAssist on all but ranger, and the group flows nicely. I have been tempted to try the CWTN plugins but
I tweaked my WIZ and now does 5x-10x more DPS than everyone else and hardly runs out of mana with Patient Harvest.
The spell change was simple, spam Mana Weave and Wildmagic lines. The WIZ now instantly deletes mobs or does substantial damage quickly. Also always has Mana Flare from my ENC which seems to proc three times instantaneously with wildstrike...

The ones oom first is now a competition between the ENC and MAG since they don't have any means to instant regen mana like the SHM and WIZ during constant pulling. The ENC is always busy with buffing(inc runes)/debuffing and dots. Hardly ever nukes. Same with SHM (never nukes).
The MAG simply nukes slowly and occasionally sends out pet swarms on named.
I tweaked my WIZ and now does 5x-10x more DPS than everyone else and hardly runs out of mana with Patient Harvest.
The spell change was simple, spam Mana Weave and Wildmagic lines. The WIZ now instantly deletes mobs or does substantial damage quickly. Also always has Mana Flare from my ENC which seems to proc three times instantaneously with wildstrike...

The ones oom first is now a competition between the ENC and MAG since they don't have any means to instant regen mana like the SHM and WIZ during constant pulling. The ENC is always busy with buffing(inc runes)/debuffing and dots. Hardly ever nukes. Same with SHM (never nukes).
The MAG simply nukes slowly and occasionally sends out pet swarms on named.

wiz parsing a lot better than mage?
I tweaked my WIZ and now does 5x-10x more DPS than everyone else and hardly runs out of mana with Patient Harvest.
The spell change was simple, spam Mana Weave and Wildmagic lines. The WIZ now instantly deletes mobs or does substantial damage quickly. Also always has Mana Flare from my ENC which seems to proc three times instantaneously with wildstrike...

The ones oom first is now a competition between the ENC and MAG since they don't have any means to instant regen mana like the SHM and WIZ during constant pulling. The ENC is always busy with buffing(inc runes)/debuffing and dots. Hardly ever nukes. Same with SHM (never nukes).
The MAG simply nukes slowly and occasionally sends out pet swarms on named.
(these all concern modern era)
You get mana dot starting at level 103. You have a AA harvest mana (7 min cool down), and you also can use the blue self summoned mana stones (50k to summon, returns 50k when you click it). Between those 3 tools, and mage rods, enchanter should be good to go.

Mages can use zone monster summoning (there is a tool here on the site), to re-harvest mana.
Discussion - What Class Runs Out Of Mana Fastest?

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