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What is the mq command to check to see if you have a specific task? (1 Viewer)


Jun 19, 2005
What is the mq command to check to see if you have a specific task?
I am wanting to make sure that i have a certian task from a taskmaster before going off and doing the rest of the macro and i was wondering if there was a command to check the tasks you already have aginst some text
came up with this:
Rich (BB code):
#Event ReceiveTask "You have been assigned the task#*#" 

/declare ReceivedTask string outer 

Sub Event_ReceiveTask 
/varset ReceivedTask 1 

Sub TaskWait 
/varset ReceivedTask 0 
/delay 4 
/if (${ReceivedTask}==1) /goto :RTWLoopEnd 
/goto :RTWLoop 
Yep that should work. Mine uses the actual TaskWindow, but since it is GUI driven you must have the window opened for it to work. Your's will work no matter what.
If you look at the basic advpath.mac ... you can populate variables from your events. #1# is the wildcard.

Rich (BB code):
#event PlayFile "[MQ2] playfile #1#"

#include advpath.inc

Sub Main
  /call InitAPFVars 1 15 20
  /squelch /alias /startrec /echo record
  /squelch /alias /stoprec  /echo stop
  /squelch /alias /playfile /echo playfile
  /call AdvPathPoll
  /delay 5
  /goto :Main_Loop

Sub WaitTilThere
  /if (${PathingFlag}==1) {
    /call AdvPathPoll
    /delay 1
    /goto :LoopTilThere

Sub Event_PlayFile(string Line, string PathFile)
  /call PlayFunction "${PathFile} 1 nf nopp noz"
  /call WaitTilThere

now you can apply this to your task mac and add a /if to determine if you have a specific task.
What is the mq command to check to see if you have a specific task?

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