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Discussion - What is your most iconic memory of EverQuest? (1 Viewer)


the Degenerate
Oct 18, 2023
For me, I was probably 10 or 11 and I was really big into EverQuest. I was always a closeted nerd in school and would skip sleeping some nights to sneak out into the living room and play it. I was chuffing on that EverCrack and loving every minute of it. So, when my birthday came around and I was really big into the game, I asked my mom to buy me some plat for my bday. I was young so I really sucked at the game and I would spend the majority of my time running around and chatting. The exp was so slow back then, I'd get to lvl 20 and that was a huge achievement to me because I could use /surname. So, when my mom bought me like $150 in plat for my gift I was absolutely ecstatic. I played on Tallon Zek for the most part back then and I was so excited to make a char and twink them to the teeth! I got so excited as I bought all the gear I had been dreaming about for a new character, I had the fungi, I had the blind clicky, I had an AoN, I was finally able to get all the gear I dreamed about whenever I saw other people with a twinked character.

It wasn't but a day or two that go by and I'm probably at like lvl 20 with full twink gear and steam rolling newbies. Before I could go to the casino IRL, I'd go to who ever was offering a /ran lottery in EQ (like Richgirl does now). I was there messing around and someone came up and started chatting with me and appreciating my setup. He sucked me in and gained my trust, I thought he seemed like a real honest guy and why would people lie on the internet? So, he started talking about how he has a lvl 65 (or w/e max lvl was) Necro that is all geared out that he is willing to trade to me for my gear. This guy couldn't even show me the damn Necro, but I was a kid and believed him despite my instincts telling me I shouldn't. I traded this guy all my gear, he shoved it all in shared bank and logged out to delete the character.

When I tell you that I cried, I really cried man. My heart was broken and my birthday gift was gone. I had nothing to show for it and my character was now naked. Unfortunately, that taught me that you can very easily scam people and get free money at a young age, so I may have struggled with doing that for a while in my teenage years. That guy didn't realize it at the time but he really had a deep long lasting effect on me by doing that. On the plus side, it taught me not to trust people as well and I needed that.

How about you guys? Any crazy stories? I've got some more really nutty ones. My parents played this game and had friends IRL who also played, so this game was a big part of my childhood and growing up.
For me, I was probably 10 or 11 and I was really big into EverQuest. I was always a closeted nerd in school and would skip sleeping some nights to sneak out into the living room and play it. I was chuffing on that EverCrack and loving every minute of it. So, when my birthday came around and I was really big into the game, I asked my mom to buy me some plat for my bday. I was young so I really sucked at the game and I would spend the majority of my time running around and chatting. The exp was so slow back then, I'd get to lvl 20 and that was a huge achievement to me because I could use /surname. So, when my mom bought me like $150 in plat for my gift I was absolutely ecstatic. I played on Tallon Zek for the most part back then and I was so excited to make a char and twink them to the teeth! I got so excited as I bought all the gear I had been dreaming about for a new character, I had the fungi, I had the blind clicky, I had an AoN, I was finally able to get all the gear I dreamed about whenever I saw other people with a twinked character.

It wasn't but a day or two that go by and I'm probably at like lvl 20 with full twink gear and steam rolling newbies. Before I could go to the casino IRL, I'd go to who ever was offering a /ran lottery in EQ (like Richgirl does now). I was there messing around and someone came up and started chatting with me and appreciating my setup. He sucked me in and gained my trust, I thought he seemed like a real honest guy and why would people lie on the internet? So, he started talking about how he has a lvl 65 (or w/e max lvl was) Necro that is all geared out that he is willing to trade to me for my gear. This guy couldn't even show me the damn Necro, but I was a kid and believed him despite my instincts telling me I shouldn't. I traded this guy all my gear, he shoved it all in shared bank and logged out to delete the character.

When I tell you that I cried, I really cried man. My heart was broken and my birthday gift was gone. I had nothing to show for it and my character was now naked. Unfortunately, that taught me that you can very easily scam people and get free money at a young age, so I may have struggled with doing that for a while in my teenage years. That guy didn't realize it at the time but he really had a deep long lasting effect on me by doing that. On the plus side, it taught me not to trust people as well and I needed that.

How about you guys? Any crazy stories? I've got some more really nutty ones. My parents played this game and had friends IRL who also played, so this game was a big part of my childhood and growing up.
That's really fucked up thing that guy did to you. That MF deserves a public flogging.
Old school North Ro. It had Spectors on the island and you had to have a magic weapon to kill the Gouls in zone!!!!

Miss those days
The ghouls! I totally remember trying to kill my first ghoul. Made the long ass run from qeynos. me and a friend tried to kill one and I started to freak out not being able to kill him. Took us a while to figure out the magic weapons part. Good times.
My most iconic memory was making my first EQ friend.
/Pulls up a chair and sits down.
Way back in 99 my cousin introduced me to EQ. I had no idea what it was and wasn't really that much into gaming, I didn't even have my own computer. I watched him play and everything about it just sucked me right in. The sound of looting coin and items, the combat sound effects, everything. I found it all charming. He offered to make a character and described the classes to me. When he told me about monks and hand to hand combat, that was it for me! So he made me a monk on Eci server. I played for a few hours then he asks if I wanted to be a "pk". I had no idea what the hell that was but I said "yeah, sure". So he did this little task and I got me red name tags. I still didn't know I was now pvp, at that point. The next day I made it to lvl5 and I get a random tell from a cleric chick asking me " want to go smash some gnolls in BB"? To that I said " yeah ok, what's BB"? She tells me it's Blackburro and that's where the gnolls are. So after finding my way to the entrance with /loc, I finally meet her and her real life roommate that was playing a druid. We say hello, form a group and head in. ....loading please wait.
Myyyyyy god! It's total chaos as soon as we zone in. Like a full on war zone! Groups of people fighting all over the place, people shouting out TRAAAAIN! We quickly learn to gtf out of the way. We start hunting and then we find out that a normal player can't heal a red tag player. She asked me why I made myself pvp. I told her I didn't know I was pvp and that my cousin made this toon for me and that he said something about "pk". She didn't know what pk was. So I looked up at my cousin that was across the room playing his own game (funny, he wasn't even into EQ) I called him out , " hey John, what's pk anyway?" He looked at me and said "player killer" , and kinda nodded his head. I thought to myself, fuuuuuuuk. I Told my cleric friend that she was right, that I am pvp. That sure is shit didn't stop her! She had some big ol lady balls! She said "screw it, let's just keep going". So we did. We eventually found other players to join us, that could tank for us. I died a lot and she would get pissed that she wasn't able to heal me. Looking back now it would have been much better for me to just roll a new toon. But I wanted to keep up with my new friends. And she was super hard core into her toon and so was her roommate. We had a blast leveling up. Talked a lot, laughed a lot, made jokes at each other and we would always group up with each other. I was able to play almost every day, but it was my uncle's house and even though I did work for him and was there at his place almost all the time I felt I couldn't just hog his computer for a few hours every day after work. Eventually I saved up and got my own computer. Bought my own copy of eq and went right back to Eci. I made a new toon, a warrior this time, (and I still main this toon down to this day) and found my friends again. She was my total everquest best friend we got along like peas in a pod. We would take breaks from EQ now and then but we always found each other when we came back. I had lots of friends with eq but with her it was different. Other friends would come and go but with her it was really like ride together-die together. I was gone from EQ for 15 years, been back about 2 1/2 now, and I check for her whenever I'm on. I haven't seen or heard from her in a very long time. I'm hoping wherever she is in life that she's doing well. I would totally give anything to be able to hang with her again. Those are my best everquest memories, I'll never forget them.
I was on VISH Raid. For those that do not remember, when you died doing that raid you spawned skellies. For some reason I was the only one alive. I had every freaking mobs chasing me. I did not want to die, lol.

So I noticed every time I got close to the cliff they would fall off. So I got real close on the next run they all fell off, haha. I FD and Lived ! I still remember that raid, lol.
I was on VISH Raid. For those that do not remember, when you died doing that raid you spawned skellies. For some reason I was the only one alive. I had every freaking mobs chasing me. I did not want to die, lol.

So I noticed every time I got close to the cliff they would fall off. So I got real close on the next run they all fell off, haha. I FD and Lived ! I still remember that raid, lol.
the mobs didn't have /chase back then!
I have more good EQ memories than I probably care to admit but here's a couple with a bit of funny in them.
Qeynos hills as a noobie when I encountered a druid in wolf form for the first time, was 2 of them actually, I stood there a few minutes trying to attack the 'named wolf' before I worked out it was another player.
Temple of Veeshan in its current era when you could still summon a guide or GM to assist with problems, we somehow got Lord Vyemm stuck in a wall and he couldn't hit us and we couldn't hit him. The guide arrived and said "How can I help?" someone said "Vyemm is stuck in the wall" the guide paused a moment then replied "Vyemm isn't online."
Finally getting into the FBSS Camp in lower guk during the original game era where that FBSS was the haste item to get. And I was in that camp for 36 hours straight. During that time I lost on 11 sash drops when people weren't doing CAWU rules yet. One guy even won one, then came back and won another. Even proclaiming "You are still here?".....yeah...good times. Not.

Oh and I never even got one at the end of it all. I ended up trading a SSoY for one later.
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the iconic memory.... i hate fear and fear hate. but hit fifty on vox after a paired raid night (naggy and vox). the yellow text going across the server, the tells lagging you out
Oh man, so many memories. Very first character a barbarian warrior, getting lost, wandering way out past the newbie area at like lvl 3. Found some ruins with some higher level players. They had last names and looked so awesome in their armor (probably banded). A shaman with them gave me sow to help me get back to the newbie area. Getting lost in the newbie area, because no maps in game and didn't know about eqatlas (if it existed then). Trying to get through blackburrow to Qeynos with no light source (that tunnel is dark). That long run across west karana, dodging griffons. Trying to figure out how to get through highpass. Having to wait until day to get across kithicor forest. Making it to freeport and begging for a bind. Finally being able to meet up with the people I knew in real life that started in the freeport area.

Man eq felt so huge back then. That sense of wonder from not knowing. Very first game like it.
Fondest memory I have playing eq was when I was applying to my first guild. It was the Rathe server and the guild was Keepers of Edanvant. A gnome enchanter name Gnonu started me on my journey by telling me to see out the members of the guild and talk to them. First one I encountered was Tekk a ranger who pretty talked about general things nothing major and was in Crushbone at the time. The next one was a druid named Deeo they didnt want to chat in tells they wanted to do it in say and told me the name of the zone they were in. Well, I had no clue as to where the zone was so I was off to find a map and get going. I made it to the zone and was then told to use my tracking skill to find them. That was an adventure for sure. Once I made it to them we started talking about spells, nature and stuff, true roleplaying stuff. Well I was like level 8 on my first char and was in hog heaven. Thinking wow this is so cool !
Later on I was in EC Tunnel and word got out BoTS had released The Sleeper and we all were thinking that there was going to be a dragon running through EC wiping everyone out as it passed.

That time was magical, I wish that I could experience that again somewhere / some time.
In 1999 I was 14 and my first character was a Barbarian Warrior. Of course I had no clue what I was doing (although I thought I did). Anyway, some nice fella handed me a full set of bronze armor when I was about level 10. I felt like a god and nothing could stop me. Good times.
Where do I begin? So many great memories. Difficult to choose, lol.

One of the funniest memories was pre-Kunark era. Was on a PoFear raid late in the evening. We had just begun fighting the Dracolich and everything was going great. Keep in mind, resist caps were so much lower back then. When the dracolich did his PBAE Rotting Flesh, I saw the message I had resisted it. Overcome with joy and a sense of uberness, I immediately typed, /rude to give that dracolich the good ole middle finger. Well, the timing couldn't have been any better...Cazic Thule apparently didn't appreciate the rude gesture I gave and shouted my name across the zone for all to see. It was a blur after that...finding myself naked at my spawn point and the guild chat full of LOL and LMAO messages. 🤣
First day when EQ open and I was stuck in surefall glade tunnel. It was so dark that I kept zoning in and out of qeynos hills because I couldn’t see jack and kept getting turned around.
Seb we have the whole crew down there I'm the Shaman and my girl Leah I actually met playing EQ is the Druid. Louis Roberts is the puller. He brings in one of his standard pulls ( more mobs than can possibly be in the zone ). But Leah I I are busy talking dirty or worse maybe. The group wipes. Lou says Nice Heal Ass Monkeys!!!
And proceeds to have his wife make a Cleric.
So many!

Finishing my epic and 8th shawl as a Druid. Farming lodizal with a warrior buddy.
Farming the ft3 boots in CT and becoming rich.

My favorite was as a sub 20 Druid, with the ability to track. A lvl 40 pally asked me to come to lfay and track. While we were there he also had me track thistle underbrush, who we killed over and over. He let me keep the braided ivy cords, which went for like 300-500 plat back in the day. Talk about set up for life!

24 years later and I still think fondly of that and the pally (Serecherd) and I kept in touch for a decade.
The beginning of my Rerole Career.
It all started with an IKS, WAR I logged in and I was running around and three frogloks following an iksar npc kicked the daylights out of me so fast. I thought man this must be a really high level zone.
After my first Death I entered FoB and thought Oh this must be my city where I can play. Checked all the vendors and didn't want to venture into the big scary doorway, because I knew that's where those frogloks were so, I started killing everything I could. My typing was garbage, (and still is) so when someone ran up and said "Hey" it would take me two min to say hey back and by that time they would be long gone. So I just soloed and killed my way up to level 17. I was so excited because my typing skills were getting better, I got some groups and I saved enough plat to buy two items of Ringmail Coif, and Pants. I was so excited!

I called my bro up (who got me the game), and he logged in to join me. I told him all about my adventures and he started laughing at me. I was like what did I do? He began to tell me about how the Doorway I was so scared of was my home city and there are Vendors, Quests, and even BANKS! Then he told me about The Epic quests, and how I ruined my ability to complete it because I destroyed my starting items to make room for Vendor loot. I was devastated, I decided I guess I have to start all over. I deleted my char because I thought he was now useless and began my adventure again. I continued to create new characters over and over again realizing I enjoyed it so much to start over meet new people and experience the same zones in different ways. I spent over 5 Years getting my chars to level 20 and rerolling I loved experiencing all the different classes and races. I have yet to get a char to max level and have only participated in one raid. The only regret I have is not keeping the same name char because I have made and lost so many friends.

Although, I know no one will know my name, for I have had many, I want to thank everyone for the Memories! Main servers I played on Luclin,FV, and All the TLP servers.

Now going to go Reroll an IKS, SHD
I first started playing EverQuest when I was around 10 years old. My parents didn't want me playing late night, so I'd 'fall asleep' on the couch, and then wait for my parents to go to bed. I'd hop on the family computer and start to grind. Mom woke up at 2am and I was in the middle of a LGuk group trying to get a Mask of Deception for my bard. Shut down the computer and was grounded for a week. Good times.
Best memory was when I started playing. I have a cousin that got me started playing. He bought the game for me on my birthday in 2001. He's pretty demented so it figures he plays on the ghetto server of EQ, Sullon Zek. Ruleset for SZ was 3 teams, good, neutral, and evil. You could kill any of the other 2 teams after you passed lvl 5. Then it was no holds barred. As you can imagine on a ghetto server there was a ton of griefing. There were hardly ever GMs on that server. Training was life. I was a DE SK. Always have played SKs since then. We were zone hopping between nek forest and ec trying to kill a red. I had him pretty low and he finally zone plugged. I had used up my harm touch but he was dumb enough to plug long enough for me to get that back. I sat and waited for him to log back in. He was gone for about 2 hours. Apparently he went and watched a movie while I waited for his ass to log back in. I remember a few people asking what I was doing and how long I had waited for. Their reactions to just that was the fun part. I'm pretty determined or mental. This guy, carnivirous, was talking mad shit since he was red to me and then to have him zone plug pissed me off. He logged back in and was instantly dead. I had my harm touch back and I hit him with it. I looted his greater sig and got the hell outta there all the while getting spammed by him pissed off that I had waited so long just to kill him.
One I always come back to - right when Velious launched, couple friends and I were working on proper raid capable classes (ENC, CLR, SK, MNK), and getting our group/mechanics chops in LGuk dead, camping in the Savant room but pulling from Assassin all the way down to just before Hand/Mage. We'd get the normal "/ooc camp check?" calls, and as our enchanter/wannabe dictator, I'd answer those with "/ooc Ass/Sup/Sav/Cav/Sage" One day, someone got salty about us camping up that many spawns, and decided to play train games with us from both directions. First train, they brought us like 7 mobs and I enchanted my arse off to lock that train down and survive. About an hour later, I get a /tell from saltyPlayer_01 smack talking about how did I enjoy getting ported to bind, and I said we are still camping exactly where we were when you brought that feeble train. About 20 minutes later, same guy, new train, this time 8 mobs and we once again derailed his attempt, only this time, he stays FD'd in the Savant room watching. Waits until we get to like 2 frogs left, goes and fetches from further down past Cav...Exe I guess? Comes back with mini train of 4-5. We derail that during repop of Sav room. Dude runs off. About 15 minutes later, I get an expletive filled rant about how we are ruining the server and he reported us to GM.

GM actually shows up in /tell like 20 minutes later, says he's reviewing the chat logs, and I said cool, have at it. About 10 minutes later, GM says no problem, you all derail trains well, have a nice day. Our cleric was already in our server's top raid guild, and that day got the other three of us invited. My two buddies joined, but undergrad plus a full time job had me buried, so I said thanks but have to pass. When Omens was in raid farming stage, the MNK and SK from that day in LGuk were the #1 SK and MNK our server, and the SK was the best geared SK in all of EQ.

To this day, in real life, the four of us who grabbed two random LFGs to go exp in LGuk still remember the day of many frog trains. About 6 years ago, we had drinks together and toasted to LGuk.
ignoring my girlfriends texts and calls for a day when I first started playing in 2001, she came over crying and I told my mom to tell her I was sick in bed. My door creaked open and I said “did she leave yet” without looking over my shoulder, thinking it was my mother. Of course it was my soon to be ex girlfriend who ran over and began punching me for ignoring her all day..

Ah, memories…
Had a friend between duty stations, crashing on my couch. My brother was staying in the spare room, and all 3 of us, major Evercrack heads. We all raided (friend was lead puller), and my friend set his stuff up on a little desk in the corner. We are all raiding (CoA), drinking beers, shooting the shit. Friend is like *bio while the raid meds*. My brother is like *watch this* and changes his Inc hotkey to /shout GUILDNAME IS THE BEST GUILD EVER and then line 2 /Ex. Friend comes out of RR, raid gets ready to move, goes to pull *Booom* out of game. He like shit, im logging back in. Goes to pull again, *Boom* back out of game. He logs back in, raid leader is why are you shouting, then DC'n? Hes like I DONT F'N KNOW!!!. Tries one more time, does the same thing.. He rage quit, stormed out to living room.. my brother and I are dying laughing. To this day I still chuckle, and that was almost 20 years ago.

ps. friend to this day didnt know what we did. I logged him in and changed it back.
I first started playing EverQuest when I was around 10 years old. My parents didn't want me playing late night, so I'd 'fall asleep' on the couch, and then wait for my parents to go to bed. I'd hop on the family computer and start to grind. Mom woke up at 2am and I was in the middle of a LGuk group trying to get a Mask of Deception for my bard. Shut down the computer and was grounded for a week. Good times.
Ohhhh my god! This story resonates in my soul. 😂 I was always grounded for doing some stupid shit like that, and then I'd sneak out to get some screen time in. I remember one time my mom changed the password to something completely random and I sat there for 2 hours brute forcing it while she was at work with everything I could think of until I got in. You imagine how excited I was, I kept that I knew that password a secret for months.
Iconic memory is a type of short-term sensory memory in which one can recall visual images for just a few milliseconds after the physical image has disappeared
The title is phrased "most iconic" memory, not which iconic memory do you recall the most. The word "iconic" is widely considered to epitomize an era, culture, community, place, etc.; representative. My intention was to use the word as an adjective and I thought that was clear, but I apologize if it was not.
For me, I was probably 10 or 11 and I was really big into EverQuest. I was always a closeted nerd in school and would skip sleeping some nights to sneak out into the living room and play it. I was chuffing on that EverCrack and loving every minute of it. So, when my birthday came around and I was really big into the game, I asked my mom to buy me some plat for my bday. I was young so I really sucked at the game and I would spend the majority of my time running around and chatting. The exp was so slow back then, I'd get to lvl 20 and that was a huge achievement to me because I could use /surname. So, when my mom bought me like $150 in plat for my gift I was absolutely ecstatic. I played on Tallon Zek for the most part back then and I was so excited to make a char and twink them to the teeth! I got so excited as I bought all the gear I had been dreaming about for a new character, I had the fungi, I had the blind clicky, I had an AoN, I was finally able to get all the gear I dreamed about whenever I saw other people with a twinked character.

It wasn't but a day or two that go by and I'm probably at like lvl 20 with full twink gear and steam rolling newbies. Before I could go to the casino IRL, I'd go to who ever was offering a /ran lottery in EQ (like Richgirl does now). I was there messing around and someone came up and started chatting with me and appreciating my setup. He sucked me in and gained my trust, I thought he seemed like a real honest guy and why would people lie on the internet? So, he started talking about how he has a lvl 65 (or w/e max lvl was) Necro that is all geared out that he is willing to trade to me for my gear. This guy couldn't even show me the damn Necro, but I was a kid and believed him despite my instincts telling me I shouldn't. I traded this guy all my gear, he shoved it all in shared bank and logged out to delete the character.

When I tell you that I cried, I really cried man. My heart was broken and my birthday gift was gone. I had nothing to show for it and my character was now naked. Unfortunately, that taught me that you can very easily scam people and get free money at a young age, so I may have struggled with doing that for a while in my teenage years. That guy didn't realize it at the time but he really had a deep long lasting effect on me by doing that. On the plus side, it taught me not to trust people as well and I needed that.

How about you guys? Any crazy stories? I've got some more really nutty ones. My parents played this game and had friends IRL who also played, so this game was a big part of my childhood and growing up.
Kiting Specter Island, Sand Giants, and Lockjaw with my druid wearing fungi, manastone, clickstick, and sow boots and watching half the server....WTF...who is that nutjob and did he really just do that and solo kill that whole island...

eddie izzard death GIF
Back when I was kid, like I said in the OP, my parents were into the game. They were both in a guild, and my mom was still with her first husband which was a bit of a toxic relationship. My step-dad was a bit of a degenerate, but they were both in the same guild. There was a female in his guild that they were friendly and close to. Well, my step-dad cheated on my mom multiple times with women he's met online and he grew quite fond of their female friend in that guild, spending long hours role-playing with them. I don't think it was sexual, but they were flirting and being playful like that. So, he decides he wants to ask her to marry him in-game so their characters would be married.

This is when their friend had to come clean with a dirty little secret. He had been a middle aged man the entire time that was role-playing a female Dark Elf. I knew this guy in game too, and I always thought it was just a woman until he called our home phone and left a message that I got to first. I was absolutely shocked, and I'm sure my step-dad was too. However, he had been framing this entire thing to my mother as a role-playing experience where none of it was real, so he had to continue on with the wedding to play it off. So, they had the full GM wedding experience with their whole guild there, as two "straight" men got married to each other and my mother watched.

I had a weird childhood, man. But all I can say is it could have been a lot worse because I was always still very well taken care of.
Falling asleep in my chair while camping Chief RokGus for the instant invis circlet, and waking up in the morning to see myself still alive - I either feign deathed shortly before falling asleep or did it in my sleep. If you're a necromancer I guess it became muscle memory to FD - just don't move FD to another hotkey.
Kiting Specter Island, Sand Giants, and Lockjaw with my druid wearing fungi, manastone, clickstick, and sow boots and watching half the server....WTF...who is that nutjob and did he really just do that and solo kill that whole island...
I miss the days of being able to do crazy stuff (crazy by the view of everybody else of course). Doesn't feel like we get to show off all the OP items we collected nearly as much as we once could.
I played on Lanys T'vyl with some older friends that were in big raiding guilds. I remember the first time I got invited to raid with Riders of the Apocalypse in PoFire. We killed General Reparm and since no one else needed it, I got the Fiery Staff of Zha. It was miles above any of my other gear and I was ecstatic!
Some great stories here. I feel bad for the people that got scammed. I remember just like the OP I was very young 12 or 13 and accidently deleted my main which was lvl 35 or so. I pretty much went insane for about 30 minutes. I got my character back but most of his gear was gone. Sad day but I suppose my best memory was just grouping with my real life friends back then because they dare not touch such a time consuming game these days.
Most of my best memories are just being a part of the community and making a bunch of friends. Not a soul I knew irl played eq or any games other than halo, really. So I felt at home with my guildies and online friends.

A small group of us would love to pick someone randomly from the guild, and all wish them a happy birthday at the same time (despite it not being their birthday). Without fail, everyone else online would also say happy birthday, and the person would be so confused.

So dumb, but I laughed so hard each time.
Some great stories here. I feel bad for the people that got scammed. I remember just like the OP I was very young 12 or 13 and accidently deleted my main which was lvl 35 or so. I pretty much went insane for about 30 minutes. I got my character back but most of his gear was gone. Sad day but I suppose my best memory was just grouping with my real life friends back then because they dare not touch such a time consuming game these days.
Oh ya, I killed the bride in a EQ wedding once. I was alone as my friend refused to be a part of it. I was about 15 or 16 at the time. It's called Everquest - Wedding Crasher on YouTube. I found it hilarious at the time, I still think it's slightly funny at 35 years old.
I was introduced to Everquest by a friend from church in 2000. One night after eating dinner together, I went to his apartment, and he showed me the game. At first, when he talked about it at dinner, I didn't get it, but then after seeing it first hand, my world changed. He let me create a character on his account, and I chose a wood elf druid. I fell out of trees like at least 10 times and of course died each time. So when I finally got a decent computer and the game for myself, I purposefully chose halfling instead of wood elf just so I wasn't falling out of trees to get to the ground. :cool:
First day when EQ open and I was stuck in surefall glade tunnel. It was so dark that I kept zoning in and out of qeynos hills because I couldn’t see jack and kept getting turned around.
The bloodsaber defiler got me before I ever even got out of Surefall. Then it was the tunnel.; should have quit then and there lmao.
Discussion - What is your most iconic memory of EverQuest?

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